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Everything posted by anaya83

  1. what is the installation time?? truck looks really good btw!!
  2. no its not just you, they look crooked for some reason
  3. i also thought it was a ss, looks good
  4. well at least you have proof that the other truck hit you, so there is no way the other guy says it wasn't him, hope that sob pays, good luck
  5. i can't believe it's the same guy, i liked borat so let's wait and see i this one is as funny
  6. i thought the same thing when i first saw it
  7. that sounds good especially the carne asada y las cervezas
  8. hahahaha that's some funny stuff
  9. what is needed to get it to play dvd's?? thanx
  10. i haven't seen this before but if it's a repost sorry
  11. then paint both of them blue, jk, that bike came out real good
  12. that was pretty dumb, to not let go of the trigger
  13. maybe on a different weekend?? what part of texas are you going to be driving from?? because over at pt.net we're also trying to do a g2g in carrizozo,nm
  14. good to know, what if you do some mod. to it??
  15. it's called "ss roll pan"' and i say this because i've been searching for a roll pan like this on the internet, and that is what most of the stores call it, except that if i get it i'm going to get the exhaust on those two "vents"
  16. that is the same thing that i was thinking, are you going to sell the other ones?? or are you keeping both??
  17. 93 honda civic si hatchback, it was a fun car
  18. how about getting pulled over by this one?? oh btw this car is from Royal Oak, MI
  19. just to clear things up, i was talking about the cop and people that are like him
  20. what an @zz, some people don't know how it feels to lose or to be losing someone
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