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Posts posted by hossram64

  1. Yeah makeing sure the outlet tube doesnt hit the head driver side all you do is take bolts out and turn the supercharger to the point where the outlet tube does not hit the head do not pull the supercharger apart just take bolts out and turn. Everything else pretty simple, but in the instructions it says nothing about clocking unit I had to call them to find this out after I did some custom work to try to make it fit :mad: any question let me know be happy to help

  2. Im not sure it could be because of the stall, but I have notice it takes longer for the truck to boost. It will climb gradually, but not right away like when I step on the gas. Not sure what could be the issue I have no vaccume leaks only thing I can think of is maybe the belt or maybe with the new stall converter it changes how fast it will climb into boost. Any ideas? Thanks- Steve.

  3. Yeah im with you on the nervous part when I go to the meet in October it will be the first time I have been to the drag non the less even racing my truck at the drag, but all the SS guys will be there so hopefully they can give me some pointers and tips.

  4. Bought a syber team catch can off of ebaymotors not sure on how to install it. Which hose do I run into it the one coming from the passenger side valve cover or the one running from intake to the drivers side cover? Also which ever line I run into the can do I run the other line back out of the can and into which ever valve cover I disconnected the hose from?

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