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Posts posted by 56chevywagon

  1. It is a trick question. It states that the plane is standing on the conveyor but it does not state that the plane is stationary...so the plane will still move down the runway like normal therefore it will have airspeed and lift at the wings.



    I talked to one of my engineering teachers about this problem today. He said the plane will not take of unless the wind conditions are right. He said the turbins give the power for take off and that doesnt depend on wheel speed BUT the design of the wing is what makes a plane able to lift off. It is designed for the pressure on the bottom of the wing to be greater than on top of the wing which can be adjusted by the rutters. Unless that pressure on the bottom gets to that point from the resistance of the air flowing against it it will never be able to take off unless the headwind is strong enough to reach the point needed for lift off.

    :dunno: No one said anything about wind. It only states that it's on a treadmill there for it will take off and no one said anything about the wings being different. This is a conventional plane we are talking about here. So yes it will take off!


    Right I know there was nothing menntioned about wind. I was stating that he told me unless there is that high amount of head wind it wont lift off due to the plane is basically just sitting still. Second as far as wings go all wings for any plane from conventional to commercial are all designed to do the same thing and lift the plane. They work on the principle of pressure under the wind is great enough for lift. He explained all this better but he did do some engineering research in aeronautics.

  2. OK OK...even if there was a moving ground...the aircraft would still move. It is being propelled by the thrust of the engines and not by the movement of the wheels therefore the aircraft will still move down the runway like normal no matter how fast the conveyor is moving therfore the plane would still take off.

  3. I'd strongly suggest the millitary... I served 8 years active and am about to join the reserves...Navy... I am currently working for Honeywell as an APU Assy. Team Lead...this position normally requires a degree but my millitary experience took care of any degree requirements, plus the millitary can help you pay for your college degree. They currently offer 100% tuition assistance for active duty and I believe reserve also. Just a suggestion, I enjoyed my time in, thats why I'm joining the reserves...I actually miss it... :flag::thumbs:

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