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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Servos Shift kit Tune Depending what headers you choose, you could easily go over your $1,000 budget with them alone.
  2. Is anyone watching extreme cheapskates?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ruben525


      When dose it come on? I'm gonna have to check it out.

    3. eeekroar
    4. rickyrick562


      Yea 9 here in cali too

  3. I know a few guys have Corsa systems without cats, and don't have similar complaints. I understand you not wanting to drop $700 on a new system though.
  4. Are you playing the old republic?
  5. You can pull a cup of sea foam through the PCV valve, or the brake booster very slow.Shut off the truck. Pour the rest into the gas tank. Let it sit.Start up, rev rpms, and hold them while it smokes. Then go for a quick drive keeping the rpms up high.Do a oil change, check your plugs, check your throttle body to see if it needs cleaning.There is quite a few threads on it.
  6. YESSSS!!! Look at my total shipped. Total: $0.47 I had a couple coupons, plus I am enrolled in ZAZZLE BLACK so I get free shipping! WINNING!!!!!
  7. You might want to put up some pics, I'm sure it could help your sale.You also forgot to add a price. Since there is no price listed, I'll take it for $1,500.
  8. I think your a front runner for nicest person of the year.
  9. At least we all know who the owner is now I wonder what his favorite dragon movie is?
  10. Oh god! Why lift a 2wd?If your going to lift it, AT LEAST throw some bigger rims on it. WTF is up with those tires? CHECK OUT MY FLAME TREADS BRO!!! I
  11. On the Second day of Christmas,my true love gave to me A pack of neon tire valve steams.
  12. You might have to travel to find the one you want. Unfortunately, you can't just drive to the closest car lot, and pick one up like a Mustang. Here is about 90 http://www.cars.com/for-sale/searchresults.action?sf1Dir=ASC&mkId=20053&mdId=22061&kwm=ANY&rd=100000&zc=75201&PMmt=1-1-0&stkTypId=28881&sf2Dir=DESC&sf1Nm=location&kw=ss&sf2Nm=price&rpp=50&feedSegId=28705&searchSource=GN_REFINEMENT&crSrtFlds=stkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-bsId&pgId=2102&bsId=20209
  13. The Garrett might not be able to handle that much HP increase!
  14. Bump Someone wants to sell me their TVS 1900
  15. Very heavy item??? Hasn't he heard of flat rate shipping?
  16. Must be nice being hood fabulous. Anyone want to get a little bet going? How many people thinks he has more money in tvs than three months rent at his apartment?
  17. So far just going to Atlanta in February, and Moto GP in Indianapolis in August. I'm sure more plans will turn up.
  18. Am I the only one that feels worse seeing the ASPCA commericals with the sad looking dogs, than the hungry kids in foreign counties commericals?

    1. Miller812


      im with ya man i hate that aspca commercial

    2. Ruben525


      Word. I feel bad for the kids but the dogs get to me. I love my dog to death

    3. Fireman31


      I agree, nothing worse then seeing an abused dog with no home. Makes me want to cry........

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