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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. How did I end up from buying RHCP tickets, to wanting to own an owl?Dang youtube suggestions

    1. rickyrick562


      Well at least u got money to blow im broke

  2. I wear the Kswiss Tubes now, and it feels like I am walking on air. Also, 11 sounds low. Maybe if you had a SC/Turbo. Try keeping your foot out of it, don't go above 55, and take off like a grandpa. You should see at least 17.5. If not it's time for a tune up. You are using premium all the time right?
  3. hahah That looks like NOLA every night. Just throw in a some crack heads, and guys sleeping throw up with no shoes.
  4. All the thick padding in them that make them so comfy, also make the shoes tight. You could just be more susceptible to in grown nails. Some peoples nails are more rounded. Does anyone else in your family get them? Do you play sports? Once it heals to the point of no open wound, you can soak your foot in hot/warm water with epsom salt. It will draw some of the infection out. Also, one your nail starts growing back, soak it a few times a week, because when it's growing back you are at more of a risk of developing another one. My problem was wearing skateboarding shoes,converse,and cleats. I was in them all day at school, either went to skate after school, or to a friends, so I would not take them off until late at night. The last two times, I did not play football anymore so it was defiantly from the shoes I was wearing. They were not to small, I always had a thumb length between toes, and tip of shoe. They are so thick to protect your feet from skating, that it just squeezed the hell out of my feet. Edit- I don't think so. The nurse said I couldn't have anymore medicine because they gave me as much as they could. I turned pale, and sweaty.Then they said I turned green before I got sick. My mom was in there every time until they started cutting. She couldn't handle all the blood.
  5. Yeah, they took the whole thing out. Not exactly sure why he didn't just cut the corner out, but every time he cut all the way to the cuticle then pulled it out. The last time it was nasty as hell.It was oozing puss, swollen. I said I would loose my leg before I went back. I finally went when the puss started turning a greenish color.The second time the numbing medicine he gave me did not work. They gave me full syringe, then started, I screamed, and said give me more. I got a full second one, and he went out of the room for couple minutes. I said to nurse, I think I'm going to puke. Threw up. He came back in started. I said I give me more numbing medicine. The nurse said I can't have anymore, that my lips were turning blue. So I just had to suffer. My mom works at that doctors office, and said other people complained about that medicine not working within the last few days. Try another foot doctor if it starts again.Try not to wear Converse, or skateboard shoes like DCs/Etnies/Adios/ETC. I stopped wearing them, and haven't had problems since.
  6. I've had three removed. They cut behind the cuticle through the skin, and cut through the nail. Then they took small scissors, and cut down the middle. Then pulled both sides out. My nail has grown back every time, but I have a huge ridge/line down the center. I think it had a lot to do with wearing football cleats, or tight shoes. Nothing sucked worse than going to school, with no toe nail, and EVERYONE stepping on your foot. If you have an injury, everyone is magnetically drawn to it. Luckily, I can drive mine all year. What sucks is not being able to ride the bike when its below 40ish. I can't remember the last time it snowed down here. Maybe 8-10 years.
  7. I know exactly what you mean, but it always happens on my bike.
  8. I'll take a hoodie, and two shirts for sure. Maybe more if I really like the design.
  9. A 650 dollar jacket can't protect you when your to fat to zip it up.I should probably stop eating popcorn every night.

  10. Right on, good luck finding the one you want. Once you do, the feeling is indescribable.
  11. Oh, okay sorry. I was just going by what your other post said. "I want one within the next week. "
  12. Well, the time has finally come. Ready to stop being the slowest guy on the site. Looking for a supercharger, or possibly a turbo kit. Preferably a TVS 1900. If the price is right maybe a 112, or 122. I am looking for a full kit. LMK what you have, feel free to PM me.
  13. Dang....22k for 81,xxx miles Just wondering, why do you have to have the truck this week? I understand being impatient, but finding exactly what you want at a decent price takes a little time.
  14. Some have the v8, some have the v6. The v6 still runs a high 15. Which is pretty much the same as the truck. He must have been doing something wrong to be over taken with a head start, and beaten by five car lengths.
  15. I learn you should not questions a guys manhood based on him not owning one tool. Not even a screw driver. He will question yours that if you can't bench 300, and do 90 push ups a day.At least I own a screw driver,HA!

    1. rickyrick562


      How do can you not own a single tool?

    2. eeekroar


      Idk, this guy didn't and got seriously offended that I said that. So he has to question mine by saying I'm not a man until I can bench 300, and do 90 push ups a day. I couldn't stop laughing


  16. He must really like doughnuts to lose by 5 car lengths, when getting the jump start in a car that can run 14s.
  17. I kind of see your point. BUT 80k vs 30k? With the extra 50k I'm buy a bike,boat,and another car.
  18. Not a good deal. I paid 19k, and it had 32,xxx miles with a two year warranty.
  19. http://www.cars.com/for-sale/searchresults.action?mkId=20053&mdId=22061&kwm=ANY&rd=100000&zc=92108&PMmt=1-1-0&stkTypId=28881&clrId=27123&kw=ss&rpp=50&feedSegId=28705&searchSource=SORT&crSrtFlds=stkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-clrId&pgId=2102&sf1Nm=location&sf1Dir=ASC&sf2Nm=price&sf2Dir=DESC
  20. I agree. 36k BIT isn't to bad. I mean shit under 8,000 miles that's not even broken in yet. Plus, price of all the upgrades.
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