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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Police just stopped by my house to tell me almost everyone on my street has had their doors kicked in and robbed. I knew I bought a 13r magazine for the 12 guage for a reason.

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    2. eeekroar


      Some of the peoples advice was classic WTF?Only have a bat so a stray bullet does not kill a neighbor. Last thing I'm worry about during invasion, is my neighbor. I'm not shooting 50 cals, My aunt is like that though. Will only have pepper spray for protection. If police can fight through it, I'm pretty sure a crackhead can to.

    3. silverado777


      As long as you use the right ammo you shouldn't have a problem. Its the retards that go to walmart and buy target rounds to use for home defense that kill other people.

    4. eeekroar


      My Saiga only likes Slugs, and Buckshot. House is brick, and my girl knows to hit the deck if SHTF. Plus,I live in the woods, so if something found it's way out of the house. It has to go through a forest to hit a neighbor.

  2. If I was going for that sort of look I would choose the Marble process. You could get it in that silver/ gunmetal color. If you have ever seen it in person, it looks SICK! You could tell people you skinned at bowling ball, and gorilla glued it to your truck.
  3. Wow, You were this {- - - -} close to me officially hating you.
  4. It would probably look cool black, or chromed. Only downfall would be you have to move around the room during certain hours of the day when the sunlight hits it, and burns out your retinas.
  5. You problem was, you were not running the chrome naked ladies.
  6. Ya, it was during the summer that I "worked" there. The smell of the sausage cooking while you are standing over it at 5:00AM, when you had no sleep the night before is horrible. A friend of mine got hired a few days after me, and his first day he passed out standing over the grill. Bounced off it, and hit the ground. I blame the sausage,haha.It was probably lack of sleep, and standing over the heat. It's not a bad job if you don't have many bills to pay.
  7. .....or he could be a dickhead, and sell the other truck, and buy a radix. I feel for you man. McDonalds sucks. I worked there for 2 weeks when I was 15. I developed the worst case of acne known to man from standing over the grill. Not to mention you go home smelling like a french fry. Plus, if you work mornings you have to be there at 4:30 with a ton of 50 year olds bossing you around like they are the smartest people on the planet.
  8. Help him? That's crazy talk! You could just do what the lady who almost hit me head on, and ran me off the road. KEEP DRIVING!
  9. Good question. Beats me. Maybe to see how they will do, or just to be idiots. I can't tell you how many times people scream WHEELIE, at me.
  10. First off..... That was hard as hell to read. Second, congrats on the truck. Third, no one tries to race me in my truck,unfortunately.Every guy in a truck, or Honda tries to race me on my bike though.
  11. Don't stub your toe on that beast!
  12. I think he means since he has owned it. Hopefully......
  13. Nothing like ordering 1,000 crickets of the wrong size..

    1. Ruben525


      What do you need that many crickets for? What are you gonna do with em?

    2. eeekroar


      For my chameleon. I will just have to let them grow until they are bigger, but still need to order some more until then. I got a few roaches left.

  14. Welcome, Post some pics up. The search bar is your friend, there is quite a few threads that detail that.
  15. What's Magnaflow, and Flowmaster. I heard real men run Corsa.
  16. Would of been better if she changed the oil, then you watched the movie.
  17. I like the second one. "Hey! You said something to me Dodge? "
  18. Those are pretty cool. I would imagine they would good lit up.
  19. Am I the only person that thought Manny lost?

    1. Ruben525


      I think the crowd did too.

  20. Shopman1 http://shopman1.com/default.aspx
  21. Dos Santos or Velasquez??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eeekroar


      dude Fox had no sound on my tv. Like zero, only sound was when commercials came on

    3. Ruben525


      That's it fox just wanted to make money lol I bet they made bank of those commercials. I like em better on spike or ppv

    4. eeekroar


      I swear as soon as law and order came on after, the sound worked again

  22. autoanything Use 15% off code. They honestly need to start paying me commission.
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