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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. I don't know if It was just from the shock, but I just remember I backed my truck into the driveway last night, so she didn't have to back it out. She hit it going forward. The mailbox is a good seven foot from my driveway. Two in one week.Last week she wrecked the BMW into a HUGE parking curb and busted up the front bumper. She doesn't deserve to hold a drivers license If you are visiting MS, and see her. I advise you to do anything in your power to get as far away from her as possible.
  2. Slept late today, and was woken up by a missed phone call. Checked my messages, and they said.... " I'm sorry but your going to be mad at me." "You can get the new bike" Since Wednesday is her last day at her job before she switches, I figured they talked her into staying. WRONG! I called her back and she said, "I was in a hurry this morning when I had to move your truck and I wrecked into the mail box." Granted I was still half a sleep so at first I said your lying. Then I thought about it for a second and remembered she can't back up to save her life, so I immediately dropped the phone an ran outside. AHHHHHHH! MY BABY!!!! It was no lie. She dented it, and ran deep scratches all the way down the cab,and bed. Sure I always thought I could be involved with it in an accident,but never in my front yard.
  3. Congrats! That's a beautiful backdrop!You have snow covered mountains. We have broken asphalt,dirt mounds and bushes.
  4. I talked to customer support today and this is what he said. Bill: Yeah, that is something that I have seen several times. if you have changed the power source, and the audio source and are still having issues with the system, then it is likely it is an issue with the system its self. Bill: I would suggest exchanging it at the place of purchase. I took it over to my moms to try on her two computers,and its the same wind noise.She has an older Phillips set and it worked fine, My computers are both new so I figured it wasn't them. The noise is even there when the audio input cable is not plugged into the computer, or inputs on the back of the sub.
  5. Honestly, I have no idea. My last surround sound speakers sounded great until they hit the floor. I read reviews once I hooked them up and noticed the problem.Everyone has the same humming/buzzing problem. Logitech told a few people they have faulty ground loops to return the product. I tried plugging them into different, sockets, power strips and both of my computers. The only reason I guess I didn't hear it in store was it was playing music. Like I mentioned they sound GREAT when playing, just when not is the sound apparent.
  6. What kind are you using? I bought a set up Logitech Surround Sound z506 and contemplating taking them back. In the store they sounded great. As they do when something is playing on them, but the buzzing while nothing is playing is driving me nuts. Stupid me,should of read reviews first, but figured since I could test them in the store who needs reviews.
  7. eeekroar


    Search bar has tons of info on exhaust that might help you make your decision.. Use Youtube to hear some of them.Laptop/desktop speakers don't do them justice though. Corsa
  8. Stock Silver exterior...... Peanut butter brown seats.
  9. It's too stock on the exterior to be a pimp. Probably an old man
  10. People will feel bad when they have to buy one off me for $125 after they miss the order.
  11. Leather seats? That looks like some Ostrich
  12. Premium at Sam's went down to 3.82 for 93 octane. Premium at Cheveron 4.20 SAM'S WINS AGAIN!
  13. I know it doesn't expand and contract with the temperature like typical air you add to your tires.
  14. I'm sure most of you are familiar with this game........... RULES- Name a place or thing to take a picture with your SSS,CLONE,VHO . First person to go out, take, and post the picture picks the next one. Try not to make it impossible. no photoshop 1) After 3 days, the person who made the challenge can post their own picture and pick another topic. 2) If a challenge is not met after 1 week a new topic is picked by the previous challenger winner. 3) If a pic is in dispute, it needs 3 yes votes to be accepted. 4) After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date. 5) Pictures must be taken while out of your SSS,CLONE,OR VHO. 6) Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge. 7) If a picture has been posted but a new challenge has not been picked, the current challenge is still active until (a) new challenge has been picked or (b) another person posts another picture satisfying the challenge and picks a new challenge. I'll start- Photo of your SSS parked next to a Smart Car!
  15. Check the link I posted. If not look on search tempest. You have a better chance at finding gold in your backyard than stumbling upon an SS.
  16. When I delivered we always had people asking us to bring them shit. Pizza hut was very against it! I can't count how many people offered me a beer or to smoke weed with them as a tip.I'd say If I took a beer from everyone who offered me one tonight I would flip my car in the ditch.
  17. HAHA, you know!! I am looking into installing a guide rode laser in my glock, do you have any experience with these?
  18. When I cleaned my throttle body, I think some of the gunk ran into the manifold and gave me a lazy feel with a weird idle sometimes. Still haven't removed manifold to clean it yet though.
  19. Thanks man I do appreciate it.
  20. Yeah,Its defiantly a clean bike, but that's about 9 to 10 hours from were I live. Little too far.I was bitching about hauling my trailer with the SS to get one 6 hours away. Every mile I put on it,a little part of me dies inside.
  21. 11 of 27? Well at least us 11 made the 50 happen! Don't be the guy that has to buy one off of us because you hesitated on ordering, and see everyone at a meet in one.
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