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Everything posted by TheDarkness

  1. I guess it would be a relay "drive" instead of a "ride".
  2. Im not entirely sure how long the lengths are. I guess it depends where the next handoff person is in location to you. Oh i guess i forgot to say it would be cool to do this relay in our trucks instead of motorcycles. It is a silverado ss forum afterall.
  3. I am participating in an event on another forum using motorcycles where we are trying to ride through all 50 states. Except you are not riding the whole way. Its a relay that started in Florida and starts with one person or a group of people that pass a flag along to the next person and they take it from there. I thought it would be a very cool if Silverado SS owners could do the same relay. It is not a race so there would be no time limit to accomplish it. At the end of your relay everyone is taking pictures of the flag exchange and is signing the flag before it gets passed on. But I thought I would put the idea out there to see if there is any interest.
  4. The truck is very "busy". Way too much going on.
  5. I think its ridiculous when people put SS emblems on something that isnt an SS. IMO.
  6. I cant believe i just read 43 pages of that build. I am terrified to drive now.
  7. Ignore the pic of the Golf Cart. Behind it is my 69 C10. Other than the SSS these c10's are my favorite truck.
  8. Welcome from Western Kansas. The truck is pretty sweet!!
  9. When i was 16 this is what i wanted.
  10. 20MPG........Riiiiiggght!!
  11. How does the SS ride after the 3/4 drop.
  12. Heres a link to the Steering wheel control for aftermarket radios that i like to use. http://www.axxessinterface.com/steering_wheel_control_new.aspx And yes it can be done.
  13. Was at a wedding in Wichita KS on Saturday. 100 people had to go in the basement til the coast was clear. The tornado was 2 miles east of the wedding location. Whew!! The Silverado SS was in the garage in western kansas thank god.
  14. I dont think you can do custom animated backgrounds. I know you can pull images for backgrounds. But no animations. I could be wrong though.
  15. I recently installed an amplifier in my SS and i had the same "Alternator Noise" in my truck. I did run the power wire on the opposite side of the RCA's. To eliminate it i added this ground loop isolator to my headunit. Worked fine afterwards.
  16. IT Administrator for a large car dealer.
  17. Fors is absolutely right about Dell tech support. But i get the same from HP and ACER as well. I have a designated team from Dell that i call from Memphis that i deal with.
  18. Alienware is owned by Dell yes. But dell doesnt make the parts for the Alienware line. Alienware is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dell, continuing its own brand, design, sales and marketing, and support. All im saying is the XPS model is a nice "gaming laptop" alternative. Alienware laptops tend to be very pricey. I deal with Dell computers all day long and i will tell you i have no more or less problems with them than any other brand.
  19. Hey re04supersport, I am an IT guy for a living. And also a Dell reseller. I have one of these laptops personally that i use for gaming and i love it. Although i will say it would be best to go with a little faster i7 processor and get a faster hard drive (7200 RPM). I know how much these laptops cost and its best to do it right the first time. And in the long run its cheaper to order it with it than get them later.
  20. Love Pioneer. The interfaces are easy to use and look great. I have the Pioneer X920bt. Best unit ive had.
  21. The hats look awesome. I cant wait to get mine. The black with green lettering looks awesome.
  22. Im always weary of the Double din units that have a motorized face that opens up. Ive had a JVC before and the motor went out in it twice. The headunit does have some sweet options on it though. For the price on crutchfield its a pretty sweet deal.
  23. Oh i definitely gotta get one of those hats. They look awesome. Let me know what i need to do.
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