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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. A few summers ago when my daily driver was new, someone in the parking lot where I work made a face and teeth on the front hood while my car was really dirty. I was steaming mad cause I knew the clear coat was scratched, so I drove home to wash it and guess what? That face and teeth was SCRATCHED through the clear coat. I was pissed! I had to leave it like that for a few weeks till I could buff it out. I also came out a couple times to find that the mirrors were folded in and once found the mirrors on the SS folded in, which really pissed me off since they are power folding. I am pretty sure it was someone I'm friends with at work, but I still blew my stack and haven't had any problems for a couple years now.

  2. I wouldn't touch a Cherokee with a thousand foot poll, they are garbage. I know a couple people who have new ones and are having endless problems with them.


    I know some of you will want to hang me for saying this, but have you looked at the Toyota 4Runner? The 4th generation will be out of your budget but you can find some 3rd gen's in you price range. They get decent miles per gal and run forever. I have a newer 4th gen 4Runner and it's the best SUV I've ever owned.

  3. I bought a nice Samsung LCD last Jan and love the picture. My one buddy bought a Samsung LED and that thing is amazing, hope to be buying one for my living room sometime in the next year. I did a ton of research before I bought mine and Samsung was number one and LG was second choice for me.

  4. You got to be Fin kidding me man another SS stolen :mad: ! In front of every one right under their noses too they got some balls man. :angry:


    Don't tell me this year is going to be a repeat of 2009 with these trucks being stolen left and right. Hope the video camera got some good pictures and you find them and your truck in one piece.

  5. The only advice I can give is to take your time and make sure you inspect everything over the best that you can when you go looking at a house. I took a high power flash light with me so that I could see every dark inch of the basement and attic. I was pre approved and had a nice low interest rate, so having that already done made things easier when home shopping. Putting in a offer on something can be a lot of fun as well, NOT! Thankfully I'm done looking for myself and can't wait to be moving here very soon.

  6. I'm sorry, but I'm all for the law. They are looking to pass this law in PA and it's almost in place and I can't wait. I spend a lot of time in the car and in one day I see about 80% of other drivers talking and texting on the phone and not paying any attention to whats going on around them and it aggravates the hell out of me. I can not tell you how many near misses I've had with people not paying any attention because they were to busy being involved with their phone conversation instead of road conditions around them.


    Put my vote down for a YES to the new law!

  7. Those pics hurt my eyes. Sorry to see this happened to you and have been without your truck for the last couple months. Not sure if she was on the phone or texting but if she was, she should be hung from a tree for others to watch. I know that sounds harsh but I can't say anything nice with people using their phones while driving.

  8. I don't really spend that much time lurking around here anymore like I use to in the past. Anymore, there is to many newer and older members acting like 2yr olds and resorting to name calling, and bashing others over nothing. I've noticed the decline in some peoples attitudes since last summer. Not sure I see how a bad economy would have something to do with someones manners, but who knows.


    Whenever I do read a topic and I see that it's starting to go south, I just hit the back arrow button and move on or I just close my SSS tab. That's one of the beauties of the internet.


    On a brighter subject, January is almost over and spring time will be here in a couple months. This is what I have to say to old man winter :fart: YAY summer!!!

  9. Good luck on getting it back. Just curious. If you are no longer the owner of the truck, how did you find out that it was found? I would think that when the police run the VIN, that the system would just show the insurance company as being the owner.

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