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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. I put this on my truck 8yrs ago and it's still working just fine. That pop lock sticker just peels off in case you don't want that showing, at least I didn't. Get it, it's worth every penny and is very easy to install.

  2. Just thought I would give a quick update. Talked with the artist yesterday and he said no problems at all and can make the changes I want and was no where near insulted that I asked. : ) Getting the changes done in a couple weeks.

  3. Its not the best picture in the world but its better then nothing.


    Thanks for all the advice, I'm going to stop over at the shop Tues after work and talk with the artist and see what he can do. I alraedy have things all figured out on what I want to chage and how.


  4. Honestly u should be asking ur tattoo artist what he recommends... But I would think it would be smart to wait till it's completely healed up.


    I agree and I will. The shop is closed for the weekend and will not be opening back up till Tues afternoon, so I just wanted to get some opinions first before going in and seeing him. Plus this gives me a few days.


    My problem is that I'm a very quiet/shy person, so it's going to be hard for me to go in and ask. I'm just really scared that I'll be insulting him in some way for wanting to change something on his work and that couldn't be further from the truth.

  5. Thanks a lot for the advise. So from what everyone is saying, it is possible to change the colors up some. I've just never been a red and orange flame kind of person and it's just not growing on me. So it's best to wait 2 weeks for healing before color shading and not now while its still fresh?


    I'll post a picture later today when I get home after work.


    Thanks for all the help/advise.

  6. I just had a question as I know a lot here have them. I just got my very first one the other day and love it except some orange flames and was curious to know if anyone knows if I went back to my artist, if he could easily cover the orange with black and gray or a really dark red. Everything is black except some bright orange flames and I love everything about the artwork except the color orange. I don't know if this can even be done and I'm also scared of the artist feeling insulted.


    Anyone have or known someone who's had similar color problems and how that got worked out?

  7. I love it! I think its a thousand times better looking then the C6, but that's just my opinion. I'm already thinking out options to own one. I never ever in my life thought I would even think or say this, but I may even consider selling the SS for one.

  8. I think it does have some kind of keep cranking feature, my truck has done it a number of times where I've bumped the starter and it kept cranking till it started.


    Really? My Toyota 4Runner has this, you just stick the key in and touch it and the thing starts automatically without having to turn the key and hold. And since I am used to this since I drive it all the time and not the SS, I'll find myself doing the same in the SS only to have the starter stop when I let go of the key.

  9. But when you get home from having a rental all week, don't you feel good to get behind the wheel of the SS?


    I bought a new Camry Sport in July and love it. I test drove a million cars and trucks and kept going back to the Camry Sport. Yes, I know, it's a Camry, but the thing is fun as heck to drive and they pack a crap load of features into it with a decent price. I got the very top of the line Sport. The Charger I looked at was 34k with the same features and the new Regal was around that same price range, and it was way smaller.


    There are no other SS's around my parts of the woods, so whenever I take it out for a spin on those nice sunny days, it puts a smile on my face knowing that I've got something special, plus seeing others looking at the SS is fun too.

  10. The service manager just called me to say that they are going to start working on my truck today and should have things finished tomorrow. He said that the reason the price is so high is that they have to hand make all the lines there, that they do not buy lines from GM or other parts dealers. He said with the amount of labor that is involved, this will have such a hefty price tag. This all could not of happened at a better time for me. :(

  11. Sorry to hear of the accident, but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been and everyone was fine and most importantly, it wasn't the SS. : ) I actually like the new Rams. I test drove a few and really liked them a lot and wanted to buy one but needed something that got better MPG's, so I went with a regular car. Good luck!

  12. So I took the SS out for a nice ride around town since the weather is beautiful here today and after a nice relaxing run at the park, I went to fill up the gas tank to head home. During my drive at 35mph on a 6 lane route (3 lanes on each side plus a left turning lane) I was in the far left lane minding my own business when some SOB in a newer F-150 blows through a stop sign at a shopping center and cuts across three lanes to cut me off. To avoid smashing my truck into his ugly POS, I slam on the brakes only to have my brakes blow and the peddle went right to the floor with all kinds of alarms and warnings flashing on the dash. Thankfully there was no cars in the right two lanes, so I swerved over to the right/middle lane to avoid hitting the jerk face and then throw the shifter into N with flashers on and was then able to get into the far right lane till I got into a Lowes parking lot.


    What a scary thing having your brakes going out while driving. I never in my life want to have this happen to me again. Waited a couple hours till a tow truck came to take me and the SS to the dealer where my dad met me to give me a ride back to my house. So the service guy that I've been dealing with since I bought the SS brand new gave me a call a little while ago to give me the bad news on the damages. He said that the right front brake line blew open and he also said the master cylinder blew. He said that the brake lines are all in very bad shape and suggested that I replace all of them as the others are just on borrowed time before they go. The damages come to $1980 with parts and labor and after taxes, I am looking at $2120. What a kick to the balls this was.


    And to make things worse, everything is closed for the holiday weekend, so he can't get the parts till next Tuesday at the earliest or maybe not till Wed. I feel sick to the stomach over this expensive bill and not seeing the SS sitting in the garage is real depressing. I put my DD into the garage and it just wasn't the same. It feels like one of my kids is gone. :tear:

  13. Just thought I would post a pic of my new car, it's a Camry SE. I picked it up a month ago. I know a lot on here will hate it since it's not a GM product but I don't care. : ) I loved the new Camry body style the second I saw it the first of this year and really wanted one. I spent 5 months looking at many cars, trucks and SUV's and kept coming back to this one. For the value and options this thing comes with, nothing out there compares to this. It's fully loaded with every option including heated leather, satelite radio with Nav and backup camera and smart key system (which is still taking time to get used too). It's a six speed auto but you can shift the gears with the console shifter if you want or use the paddle shifters on the wheel. For a 4dr car, it's pretty fun.


    I know it's not something a single younger guy like myself buys but it fits me just right. Since I kept my 4Runner, now the SS feels like an outsider being the only non Toyota on the proberty. : (


  14. My SS just squeezes into my garage. I have just enough room to open the door enough to get in and out and that's about it. My garage is all concrete walls, so I can't make any changes if I wanted to make things fit better. I've got a mark on the passenger side of the garage wall that when my passenger side mirror touches the line, my rear bumper is a 1/4 inch from touching the back wall. I also had to remove the handle from the inside bottom of the garage door in order for there to be enough height. That handle only stuck out 3" from the door, so that shows just how tight of a squeeze things are.


    When I was looking at houses, I would take the SS with me so I could test fit things, the agent and home owners never had any problem with me doing this.

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