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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. Good luck with the battery thing, I lost. I never had any problems with mine till Sept where mine was going dead. After having to jump start the thing a couple times, I took into the dealer and they said there was nothing wrong at all and said the reason was because I only drive it a couple times a week.


    But whats really strange is that ever since I had it to the dealer, I haven't had any problems with it.... Go Figure. :dunno:

  2. Just a quick question. I noticed the other day that the lighted buttons for the windows, set memory, headed seats, and locks are not differnt colors. When in the pitch black of night, some of the buttons are lighted brigher and more whiter then some of the others that are a little darker on the drivers door. I'm not sure if any of this makes any sense or not, but I was just curious if the sudden change in colors means that I'm about to have a bunch of lights that are getting ready to burn out or something.


    I should note that I have had to jump start it a couple times, not sure if that could blow anything out or not, the dealer said there isn't anything wrong with the truck and that I cant do any harm by jump starting the thing.


    Oh, and now my heated mirror on the passenger side isn't working.


    Does it ever end???? :dunno:

  3. Sorry to see/hear what happened with you and the SS, brings a tear to my eye to look at the pics. :tear:


    Did you hear anything yet from the insurance people? Looking over the pics, I'm still trying to figure out just how you did the damage that you did, the doors seem to look fine still while everthing behind them is gone. :dunno:

  4. the dealer I got the truck from is an hour and a half drive from me. :( I jump started it and drove it around last night and it seems fine now, but the green light on the batery still is not glowing.


    If that green light will not glow, does that mean its done and to replace it asap?

  5. Ya, I was going to leave that part out too of it sitting for a month. :D


    But when I bought the truck, the batter was totally dead from it sitting in the show room for so long. It was funny when they had to jump start it on the showroom floor. I always wondered if that might of damaged the battery.


    Should I call the chevy dealer, or just call the 800 number in the warrenty book for road side assistance?

  6. I did a search before creating this post, but couldn't find what I was looking for, so I apologize in advance if it has been brough up here before.


    The battery in my truck is dead, its only been sitting for about a month since I last drove it. I've let it set before for 3 months at a time in the cold winter months and never had any problems.


    Anyways, would the bumper-to-bumper warrenty cover a new one? I was just going to get a new DieHard at Sears yesterday when someone told me that it was covered.

  7. Wow, I really like that steering wheel, I sure would like to get that for mayself and just might do that. What does a steering wheel puller look like and cost? Someone said you can get them at sears? What dept sells them at Sears and are there different types to pick from?


    Oh, and what does this line by Autoguy mean:


    "The important part of this install is giving the airbag time to discharge before removing it from the truck"


    Do you have to disconnect the trucks battery for 15mins, which turnes off the airbag?


    Any info you can provide will be of a big help, I know nothing at all about this stuff.

  8. The cd player in my blazer did this same exact thing for a while till it stopped working. I tried the cleaner stuff and nothing. Now when you put in a cd it just keeps trying to read it over and over and then says error on the screen and then ejects it. I just think of it as another GM thing.

  9. Well it does sound like they are trying to make an example out of the lady, but at the same time she was throwing garbage out the window into the parking lot. If I was the person who had to clean up the parking lot all the time, I wouldn't like having to clean up someones discarded food items. Why couldn't she of just put it in the bag or just ask to not have lettuce on the burger when ordered?


    I also hate people who throw cigarette butts out the window, I thought this is what the ash tray in your car was for.

  10. I have a dell desktop and I guess its okay. I got the medea edition and watching tv on it was great, and I use to always set the recorder to record all my shows, which I never had any problems. Then one day when the computer was a year old, it crashed. I had to re-install everything (took all day) and once everything was back up, I wasn't able to get the meda to work anymore and every since I have not been able to watch tv at all on it, I keep getting all kinds of errors that the drives are not installed and other stuff that I can not remember right now.


    I also had a problem where the motherboard went and had to get a new of of them because I wasn't able to get one from anywhere else (dell makes them this way to keep you coming back to them).


    I also had very bad experience with their customer support. Now my computer is only 2 1/2 years old and the flat panel monitor just died on my sunday, so now I have to go out and buy a new monitor. It makes me sick that my 10yr old HP monitor still works like new and the dell flat panel is dead.


    I'm not sure what I'll do when it is time for a new computer, i'm not really all that impressed with any of the makers right now.


    Oh, and I also work in the computer field too. :uhoh:

  11. It looks smaller then currently, and looks to sit lower to the ground.


    Oh, and no I don't like the looks of either the Chevy or GMC one. Like others, have to wait and see it in person. If I ever did tade my SS in on another chevy truck, would have to get a tahoe. Other wise, I'll be looking at different brands.


    Sorry GM, but you should of done better then this new gen. :puke:

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