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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. Look into a Toyota 4Runner. I got one 4 months ago and is the best SUV I've ever had. The thing has plenty of pick up and go, and is sharp looking. I have also been getting 20mpg on average for city and highway driving, not to bad.

  2. Thanks for all the info guys. When I went out last evening to wash the truck and seen all that rust, I was in shock at what my eyes were showing me. Yes I do let it sit for periods of time, and unfortunately it sits outside in all the weather, no indoor garage. :(


    The original rotors still looked all shiny and silver after 40 months and 15k miles, but there was chunks of metal coming off them by the vents, they were just rotted like fireman31 noted above and could not be resurfaced.


    I took the truck to my local Chevy dealer, I looked at the invoice and it says nothing about brand name parts, so I have no clue if ACDelco was used or not. I'm going to guess here and say they got some cheap crap from somewhere else, my total bill came to 500 bucks for all new brake pads and rotors on all 4 corners.


    I drove the truck to work today and back, which is 50 miles. The rotor surface looks better then it did, but you can still see rust there. Whats killing me is just how badly rusted the hubs are. Now all I see is rusty parts when i look at my wheels, it's embarrassing to me.

  3. The dealer just put all new brakes and rotors on my SS two weeks ago. I could feel my brakes were bad and when I took it in, they said they went bad because I never drive it much, not sure how much of that is true or not.


    But anyways, I washed it today and seen that my brand new rotors look like they have been sitting in the bottom of the ocean for years, is this normal? Here are some pics:




    The original rotors looked good still after 3 years, I dont feel like looking at rust all the time, it's very noticeable and makes the wheels and side view of my truck look like :puke:


    I should note that ALL 4 of my wheels look like this now, they replaced all 4 of my rotors.

  4. I was thinking of posting this very subject myself just to see what others had to say. My SS will sit for days and even weeks before I dirve it again, and I am forced to keep it out in the street.


    Last fall I got this little solar batter charger thing, it's real cool. All you do is plug it in one of the power ports (cig litter plugs) and stick the solar cell on the dash at the windshield, and that sucker keeps the batter fully charged during extended periods where it just sits.


    Two weeks ago I had to take my SS to the dealer because my brakes were gone, I could tell. So after waiting an hour the service manager came to me and said that all 4 brakes and rotors were gone. He said that my rotors were all rusted out and that this happened because I let it sit to long and dont drive it much, this was a very pricey bill that left me in the hole for a good month in the wallet. So now I'm worried about the exhaust system rotting out on me, think this can happen? I'm also worried about any engine seals drying out or something, could this happen?

  5. I would have to agree with everyone on this post so far. I have a daily driver, so I dont drive my SS all the time. Hell, there are times were it will sit for a couple weeks to a month before I drive it again. But when I do get into it and turn the key, I love the sound of the motor and the sound of the exhaust, even though it is still stock.


    I also usually have a smile on my face the entire time I'm behind the wheel and tend to look into store front windows as I drive by to see the reflection as I drive by. :chevy:

  6. My factory ran up in March. I looked and the dealer I go to all the time for service told me $1200 for the 3yr/36,000. I called the dealer where I got the truck from and they said $1800 for that same one, it was that platinum coverage. The guy at the dealer I got the truck from informed me what all the fine print was, so I decided to pass and just pay for things as they go, it's a lot cheaper for me that way.

  7. There have been a couple houses around my parts blow up this year so far. The one was someone trying to commit suicide. He pulled the hoses out from a gas range or water heater and sat in a room. Two of his friends were worried about him and decided to go over and visit him to see how he was doing. Well they pulled up in front of the house and as the one lady was walking towards the front door, BANG!! The entire house was all over the place, and destroyed about like 5 other houses around it.



  8. How hard is it to get the door panel off?


    I guess I should note that it's not the entire handle, it's just the center level thing you grab with your hand and pull out to pop the door open. The cover around that lever thats attached to the door with the key hole is fine. It looks and feels to me like there are rubber bands that pull the handle in when you pull the handle to open the door. Does any of this make any sense? :banghead:

  9. I opened the passenger door this morning and noticed that the outside door handel is real lose, I can giggle the thing up and down and pull it out some. I never open this door and no one else ever does, so it cant be from the door being opened all the time. On the other hand, the drivers door handel is just fine, it's nice and tight.


    So I guess I'm just asking if this is normal and if anyone else has had this problem. Also, is this just normal and can ignor it?

  10. Sorry to hear about your dog, its hard thing to do. I just went through this with my dog of 13yrs, I had to do the deed 6 days before Christmas day and it sucked. It's been almost 7 moths and I still think he is running to the front door to greet me when I get home, then I relize I'm just walking into a empty house. :tear: :tear: :tear:

  11. Sorry about the truck, but congrats on the new house. No way on earth could I afford to buld a house at your age, so your lucky as hell with that one.


    If I was getting a newer/used car that I wanted to actually last and get good MPG, I would by no doubt get a Honda. They make damn good qualty cars and dont lose so much value.


    Please post pics of the new house, sure most here would like to see them, know I would. :)

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