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Posts posted by cwest94

  1. My heated passenger mirror stopped working months ago, just never got around to calling the dealer to get it done. Since my state inspection is due by the end of this month, I'll just get it fixed then.


    Oh, only my drivers and inside mirror dim, the passenger side mirror has never and never did since the day I drove it out off the show room floor. So, is it only these two noted mirrors that dim, or do all of them dim? Only the drivers side and inside one on my Blazer dim, so I just thought it was the same on the SS.

  2. My truck has been sitting for the last couple months not being started or anything, just sitting out in the cold temps. I'm sure the battery is dead, so I'm sure I will need to jump start it, again. But my real question is, should I bother plugging in the engine block heater thing for a while before I start it up, or does it not really matter? The temps around here the last couple weeks been in the teens and 20's.


    And if you have one, do you even use it? Just curious.


    I'm sure I'm killing the poor thing by leaving it sit in the street without ever driving it, but I just have no garage to store it in for the winter and I cant run an extenion cord out the front lawn and sidewalk to use one of those battery stabilizer things.

  3. Just a dumb question. I haven't been spending that much time on here lately but noticed that all new posts have ads at the bottom of each one. So I guess I'm just curious to know if this is permanent or not, it looks a little cheezy to me.

  4. All I can say is ALL MY GOD, I can not believe how much everyone is paying a month on auto insurance. :crazy:

    I pay 100 bucks a month for my truck and a my zr2 blazer, full coverage with $250 deductible and uninsured and under insured motorist. I have perfect credit and I'm with State Farm.


    And I thought I was paying a lot for auto insurance, so thanks everyone for making me feel better. :D

  5. I think the problem is how he felt like the dealer was trying to screw him at first. A chevy dealer in greensburg PA did that to me a few years ago on a truck that I wanted to buy. After having to put up with the sales guy and all his managers for 7 hours, I was able to get the truck for the amount I was told I could have it at. The truck was in the paper for 22,000 and the window sticker was 25,000. When i took it on the dest drive the sales guy said to not worry about the window sticker that it was mine for the price in the paper. So when it got time for doing the paper work, they were charging me 25k for it. I was getting screwed over big time and left at closing time with the truck, but i was pissed at myself for putting up with so much bull crap and still wish to this day that I just walked out and didn't buy the truck just because of what I had to go through.

  6. Wow..... Well first of all, they should not of confiscated your son's paint ball gun seeing that it was never there to begin with. I do however believe they should of confiscated the other kids gun since he was damaging private property with it. And to tell you the truth, I would love to choke that kid for doing that seeing that I was just a victim of having my SS shot by one of those damn things, and I _DO_ have damage. I've got to look at that damage now for as long as I have the truck, and hearing kids doing this kind of shit really ****ing pisses me off!!!!

  7. The only thing I got was 25 bucks from my granmda and thats it. So I guess I was bad this year :(

    When I say that, I dont mean that my grandma should of given me more money, I mean thats all I got at all PERIOD. Guess I'll have to buy myself something if I want something, it's just not the same.

  8. I think the new key fob is neat and I'm sure it will be a option with more cars and trucks as the year goes on, it's just starting out with the cadillac at first. I wish it could be programmed to work with our trucks, but I dont see that it could be, I'm sure there is a different computer that it talks too.


    I currently own two chevy cars ( the Silverado SS and a ZR2 Blazer) and my last couple cars before these were a chevy, and I will have to say that GM did over use the SS lable the last couple years. I think it was dumb to see that lable on a ugle Malibu Max and a cobalt. Don't get me wrong, I do like the looks of the Cobalt SS, but I dont think it lives up to the SS plate.

  9. Has anyone seen or heard about the new key fob GM is going to bring out this coming spring time? It has a nice extended rang with all the normal keyless entry stuff with remote start and other things, all on a LCD screen display. Here is a link:


    New GM Key Fob


    I also see that GM is going to build a Chevy Equinox S. It has the same front as the TBSS and Silverado SS, but with one less 'S' in the name. Guess GM now see's they made a big mistake using the 'SS" plate on everything the last couple years.

  10. Hey Fox, I am very sorry to hear this and hope things turn out fine. It was two years ago last week that I lost my mom of a sudden death and I'm still not over it, sure I never will be. I cant begin to describe how lost you feel when you lose a parent, for me it feels like i'm in a black hole at times.


    Please keep thinking positive thoughts, I'll pray for you and her.

  11. Sorry to hear this, I'm going through the same as you. I just had to my dog of 12 1/2 years to sleep on Friday and I'm still sick about it. Just the other night when I was getting my food ready I dropped something on the counter and turned around and put it into his food dish, I felt sick after that.


    It's so hard going home after work to a empty house now. :tear::tear::tear:


    Last year at the same time I had to put my cat of 18 1/2 years to sleep, that was hard to deal with too, but not as much as the dog.

  12. Hope your happy with less power :jester: ....Just messin congrats on the new truck, not a fan ( to Much chrome) but Congrats :cheers:





    Onyx  :cool:

    It's not that much less stock vs. stock. The new ones with a 5.3 is 325HP.


    Chevy site says 315. They new body syle looks pretty good in person. Picks really don't do it justice. Now as for the price. GM is out of their F*#$$ mind. Sticker price going up to the mid $40's for a regular silverado is stupid. Thanks GM for screwing yourself once again. Rant OFF :mad: I'm never going to get rid of my SS if I can help it. Love my truck :cheers:


    Your right, the pics dont do them any justice. I posted a bunch on here a month ago and there was a lot of mixed comments. I like the new trucks, both inside and out. The inside of them are a million % nicer then what our old, outdated ones have. I like the new trucks and all, but dont see myself trading in the SS for one, there still isn't anything else on the road like the SS.


    Oh, and the prices of them are OUT OF THIS WORLD. What the hell was GM thinking behind the prices? :dunno: I thought GM was bringing down the prices of their cars/trucks and adding more features, guess they decided to just rape those who want a new tahoe or silverado.

  13. WoW, sorry to hear about this dude, people are so damn crazy anymore. Someone once cut my aunt off in traffic and my aunt gave them the middle finger and this pissed the lady off so much that she kept doing whatever she could to force my aunt off the road. A shopping mall was up ahead so my aunt pulled in and got into a parking spot all while this crazy lady was still following her. My aunt ran into the mall going into different stores trying to lose the crazy lady (the crazy lady ran into the mall after her) and my aunt was finely able to duck out a side door, running back to her car and taking off.


    People are just FU*&ED up these days. People are rude as hell and no one has respect towards others or their prive property anymore.


    Elmers Aquarium is 15mins from my house (depending on traffic). I go there all the time for all my fish stuff, the staff there know just about anything there is regarding fish.


    But back on subject, I have fresh water fish and think they are great. I've had a 50 gal tank now for about 7yrs and have had fish the past 12yrs. My current fish just turned 2yrs old two weeks ago, I call them my kids :rolleyes:


    Just took these right now, they are Severum Cichlid's




    They have such a nice personality to them, its funny seeing how excited they get when I walk up to them. I'll be hurt if anything were to happen to one or both of them.

  15. Well...if it were me...I would walk into this bunch, introduce myself and watch. The guilty party will reveal themselves one way or another. Body language, eye movement..etc. Then after awhile, I would bring up the incident. Most people will look at the guilty party right away. Then being the **** I am, Confrontation would come down the road when least expected. :mad:

    Unfortunately there wasn't anyone around when I got back.

    It sounds like the same group of people that shot your truck

    Na, I know it wasn't. The ones who did the paintball gun thing were kids that live around me, the ones at the park were 30 to 40yr old guys. Plus the park isn't near my house. Would think people of that age would be respectful to others property.

    I always park in the back too but the worst I ever get is garbage in my truck bed.  Sounds like you have some enemies....atleast for the paintball thing.

    That use to happen to me all the time, even after I put on the bed cover. The day I went out and found trash bags in the bed of the truck is the day I went out to get a tailgate lock, that solved the problem. :)


    Dont give up on keepin it clean because someone else might mess it up F-them. Its yours to keep clean. Its not your fault three are dicks out there.

    Thanks for the positive words. I'm just getting so tired of seeing things around me and reading on here of people who have had their cars/trucks messed around with. There have been so many new post over the last couple weeks where people have had their windows smashed in to steal their radio to putting a door ding in the side. People just make me sick anymore, and here we are in the holiday seasion. Isn't this supposed to be the time for giving???

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