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Everything posted by Lefty

  1. That APS G8 (A Holden Commodore actually) yes. You stick that twin turbo in a normally cladded G8 and you have a nice little "sleeper."
  2. Wow! I really like the G8. Now, I really want a G8! 557 bHP @ 7.25psi...can you say sleeper? Giggity Giggity!
  3. Yeah, I know. Reading comprehension PWND me yesterday.
  4. Which cailber 9mm, .40 S&W, or .45 ACP? I have seen a lot of good response on this model; a lot of comparison to the CZ 75. The price is damned good too. I have been looking for a new piece, a 1911 mainly. That's a good enough deal where I might just head over to Elmo on Sat. to check it out.
  5. Ummm, yeah. I don't think there is anyway he lived through that.
  6. And we all know that Red is the faSStest!
  7. But...does she like football?
  8. The police do it everyday...(To all the officers on this site, it was a joke. Funny, ha ha!)
  9. The budTV swear jar is great...I lmao every time I see it.
  10. I'll take mine in that blue please. I like the look of the blue brakes on the red...it's different.
  11. You suck pack... All I can say is enjoy those lake beds come July/August. I know I will be enojoying weekend after weekend at a lake, with water in it!
  12. These trucks drive quite well in the snow too, ya know.
  13. I can only imagine he got a ticket of some kind. I didn't stick around. When the officer gave me back my license & reg and told me to be on my way, I was. He was heading back to his patrol car as I gave him an earful of heavy-footed Corsa Sport note.
  14. That's what I was thinking. Racing here will cost you more points and $$$ as well. Like someone pointed out, I think the officer was trying to get me to slip up...or something of that nature.
  15. I was heading home from work late last night and ended up getting pulled over. I was driving 52 in a 45. Two lane (4 lane total) sperated major through way with lights spread out every 1/4 mile to a mile or more. I look in my rear view and notice a red Nissan Z hauling butt toward me in the next lane. I also see a dark sedan hauling butt behind him. As the Z approaches me, he slows down to match my speed and then punches it and takes off. I didn't even respond to this (normally I would, just not last night). Turns out that the dark sedan in tow was an unmarked patrol officer. As he got door-to-door with me he lit up the lights and tracked the Z down. By time he pulled him over I was about 1/4 mile behind them. As I approached them the officer jumps out and flags me down to pull over. So, I did. The officer approaches the truck and says, very stearnly, stay here and don't move. Then he proceeds up to the Z and has a 10 minute conversation w/ the driver. All the while I am just sitting there trying to figure what in the world I did. When the office finally comes back to me he explains that he pulled me over for "racing." I was floored and could not believe what I was hearing. So now, here I am trying to figure out how in the hell this officer came to this conclusion. I was very respectful to him, but was very emphatic in my explanation that I was not racing or anything of the sort. He then proceeds to tell me that the guy in the Z had reported that we planned the race and I knew all about it. I couldn't believe it. I was still very respectful and held my tongue very well (for me anyway). I told the officer that I saw him following the Z down the road, at a high rate of speed, and explained my point of view that there was no way possible that the events he was describing to me made any sense. Especially since he was tailing the Z for at least 2 miles before they got to me. The officer was very argumentative and seemed pissed that I was using logic to explain the situation. Ultimately, he came to his senses and let me on my way without a ticket or written warning (which was the only just thing to do in my opinion). WTF?! I am still a bit aggrevated by this though. Unfortunately, in all of this, I did not get the officer's name so I can't really lodge a complaint. How would you have handled that situation?
  16. When done correctly, you do not lose any traction. The loss of ground clearance is minimal too. I have had mine lowered for 3+ years and have never gotten stuck or found a road I couldn't get down. I have bottomed out a couple times twoing the camper out to the lake...but that road is horrible. Granted, after lowering the truck you can't go mudding or baha'ing. Let's be honest though, that is not why you bought the SS inthe first place. As for the meet...be careful where you choose. Dimond mall security will chase you off quicker than blinking an eye...something about gang violence. Same goes for the dimond Wal-Mart. The Sam's lot...well they just call the police rather than sending over the patrolling rent-a-cops. Dairy Queen seems to get the fact that they will get business from you being there, as long as nobody starts any trouble (not necessarily refering to the SS guys either). I am pretty good friends with some APD officers and they are instructed (or so I have been told) to break up "get-togethers."
  17. When I built my house, the garage was a priority. 985 sq ft 3 car bay for me. The main 2 car bay is 25'X25'. The third bay is 36'x10'. I park the SS in the third bay, have plenty of room to work on it, and have my 8'x10' (part of the 36'x10' area) network lab that sits in front of the SS.
  18. I received this in my Pontiac newsletter yesterday. New Pontiac G8 sport truck. I think it's tits!
  19. You'd be surprised. There are more of us than you think.
  20. "Don't turn it off, the oil will dry up." :crackup:
  21. That's some good advice right there.
  22. Shit...I would have sold you my RedSS with 33K, and lots of extras, for 25k. I think 25K for an '04 with near 30K miles is a good deal. 27K is too high IMO. Nada lists a clean trade as 23,425 and clean retail as 26,975.
  23. I did this with my SS. I bought the 6 disk'r on ebay. It will plug right in to the existing wiring harness without a problem. It will not work "properly" until your get your PCM reprogrammed though. Until you do, the unit will only recognize one disk and some of the steering wheel functions will not work (seek & program).
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