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Big O

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Everything posted by Big O

  1. looks like the denver one is gone already.
  2. man I'm with Brad on that one .... good times BTW it looks like a shopman1 bowtie that had been powder coated black or has black vinyl decal over
  3. I'm pretty sure someone did it already, but I couldn't find the pictures. Here is a red silverado with some black rims ... might help you out ... maybe not
  4. paging brad ........ whore brad ......... oh well .... here's my freebee
  5. Big O


    damn it .... I've been trying to talk myself out of buy COD4 ( PS3 ) because there aren't enough hours in the day as it is. I know I will be playing it waaay too much. Everytime I see something about it, I want to play it even more. Screw you Alan, quit feeding the addiction.
  6. Goo Be Gone is good stuff to use ...
  7. No problem ... wish i had more time to work on it. Enjoy
  8. I don't have a lot of time, but here is something I threw together for you.
  9. Looks and sounds awesome ... nice work guys
  10. damn man I never get tired of looking at your truck ( fast4pooping )
  11. Thats exactly what I said when I started the topic ... holy crap, 20 months already? Just blows my mind
  12. I'm with Drew ... I love the front bumper and if I had a regular Silverado I would definately put the SS bumper on, even a tahoe. But I think Kyle hit it on the head ... Like putting cobra badges on a regular mouse tank ... One more thought off the top of my head ... look at the clones at auction versus the real deals. The money is significantly lower and the popularity is far less. But in the end, if it makes you happy ... who gives a shit what other people think. If you think your truck should have SS badges on it, go for it. Just don't expect people to give you the same respect as the real deal. Bottom line is this .... do what makes you happy.
  13. A rolex knock off is still a watch ... its not like they are putting Rolex on a calculator?
  14. Because it dilutes the prestige of the real SS's. Why do people make fun of kids from Malibu pretending to be gansta's ... why do people make fun of others who wear fake rolex's or knock off clothes ... why do people make fun of ricers for putting fake stickers on their cars proclaiming stuff they don't really have ... if you busted your ass at work and made a name for yourself and were up for a huge bonus, and some slacker who doesn't do shit but surf myspace all day comes along and said he did everything you did and he gets a huge bonus too, wouldn't you be pissed? Those are just my opinions, I'm sure people who really get pissed will chime in. I don't even care, I think it's lame but its not worth starting shit over. Normally I don't even say anything, I appreciate trucks for what they are not what stickers they have.
  15. Thats gonna be the tough part ... hoping they don't pickup on some of the bad things. My boy has a cousin who is 2 weeks older than him, and she goes to daycare. Man she brings home some horrible habits.
  16. And where are the pictures ???????????????
  17. thanks for the comments guys. I had a coworker who imparted some wisdom on me .... Rich men have slaves ... poor men have children ... hahaha My little guy is an absolute work-a-holic ... always doing something
  18. Two nights ago I spent some time outside cutting logs and splitting them in my backyard. My wife and boy took the split logs and piled them by the house. Last night I was outside playing with James and as we walked by the wood pile, he stopped and picked up a 1x4 and threw it up on the chopping block. Stepped back and swung his plastic shovel like an axe. Funny as hell. I tried to get him do it again so I could video, took a little coaching but not much. I can't believe how fast they learn things, I didn't even know he was watching me split logs the night before.
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