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Big O

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Everything posted by Big O

  1. It looks killer ... I have been back to this thread several times now just to relook at the truck. Absolutely mean looking ... I would drive it in a heartbeat.
  2. Is a custom tune better than a handheld the ol shopman1 bowtie finder comes up a lot too
  3. get clear ... and then paint the inside to match your ride.
  4. wow ... someone got a little crazy with the spray gun.
  5. You can not run E85 on a stock Silverado SS
  6. From the other forums I read, he stated she will not get a cent of the company or the house. He and his lawyer are going to set themselves up to make sure she doesn't get anything. But he stated she doesn't want anything either. It was a peaceful split.
  7. nice placement from the plows ... wow
  8. You are in luck ... in 2003 there weren't many options. They were all pretty much loaded to the gills. oh yeah........Welcome to the site...........congrats on the new truck...........and it looks AWESOME!!!
  9. I read that he put up the 'on vacation' notice along with many other tactics to avoid being 'served papers'.
  10. You could be like Home Depot .... schedule seminars and hold them in the chat room .... this month detail ... next month exhuast/drop/etc
  11. I would drop the SS .... just Lethal
  12. rippled not ruffled ..... ( see avatar )
  13. What kind of roads are you using them for.....dry.....wet......snow.....mud.....All Season.....long wearing = decrease traction is that ok?......price range.........etc. Just some questions that will help people guide you towards the correct tire
  14. I've got a 1911 .45 Just added laser sights Absolutely love the gun, lots of safety features to protect it from accidental ( screwing around ) fires. A lot of people around here get .22 pistols for target practice and fun shooting. Shoot all day long and not kill you in the wallet.
  15. Nice ... that is my field as well. I've been recruiting civils for awhile now ... but we can't compete with the Denver jobs, we are a small town 30,000 people. There are some nice areas around Denver I'm sure those guys will give you the low down
  16. Its about 6 hours away from where I am. What kind of engineering? There are a lot of TBSS guys in Denver......tbssowners.com
  17. PM MERVZ and SKJOSH .... they have the pictures ( hopefully ).
  18. Big O


    You just aren't familar with the system ... I'm sure if you did your research you would be just as successful with your truck as your are in your profession.
  19. Big O


    The GM systems have a lot of information passing through the harness, not just audio. You are lucky you didn't set off the airbags and severly hurt yourself. I would search the net for a wiring diagram if you want to learn what the wires are primarily for. did you try to connect all the wires back to each other? Basically you are doing open heart on your truck. Be careful man. Electrical issues are the worst possible problem you could ever have.
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