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Posts posted by fox_forma

  1. we had winds of 60+mph and very heavy rains to go with it. Russo and Steele tents are just a small piece of the destruction that was caused throughout the Valley. It sucks the cars got damaged either way but it could of been a lot worse with came roaring through here. It kept picking up more power as it rolled through Cali and destroyed half the state literally.

  2. how do you plan on running the exit off the muffler? Are you going to dump it or run the stock exit? Not sure about the dynomax but I had my stock exit welded up to the hooker aerochamber and it droned like crazy till I dumped it then it was quiet. Can't speak for the dynomax with a rear exit as I have that dumped as well.

  3. please search around on the site man, I myself just posted two video links yesterday of my set-ups that are exactly what you are looking for. I don't really want to back track and dig them up but if you go back 2 days in the threads you will find em under a very similar topic name.

  4. i figured i would update everyone with what i did to the exhaust. i ended up getting a 2.5" dual in dual out dynomax ultraflo x pipe muffler and had 2 tailpipes bent coming out the rear. it looks and sounds great!!! has a nice deep rumble and hardly any drone inside the truck. ill try to post pics soon and possibly sound clips. def like it better than the magnaflow, which i will be selling along with the stock tailpipe and tip.

    I was running a hooker aerochamber and it was nasty with no drone at all. What you have now is my current set-up now I have been running for about a year I think. The aerochamber was nastier sounding IMO and I will be switching back to it eventually but the dynomax is decent.


    Not sure if you youtubed any exaust clips but these were mine



  5. your out of your damn mind Chase, nothing beats Little Ceasar's $5 pizza. Same to the rest of you who agreed the new Dominos is better. It still tastes like ass, the only thing they improved on is the crust and even that all they did was add some garlic to.


    Pizza Pizza FTMFW

  6. where you at fox?


    nice game , better luck next year.

    Yeah yeah butthole! Prob shouldn't use that word eh? Couldn't find brown but I found an auburn color, will that work? :jester:


    Double or nothing the girls don't make it all the way? I will throw in my terms of the bet so if you win you are in for one hell of a time! haha

  7. I use to visit this site everyday several times and now I glance at it occasionally during the week to keep in touch with a few people. I hate to say it but I must say it, half of you guys sound like a bunch of little crying ass babies. Who cares who's butt hurt because one member doesn't agree with another, keep it out of the damn threads. Everyone can voice an opinion as they like but the reason why fewer and fewer people post relevant shit anymore is because of crap like this. The OP asked a simple question and I see the same people I see in other threads blowing this one up because they don't like someone. Its goes along with half the topics I see when I do finally decide to log onto this site, its the same people day in day out stirring the pot. Let it all go and keep it out of the forum. This use to be a friendly place among members where the only smack talking that went down was about dodge and ford forums, not against each other. To add to it, a lot of this crap is being thrown out of proportion by members who have been around for a decent amount of time and newer member who's post counts are way up because all they do it bitch about other members and don't contribute anything.


    I come here looking for answers to some questions and enjoying the site till I get half way through a perfectly legit thread to see bashing going on between the same damn people. Knock it off and grow the hell up. To everyone else that keeps the site going without issue, I will be seeing you around from time to time.

  8. btw how did those eagles do this weekend shawn? , here is a little sneak preview. i plan to have an SS meet upon the return of my truck


    keep in mind its not 100% done , my cabinet guy is absolutly taking his time . he was supposed to be done the 2nd week of october and still has to do a couple more things, my kitchen just barely got droors and door fronts two days ago from when i hired him back in early september.


    i wont get crazy with the specs but used an elite kuro 60 , denon receiver , all dali speakers and velodyne sub. i had the guy doing the cabinets build me an a/v rack as you can see that goes into the wall and has a closet that can still be used . you can see no wires in the closet either it came out really cool


    You and I both know my EAGLES are notorious for screwing over the cowgirls when it comes to playoffs. We shall see this weekend buddy and I am pretty sure you hear it from me either way!


    Pad is dope broseph

  9. From what I have read in the last couple weeks, Apple is already making a new version of the Iphone and Verizon is going to have it in Sept of 2010.

    I think this was the original deal they were trying to work out but from what I have read apple and verizon are not on good terms anymore and everything got flagged. Who knows, maybe it will come to Verizon but i doubt it.

  10. i just dropped mine off at the body shop at 530pm, they are doing a complete repaint, new headlights, marker lights, tails, all new glass, new bumpers, new grille, and new full front clear bra with mirror inserts. it will be like brand new when i get it back in 2-3 weeks all courtsey of alstate insurance and blowing nevada sand.

    What did Nevada sand do to your truck that insurance is covering it?

  11. the iphone will not be coming to Verizon anytime soon, especially after all the dogging Verizon did on it when introducing their DROID.


    Slammed: I have no complaints yet, not one issue either which i find odd as I was expecting it to freeze up or something at one point. Only thing weird I had happen is with google and if I refreshed the home google screen on my droid it would come back in German. It had something to do with the cookies but its fine now. Its basically a mini computer.

  12. if you read what i wrote i said that yes the front ended up being a shade different it wasnt the colors that were different it was the clear i bought the most expensive clear that dupont has which is as clear as water and the factory clear if you put it in a clear cup it has a yellowish tint to it where as the dupont premier doesnt yes that particular pic it sticks out but not that much in person and if you read what else i wrote you would have noticed that i said that im going to paint the truck arrival blue soon

    Nah man, I read what you wrote but was a little confused because you said the back didn't match because of the clear coat. I assumed the back as in the whole back end, not from the front fender back. The paint looks good but that one pic just really made the different tones stand out. Maybe I also read it wrong but it sounded like you were only going to paint some of the truck Arrival Blue..... Is the whole thing going Arrival?

  13. did you only paint the front end? I don't want to dog on the paint but in the one pic you can clearly see the difference in color between the whole front clip and the rest of the vehicle. The paint itself looks dope but it doesn't match the rest from what i can see in the pic, or is it just the pic making it look that way?


    I am referring to the 2nd pic in on post 10.......

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