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Oo p0op oO

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Everything posted by Oo p0op oO

  1. im kinda confused for a AWD for the rear is it better to use leafs or hangers? im retarded
  2. dude you got the money buy em both and tell us which one u like better.
  3. those are ugly ass wheels in the first place big or small.
  4. the nipples gotta be normal and not abnormal....pepperoni nipples=
  5. not a crazy fan of tool there alright...i'd go see em in concert for sure. but i wouldnt pay a outragous price for them
  6. that trucks pretty bad ass if i had the money i'd buy it. good luck on the sell
  7. man i know where ur comming from i started drinkin hardcore when i was about 15 i hung out with older ppl and they could always get it (they werent 21 or anything they just knew ppl that were) my junior high experience was totally a blur i snuck out at night drink my self stupid and i would go to school the next day and sleep the day away in class and then do it again the next night. and then the weekends i would drink so much that i would puke blood the next day (pure blood not mixed with anything) i really thought i was dying sometimes but i guess over time i just kinda grew out of it..i still drink alot now but its more like socially instead of bymyself in my room hiding it from my parents. i never would admit to having a problem and i guess i still wouldnt. i have alot of respect for people like you. keep your head up and remember it can only get better. your friends will play a big role in your recovery and i hope they know that. i am 19 years old now and i dont drink half as much as i did when i was 15. good luck man and keep us posted.
  8. f*ckin idiots i swear. my friend was at the dunes one time and he said he seen a red SS silverado trying to go up a steep ass dune and he had it redlined all the way up it. finally made it but my friend swear it had to been stolen. no owner woulda done that to the truck but i didnt see it.
  9. go to photobucket and get a account and upload ur pics on there and then it will give u the "http:// " thingy with a whole address and thats what u put on here.
  10. cmon man, we all know its not your truck....you snapped a pic with your cell in the mall parking lot. and your now a supporting member on SSS.com without an SS!
  11. This is the racyist show on tv and I got my parents into watching it and my friends who called it my gay television show is know hooked...lol Ha Ha I would have gave it to Rosie for half that... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> half that? if i was *HIM* i woulda charged her 2 mil. buuttttt if it was me in reality.......i'd poke a fatty for 5 grand...........poke a fatty for a blower?!?! i think so.
  12. Make sure you get the miles programmed, otherwise you will be starting back over at zero. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and you damn sure wouldnt want that!
  13. cant lose with black on black.
  14. what exactly does this do? and how much do they run for?
  15. yeah thats some messed up sh!t <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That old women is a pimp, she got him for 500 grand then pimp her. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that michelle chick is fine as hell but 500 grand without her even knowing about it? shes not that hott that old chick i woulda b!tch slapped and said get out of my office. shes the "leader" of the kidney thieves so hows she gunna turn in anybody? looks like sean is havin another baby with the nanny!!
  16. theres no damn tellin whats all gunna happen. theres gunna be a season 17 i bet.....
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