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Everything posted by drako

  1. I would bet that is the price per liter. If 1 USD = 65 Jamaican then the price is $3.55 USD/gal <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. When I was in Aruba 6 years ago it was like $4 a liter (DOLLAR!). Now that is nuts Even in today's market. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thats like europe...
  2. im with Jon on this one, paint the drums. it doesnt really stand out painted at all
  3. i may go rent one now.... but yeah most probably just a pic
  4. my bad guys forgot to tell you the little drama. last week he showed up at the dealer with the check. well when he was there they bumped up the price $12,000 making it 33,000 (i think) anyways they played stupid and did the "dealer thing" with hey maybe we can work something out. he got really pissed off especially because the orginal price was sticker and he told them he was coming that next week to buy it. so when he got there the sticker was gone and they told him that price. he pretty pissed off and just left. he went the next day to the toyota dealership and bought a new black x-runner. its a shame he didnt get the RST but they tried to screw him
  5. this was a joke between my friends and i for about 6 months about two years ago. sweet i still know that thing by heart! "****ing kangoroos"
  6. my eyes and head hurts.......
  7. dont worry guys nothing pops out at you just stare at the dot for a few seconds then move the mouse so the pics changes to black and white and watch what happens http://www.ebaumsworld.com/castle-illusion.html
  8. eh i love the new tahoe.....dont hate this style...its ok. thats it. just another "truck" on the street now i guess
  9. i use DER and a few others here use zaino. both very good quality, zaino is better then DER though, however DER is easier
  10. you dont really know if they put synthetic or recycled in it.... however synthetic is the bomb
  11. did you see after in the press conference, he said that he wasnt botherd by it because he usually gets tackled harder by his daughter when he comes home "it actually felt good, so thanks" oh and when he said hes the second son of ja-rel (superman)"
  12. i wont kill someone if we lose to the spurs, i HATE the pistons. and it was so much joy to beat them! oh GO HEAT!
  13. lol! a few months ago i got into a fight with the girl i was hanging with at the time (man i hate drama) anyways i was crusin around 30mph and just rolled down the window turned off the radio....and let the hammer down i attracted the attention of about 4 cops so yeah...youll never be able to sneak on someone
  14. ultimate comfort food = bistec emapnizado y arroz con webos.
  15. , i also thought i was the only one who found the hardest part was taking off the old system THAT EFFIN ONE BULT FACING UP!!! im really liking it now since sometimes i just like to not hear anything and relax, tthe corsa does that!
  16. the flames look really nice, the rim is to small man, you need something bigger to compliment your truck
  17. trailblazer torque converter IMO
  18. i see the tahoes and avy on 24's all the time here...those rims still look small on them very big platform although very nice IMO
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