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Posts posted by punkt71

  1. Well this has been going on for over a month now. It all started one day when I was pretty low on gas (gas light hadnt come on though) and the truck started stalling when I came to a stoplight. I would start it back up no problem, but then it would die after idling some. I ended up going to the gas station, and filling it up.. and it stopped dying.


    Now it feels like its going to stall all the time... especially when turning a corning at low speeds, or if I am driving through a parking lot and come to stops, it feels like its going to stall. The RPMs will drop realllly low, and the it sounds like its going to shut off, and then it starts idling again. If i put it in park and rev it up a little, the RPMs drop too low and it almost stalls.


    Any ideas?

  2. have you looked at the new hybrids? i hear there slick. might wanna check em out before u purchase anything JMO



    Come on ? a hybrid? This guy has more money than he knows what to do with.. he is in the oil business, afterall.



    The reason our gas prices are so high, is because guys like this need hard decisions to make. Z06 -or- a Ferrari...




  3. Nice numbers man! I cant believe they squeezed that much torque out of it. What were your baseline numbers? looks like you gained something like 15-20HP and 20-25ft-lbs of torque if my guesstimations are correct!


    Can the do tuning on the street for the AWD dudes?

  4. Oh, and for the guy who said 4 strokes are for pussies, go say that to the top supercross/motocross guys like Carmicheal, Reed, Stewart, and pretty much EVERY rider that rides professional.. because they are all sitting on 4 strokes this season (and last, besides one 'SX Lites' rider on a 125cc two stroke). 




    Or maybe thats because there sponsors supply those bikes, and by no means is a supercross bike anything like a normal trail/track rider, they are also worth upwards of $30k in some cases :chillpill:



    So what about the privateers (which account for 70% of the riders in SX) who ride 4 strokes ? They dont ride 4 strokes because the other guys do, but they are better bikes all around if you know how to ride. I ride a 2 stroke, but when I do ride 4 strokes I can shave off time on each lap... not to mention I can climb hills a lot better with all the low end torque of a 4stroke. 2 Strokes are great track bikes, but 4 strokes are a better desert/trail bike. 4 strokes are now lighter and better... I would agree with you if this was 2002 when 4 strokes were a lot heavier and bulkier than 2 strokes, but they have surpassed 2 strokes now and its time to move on... I will be selling my Cr250 next year and getting the 08 CR450F.

  5. Thats an OK deal for that bike. That is also a great beginners bike too... 4strokes are a perfect learning platform for a new rider. When I got my wife into riding, she started on a 4 stroke, and now rides a CRF250 no problem. Its a little heavy for her, and it was a little tall, but i just adjusted the sag and changed the valving and its fine.


    As for 2 strokes... you only foul plugs if you dont know how to jet/tune your bike. I change my jets if I go riding in different elevation levels so I run perfect everytime. Not to mention I always mix 2 gallons of VP fuel to 3 gallons of 91 and use a 32:1 or 40:1 mixing ratio (32:1 for desert/dunes/trail, 40:1 for track) and I havent fouled a plug in god knows how long.


    If I was to buy a bike right now, it would be a 4 stroke. Better technology, and they are the future.


    Oh, and for the guy who said 4 strokes are for pussies, go say that to the top supercross/motocross guys like Carmicheal, Reed, Stewart, and pretty much EVERY rider that rides professional.. because they are all sitting on 4 strokes this season (and last, besides one 'SX Lites' rider on a 125cc two stroke).


    I can tear down and rebuild a 2-stroke in no time, but a 4 stroke is much more difficult and will require a really good tech to fix the bottom end of one of those. 4 strokes hardly need to be rebuilt compared to a 2-stroke though. Your call.. I vote the 250F for you.


    As for inspecting.. not much you can do to inspect the bike ... but look at the cases REALLY good. Make sure there are NO cracks/holes in it... that is a major problem. Check the suspension for leaks around the seals... look at the radiator, make sure there is no damage there either. Ask if it has been in the sand.... some people take it to the sand and dont prep the bike the right way and the motor sucks up sand and it can fuk up the motor and score the cyclinders head and crap. And check to make sure it has all the gears!! A compression check on a 4 stroke is hard, you would have to get a compression tester to really tell whats up. For an 06, unless it was ridden a LOT, I am sure compression is not a problem.




    Good luck!

  6. I see the 575's more than the 360 or the F430. The F430 is actually the right choice here. I saw two 575's just yesterday alone. They dont stand out as much as the other sportier Ferrari's. But this is coming from a guy that sees a Ferrari almost everyday around here, and even my wife doesnt even notice the 575's... but when a 360 or a F430 cruises by, she always comments on them. She even told me one day when I pointed the 575 out that she didnt think it looked like a ferrari, or even that nice compared to the other ones.


    By the way, the original question... Z06 vs Ferrari... the more I think of it, its like asking... Should I buy a Honda with 500+ HP or a Mercedes with 500+HP. Its not even a question.. lol. If you have enough to buy the Ferrari, you can pick up the Z06 with the change you get back from the Ferrari :D

  7. Im movin up to Ladera Ranch (only 7 miles away) so I will still be in Orange County. Just found out that Brittany Spears and that white trash POS K-Fed bought a house 1/2 mile up the hill from our house (they are building it now) so I get to see those crackheads all over the town :mad: . Hopefully its not a permanent house, just somewhere they chill for a few weeks at a time. But its a 4.2 million dollar house?? So who knows.


    We will have to meet up sometime and you can check out your old ride again ! :driving: You can tell I am taking care of it, just check out the pic of it in my sig :D Maybe you can make the next street legals ? I am going to try to be there for the next time for sure!

  8. I think they need to somehow find a way to get CroCop from PRIDE fighting to kick the crap out of BOTH OF THEM. It would be winner by straight BRUTALITY.. lol.


    On another note... word around is that Mike Tyson may be taking up MMA, and signing with PRIDE fighting! I cant wait to see that guy get taken down and choked. Or Fedor giving him a nice kick to that tattoo on his face :P

  9. Yeah it was pretty gay he flipped off Shamrock afterwards, while Shamrock just wanted to shake his hand afterwards and congratulate him for being the better fighter. Shamrock showed what a true professional and matured fighter is... and he retires on a good note and a good personality, and is a true legend in professional MMA fighting. Tito had to feel stupid after flipping him off and talking shit, only to see Ken come over and raise Titos hand and bury the hatchett. Tito needs to mature a lot more as a competitor.


    .... and what the hell is he doing with Jenna Jameson? That chick has seen more more rods than a deep sea fisherman! She is tore back, way too much fake and bake... I cant believe out of all the chicks that guy can get, he gets one that is more used than a 1982 Honda with 280,000 miles on it.

  10. He mentioned a corrections ticket for exhaust and tinted windows and something else .. dont remember everything but he said he had to put it back to stock. Out here in CA we get corrections tickets for everything out here... I have even heard of people getting Fix-it tickets for having a Jack-in-the-box antenna ball!!




















    Well, not really :P

  11. hahah I just glimpsed at your location.. sorry I am tired.. lol... Arizona is perfect if you like to ride sand. Not sure whats all up in Arkansas? Probably a lot of dirt trails and shit... So i assume you ride mostly dirt and just havent taken the paddle off yet :) I ride a CR250, and with an 8 paddle it RIPS in the sand. Never tried a 250F in the sand though, probably have to keep it at redline to get it to go anywhere :driving: The 450F in the sand is a MONSTER... My buddies KTM 525SX with no paddle was rippin up Pismo last year !

  12. Problem with the last Lidell/Ortiz fight was that Lidell challenged Tito to a stand up fight and Tito felt like he had something to prove by going toe-to-toe with Chuck. I hope he learned his lesson.. he cant box Lidell, he needs to take him down, ground and pound like he did to Shamrock tonight. Lidell will out-box Tito any day.. but if Tito gets him down (and holds him there) Lidell is done.


    I love to hate Tito... but hes a great fighter, I have rolled with 2 guys that trained with him in the past (one of my best friends was on his team for a year) and he knows how to coach.. very talented guy. But a cocky SOB !

  13. Shift kits can hurt your tranny if they arent installed/set up right... like if the line pressure is turned up too much. What hurts the most is when a shift kit is installed, and people mess with the line pressures in the PCM too, is when it blows crap up. The 1-2 shift is the most shocking/damaging of the shifts. The vette servo makes the 1-2 shift hard right off the bat, and jacking up the pressures in the PCM just makes it that much more damaging when it shifts into 2nd. Get a good shift kit, and dont mess with the line pressures and you will be good. I am sure someone will tell me and I am wrong, but think about it... that doesnt feel right when the truck snaps into 2nd so hard the dash sounds like its breaking off the body ! :D

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