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Everything posted by Quik

  1. mild steel will hold in heat, also it will get surface rust on the inside from condensation and etc so that could make it into the motor. atleast its not FI
  2. advantage of having a true CAI as it seals off heat from the engine bay. get a shroud on there and some rubber stripping and seal that up
  3. ive had quite a few things done by this place. but yes will make sure they put enough on frame
  4. yes those are them. they are the red 8.5mm pm repiled to
  5. i have for sale a Lund fiberglass roll pan. pan is in good shape removing it to get a molded one. has the hole for the spare tire and now has a hole for my kill switch. the hole for the kill switch rod is only about of your pinky finger 125 shipped
  6. have 2 2 1/16 n20 guages for sale. one is sport comp and the other is the phamtom series both are mechcanical and both are autometer looking to get 35 shipped each i also have the line that is required to use these gauges. this sell for 45 i believe ill let it go for 25
  7. i have for sale my MSD wires. I just bought these at the same time i bought my viper T56. the plug wires have 200 miles on them. They since then tear down have been in my tool chest chilling. I plan on relocating my coils so i wont be needing these. These are truck Msd set. looking to get 55 shipped im also selling my SSBC slotted rotors. these can be bought as a total package from summit for 380+ tax. I have maybe 15k in miles. Im selling them cause im going with the large 14" rotor kit from baer. here is a pic of the rear just to show you. they have some surface oxidation just from the truck being a garage queen for the past year or so looking to get 200 shipped. i noticed a huge difference honestly when installing these rotors they will fit the 8.6 10 bolts and in this pic they are on a 14 bolt
  8. ive decided to sell my fuel rail covers. they been smoothed out and clearanced to be used with the throttle cable bracket looking to get 165 shipped these are a great apperance mod, selling them to help pay for turbo build parts
  9. i just used a nitrous fitting. the ones that have the female and male AN on the ends and 2 NPT on the sides. not sure part number or etc. i have one im not using
  10. Quik

    Opinons Welcome

    i run phantom guages to match my cluster. I have a N20 gauge and line for sale. I wont need it for my new setup. also not to mention gauges like widebands come in white or black background. its alot easier to match
  11. 305/40/20 by nitto fit on the stock sss rims. they measure 29.5 " tall could also do like you said 275/45
  12. i have the ls2 for the 408 setup. it flows less then the ls6 intake!!!!!!!!!!! i bought it cause it was cheaper then ls6 and ihad the 90mm tb. steps of intakes ported fast 90 fast 90 ls6 carb'd intake ls2 truck ls1 fast 78 and wieland arent worth the effort
  13. not many bolts left for mine and i want somethign that will resist majority of everything. along with looking great
  14. then answer me this. why do you need to have a perfect VE then before enabling the maf? your vehicle is SD when doing all tuning and maf is there to help make for small adjustments. SD been around in racing way before maf systems. they swapped to maf systems for faster corrections to everyday driving and to aid in mods. also look at this way once a maf fails it goes into SD mode
  15. here ya go big boy http://performancetrucks.net/forums/showpo...amp;postcount=9 he is a member of HPtuners...says somethign when ppl from the tuning software company speaks of that maf
  16. SD all the way. there was a guy from HPtuners themselves saying a MAF just makes you look like you know what your doing.
  17. Ok heres more to the story of "As Quik's life revolves" lol. I sat down with my dad and told him what i had just found out. so we piece the story together as i had made up the timeline. As it goes on he throws a monkey wrench into the mix saying theres a brother out there. he is about 2yrs younger then the sister and was born i guess in 73. now ill have to confort the sister about this. I also found out by talkign with my father that my mother gave both children up cause of her man at the time had got killed over in vietnam. so with all that stress her second cousin decided to take custoidy. now i heard bits and peices of this person being hte cousin in stories but never knew anything about this. So i guess come sat ill ask her about her brother and what not. it makes more sense and its a smoother transistion on how my mother had to give up the children. It sucks now this comes up in a way cause it be nice to talk to mom about this but guess finding out now is good. there are still bits of this story i cant find out cause my father dont have the answers to them. Now i really have a life story that belongs on a tv show. is it possible my life now is a show? lol so here enjoy this little bit of info cause now im just more dumbfounded
  18. i know hte holset 35 that you speak of ppl like those for the imports.
  19. heres the thing. with this story ppl are telling me about enjoying family. all my life ive been an only child and so set in my ways that i dont know how to handle a sibling. i guess it will be a new experience for me to learn and adapt to
  20. ok you got a point but ppl mod a R6 and try and get power out of it. ok for the price you just paid to gain 8hp out of it you could of bought the litre bike and gained more power for same price. not ot mention with a litre bike if smart enough you can use as much power as you need for the application. where as a 600 needs to rev more and higher to do the same thing a litre can do without any strain. to me my 1kRR was actually a smaller bike then the 600rr. i ride my bike in stages just as i use the power. if i need full out for somethign i have it. just like having alot of power on tap for a truck/car
  21. yea im going to be cautious but still bizarre something like this happened to myself
  22. i love the snow and driving in it. it clearly shows what kind of drivers majority of ppl really are. i mean youll have idiots ok thats everywhere but then you have ppl that shouldnt be on the road cause they dont have the first idea on how to drive rather alone be in the snow.
  23. well we've lived in the house since 84. family knows family i guess. she said a few years ago she came to the house and spoke with my dad. i guess he didnt tell me cause it was right after my mom had passed on. she passed on in march of 03. i guess she found out. she said in the texts she wanted to know her biological mother and thats where the tracking brought her to. I guess when she found out it was too late and i guess my father didnt think it was such a hot idea. So tomorrow when i see my old man im going to have to give him the 1-2 lol. but i feel ike i should be on tv show
  24. yes, were meeting this weekend. I got a feeling she is going to look a good bit like my mother. knowing her daugther has some features. Just not sure how to go about it to be honest. I mean my mother was the most perfect candiate. How do i break it to this person
  25. So today I was waiting for the mail to show up. I get the typical things and this Xmas card from this person that was addressed to my family. I opened it up its from a person I have no idea who it may be. So I read the story but first thing that catches my attention is it says George Jr. anyone that knows me knows thats not my name but anyways. There lies 2 $25 gift cards for Red Lobster. So I read this card and it speaks of how I would like for you and your father to enjoy a good xmas and have a good dinner. At this time im like WTF is this. So as i continue to read the card it speaks of how she would like to meet me. Im like another psycho girl tracking me down?? So I finish reading the card and it has a phone number and etc. I go to my father like who is this and he says he has no idea. Now im like wht the hell. So later on today i meet up with my girl and we go eat and I show her the card. She shocked. So she says do you want me to contact her Im like go ahead. So she texts her, and the women replies back and then the texts continue on. My girl asks her how she knows me and says shes my Half-sister. Im at the point of spechless. Im thinking did my Dad cheat on my mother while she was alive.......Then she replies as my mother gave her up for adoption. Now in my early 20s before mom passed on she mention something about having a child and gave her to family. I didnt take everything she said seriously cause of all the pain medicine she was taken in casue of her cancer. So now im eating and just lost to the world cause now this lady I have no idea about is saying she is my sister which i never knew about. So my girl keeps asking questions and the story matches everything. Im at this point i belong a damm TV talk show or something. Im sure you guys know the ones im talking about. So the texting continues on and she sends a pic of her daugther...The daugther resembles my mother alittle abit. Isnt that freaky, ok ready for the freaky part.... My name is George, i was named after my father. My mother and father met in 76. this girl was born in 71. her name is Georgetta, 6yrs before my mother had met my father. My mother had given her up cause she just turned 21 and i guess couldnt raiser and support her so family took over. So shes 36 and lives not to far from where i live and grew up. about 20-30 miles. So now at age of 28 i find out, randomly out of the blue i have a sister and now a niece. My whole life I knew of only Myself. Well I figured I would share such a bizarre story. Most Bizarre moment of 07 for me
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