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Everything posted by vmax2fast

  1. I have.... no contest, but he was begging for it. I suggest you go find a vmax at a dealer and test drive it... then think to yourself "is my truck really this fast?" And I had my vmax up to and over a hundred before my tune maybe like 105 I never felt the governer... since the tune 115 and still had some in it too... the air is a little thinner here in denver
  2. No not any better... just should be included in things like this. If our money is good enough to take why can't we play too?
  3. my vmax is making whining noises when in 4h, would this be the same problems as the AWD ss's maybe? I dont know what the difference is in the front ends besides being able to shift out of AWD... is there any?
  4. I'd still put a silveradoss.com sticker on, but then a vmax sticker would be great, still routing traffic to this site but making a little more sense for uneducated drivers wondering why a vmax had an ss sticker on it. Just thought it would help boost member numbers...
  5. Just talking w/ Imposster SS about making some vmax shirts or hoodies, hats etc. and was wondering how much interest there was, You think there would be a lot since we have been "taking over the site".... Well, post if interested, I was thinking the logo on the engine covers w/ the Vortec on top of max would look best. Any Ideas?
  6. No they just added that .......since they re-routed the other sites to this one. A couple years ago VHO didn't even have a sub forum ... the generous folks on here let them get their own little sub forum. SSS was the only true truck on here ... then there were sister trucks like the C3, denalis, vho, vortec max, etc..... Without adding the VHO sub forum and then later directing things like Vortecmax.com to this site I don't believe this forum would have over 10,000 registered members. Of course the site started out as SS only but If you pay a membership fee, own a GM truck, put lots of money and effort into making it something like the truck in your dreams than I think you should be considered for voting. Almost anything these people do to there trucks is probably somehow discussed or researched on this site, and being a paying member they should have a place for there accomplishments to be acknowledged. In saying these people and they I am including me, since I do not own an almighty SS, just a VMax... not much difference in my opinion, one's built for sport, one for towing... pretty much the same guts. I don't know, this kinda just rubs me the wrong way, If your willing to take somebodies money, shouldn't you let them be included in things voted on by supporting members? I think the majority of votes will still go to SS owners, and why not, they are all bad ass trucks, but if someone, lets take Imposster ss for example, who spent a crap load of money creating a "clone" (w/ a six speed ) gets enough votes, shouldn't he be eligible? Just my .02 Brian
  7. Jetpack man This happened at the radio station I drive by everyday to work... KBPI For all you Texas boys, It's a reall good rock station to listen to (my 2nd cousin move to CO from there and says it blows texas rock stations away) I thought this is what Loanrangers recent post was about Jet man.... since it's not thought I'd post it. Brian
  8. Just treat it as your next mod.... sometimes you can upgrade w/ insurance money and a little extra!
  9. At least you have somebody to put the blame on.... "Go bitch slap my ex!"
  10. Sometimes though, I think age/sex does have something to do with all this. Whats really funny is my dealership, when i brought my 95 K1500 in for some ABS work, they said it was the module, $680 part, The first time they told me that the total price was $870, then a couple weeks later (i think they forgot that they allready quoted me) it was $1080... Since this is soon to be my wifes daily driver she went in and talked to the service manager, (great guy) And with her DD's soon the price was down to $680 total! Man, sometimes I wish I had tits too...... oh well, I'll just send my wife in to handle these things now
  11. I saw an "Avalanche SS" on I-25 in Denver on the way up to Beaver Creek snowboarding on Wed. It had the twenty's and SS emblems (the one on the tailgate was crooked ) There was a chic driving too... needless to say she didn't want to go so i could see if they actually put a 6.0 l in there. It had me looking twice though.... no front bumper either.
  12. That looks like a die cast model
  13. So I read rules and regs and I didn't see anything about what trucks would be included... I guess that means if your a supporting member, with 30 post... so on and so forth... it doesn't matter what kind of truck you have? I think at least VHO and Vmax's should be included since they have there own subforums and are all kinda like a family of trucks... It would be hard though to tell imposster ss and quik that all there hard work could not be recognized in this way.. just my .02 cents.
  14. read the whole thread? I was thinking it was your daughter but the family connection might explain some similarities.... Oh yeah, ALL women are crazy.... some just hide it better than others!!
  15. Good idea... I guess thats better than firin up the good ol sawzall around brake lines
  16. I guess I'm psycho too..........
  17. Way to go!!! You should be a PI or something with all that homework!
  18. I like sandbaggin to get a truck to go then fly by
  19. Undercover is the one i have it rocks!! its plastic... doesn't scratch easy, its light ( I can remove myself) and looks sharp IMO Also has a LED cargo light!
  20. Thanks Mr. P Always enjoy reading your posts, you have a way with words! Brian
  21. Sorry to hear man... hopefully they will review your situation!
  22. I took advantage of the recent sale through tbyrne and can't wait to get em, got the corsa sport for my vmax part #14224 $619!!! I used the same excuse to my wife she always uses.... But it was on sale! I told her either we spend the six hunskies now or i buy some crappy temporary muffler for around $150 and then buy the corsa later for 9 bills.... It worked Now with the questions.... did a couple searches but i suck trying to find the right keywords and keep getting errors. 1)I guess everything bolts on pretty easy right? seems like it was made to go with stock manifolds and midpipes. 2)Should my Zippy tune be sent in to be reprogramed? Part of the agreement w/ the wif was no more mods for a year (at least not expensive ones!) so i guess if it would help, I should do it. Thanks guys! Brian
  23. I took advantage! I can't wait.... Shipping next week Oh well, I guess i can freeze myself cause i'm too impatient somebody come unfreeze me in about a week and a half....
  24. Happy belated b-day! I was knee deep in powder at the Beav yesterday (beaver creek)
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