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Everything posted by diggerdan11

  1. I wonder if they make one of those thats sounds like a supercharger, because i would buy one of those
  2. Its only a temp fix, you have to keep doing it every few days or so, im just going to send it off today and get a new one back in a week
  3. looking good im jealous thats my favorite year of Chevelle, Ive always wanted to do a project 67 chevelle and restore it, but there so damn expensive
  4. Thats the one i forgot to add to my list, when i made my list i was thinking to myself man im forgetting one and thats it
  5. sweet i play halo all the time. I cant right now because my 360 has the red ring of death and i need to send it off to microsoft to get it fixed ugh
  6. I have been listening to alot of Hollywood Undead lately. I hardly ever listen to rap but i really like this alot, but its not really rap is more of a mixture of lots of different stuff Undead Young This Love, This Hate Paridise Lost Sell YOur Soul Bottle and a Gun No. 5 California
  7. i love snow, where i use to live we use to get lots of it and i miss it where i live now. We only get a little snow and ist scary as hell. Im use to driving in the snow its the people who dont drive in it are the ones that scare me. because his is what happens: Portland Drivers In The Snow
  8. Well i will give you some advice, I have been out of college for a couple of years now, and one thing i have learned is that no college degree no matter what it is is useless. There are plenty of good jobs out there that you will be hired for just because you have a college education. My mom is a perfect example she went to college and got a degree in Medical Technology (you know those people who work in the labs at hospitals and test blood, and urine and stuff) she worked in the field for many years and loved her job but hated working weird hours, so she quit and was hired at a large window and door manufacturer as an Environmental Quality Manager, she had no experience in the field and her degree had nothing to do with Environmental management, but they hired her anyway because she was hard working and she had a college degree. My advice to you would be to try to find something you enjoy in college, take a whole bunch of random classed, find a class you like alot and maybe go with that major. just because you get a degree in that major does not mean thats what you have to do after college. Also you may want to look at different colleges if possible, i dont know where your going to college at but maybe thats not the place for you. I know lots of people who went off to big colleges so they could get the college experience (you know frats, parties, weed, lots of alcohol drunk girls) and they realize that they are not getting a proper education, so they transfer to a smaller college and get a much better education. You may want to look into other forms of education like ITT TECH or something. You could always do what you love and got to mechanics school somewhere, or auto body school or something I hope this helps, sorry its such a long reply but i figure i would pitch in my 2 cents
  9. I am a huge fan of remakes, but only if they dont change it so much that it is totally different. For example i hate when rap songs use older songs as there background beats and they dont even sound the same at all. But here are some of my favorites: Original- Remake- Original- American Woman- Guess Who Remake- ( I think i like this version only because of the video, do you blame me, drool. Ill give you a hint: it has nothing to do with Lenny Kravitz) Original- Remake- Holy Diver- Killswitch Engage ( i think this version gives the original more justice then any other) Original- Good Times, Bad Times- Led Zeppelin Remake- Original- Remake- Simple Man- Shinedwon (this is prob my favorite song of all time, and the remake is good too) I also like these songs too. i did not bother puting originals because they are Irish folk songs, and have been covered many many times
  10. I would think it would be sweet if one of my friends bought a truck just like mine. I have actually been trying to convince my best friend to by and SS because he likes them alot. Now a neighbor is a different story, i might not like it if one of my neighbors bought the same truck as me, luckally mine is custom enuf so no one will have the same
  11. big hat funny huh. I had to comment on your avatar
  12. One of the scariest movies i have ever seen is Kazaam with Shaquille O'Neal. Its So scarry how bad Shaq acts
  13. I have had it happen 2 times to me, one for a stereo and one for a poster. I contacted paypal and they contacted the seller and i got my money back, he just forgot to send it to me, but i already bought another one at a cheaper price. The poster however i did not get my money back and paypal could not get a hold of the guy, its like he disappeared. But paypal is usually verry good
  14. 2.5 and 3.0 wow thats barley enuf to be felt There have been dozens of earthquakes of that magnitude in the last week out here in the west, and 99% go unreported in the media. Its funny how such a small earthquake in Texas gets media attention but an earth quakes has to be at least a 4.0 to be mentioned in the news out west
  15. Gas is finally dropping out here in Oregon, where i live is normally one of the cheapest places and we are down to 2.62 a gallon. Where my parents live wich is normally some of the most expensive gas in Oregon is down to 2.21 a gallon and right now is the cheapest (weird huh). I finally just now payed under 3 bucks for midgrade
  16. so what setup is that, i have been looking into changing up my exhaust and i really want dual side exits just like that, Also how much did it cost if you dont mind me asking
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