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Everything posted by Chevcup47

  1. heres a few more pics ..................
  2. not yet but the crawl space is filling up slowly i think ill stay on the second floor
  3. LOL im just here watching it get deeper . the mustang is my wifes i would put it in the garage but the water is in there also .....lol guess i should have taken swimming lessons in school . oh well cant fight mother nature anyway
  4. first time weve seen this in my subdivision in over 30 years or more this sucks
  5. LOL im glad the mustang is kinda fast. any way last friday i broke the motor in the grand prix. so saturday i had to run the wifes 06 GT to help me stay in the points. im running pro class so i have to run between 8.99-6.00 in the 1/8th. the mustang ran 9.01 all day with a 8.99 dial on the window. i made it to 3ed round when i fell asleep at the light. oh well the mustang helped me stay in the points and gave me a chance to get the new motor built. im ready for next weekend now in the grand prix.
  6. yep ive got one also awsome truck in my mind
  7. thankgoodness for the outher guy red lighting he ran a 6.508 on a 6.50 dial mine was way off http://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r92/Che...ndprix026-1.flv
  8. hello all id just like the opinions of the ones that race or have been around racing for awhile ....ok i dont really like the deal at our track but they have buybacks for first round loosers. the rule has always been if you loose first round for a certin price you can buy your way back in. you can only race for the money not points. well this Saturday was our first points race and they announced during intermishion they were having buybacks after first round. well my luck i red lit and broke out first round and my class was the first one called to the lanes. after i ran i loaded up and headded for home. about half way through the next class first round they announced that if you bought back you would still recieve points. just like you were never elimated........does anyone else see anything wrong with this idea? i dont like the buyback deal and am really against the gainning points after buying back....to me thats just not racing anymore. i think your supposed to take the loss as well as a win you earn them not buy them ?????? sorry had to rant about this Dale........
  9. Thanks everyone and Happy B-Day to everyone else guess im just that much closer to the other side ........lol
  10. as soon as i can get my wife to go ill get a vid or 2. the pic on here is of my little brother taking it for a run right before he broke it. by blowing oil out of the valve cover breather on his burn out.
  11. today was test and tune at our local track after fixing the brake problem and getting a new set of heads for the car im a bit happier may change tha gear from a 433 to a 513 to get off the line better but times were more constant and faster best i ran was an 8.54 at 84 mph in the 1/8th alot better than a few weeks ago down in Tenn. when all i could run were low 10.s withn the brakes locking up heres a pic of the car today
  12. yes it will work i used to install them when i worked at a dealership there should be 2 verry faint indentions where the holes should be made may have to look at the bumper kinda sideways to see them but they are there
  13. Dan sorry to hear the news. I myself have lost family like this and can understand how it feels. we will be praying for you and your family.
  14. Maby try a U-Haul store if you have one close
  15. Will pry for ya Ben for sure .... my oldest daughter had the same thing done when she was younger and now she is 24 and doing just fine the healing is the worst part
  16. Well the car ran ok but ive got something binding up in either the rear end or the brakes so i loaded it up after the second time run ill get it figured out and be ready to take it again soon and again thanks for having me down Ben i really did have fun meeting everyone Dale
  17. Ok got to Bowling Green yesterday morning. got to meet up with Ben and a few others from the site. went to a really nice place to have lunch and talk for awhile. then we found out the race track was under water from all the rain and flooding. Ben did all he could to find anouther track that was open but most were all flooded. except for Music City dragway in Nashville about an hour away. everyone decited to got to the Corvette plant and take the tour early except for me. i made the drive and went to the track with the Grand Prix. after making 2 time runs i put it on the trailer and watched some of the racing before headding home. all in all it was a fun trip and i got to test out the car. it would have been better if we all could have got to run the trucks and stuff like planned but hey you just cant fight Mother Nature. we will get to do it again and im sure ill be there. Thanks for having me down Ben i really did enjoy meeting everyone. next time i come down im gunna be alone or maby i can get the wife to come.sorry i forgot my cam so i didnt get any pics. but i do know Bens Lady took some while we were at lunch..................Dale
  18. well im off to Bowliggreen Ky for the G2G for thouse not going ill c ya all on here Sunday when i get back for thouse who are going ill c ya in a few hours for a weekend of fun at the track and Corvette plant ...............Dale
  19. Ill be there for sure im all loaded and ready to head out in the morning. c ya all there Dale
  20. HMMMMM wonder about getting that turbo kit and fitting it to the SSS?????????
  21. LOL ok Ash what did you really do? come on you can tell us we all know ya ..................lol
  22. sorry im done with circle track stuff after last year and as for the cowl it is real the whole hood is cut out under it so it will take in all the air..... going back to where i started and happy to do so no more circle track for me..............
  23. yes it sure is ill have it down in Bowling green with me for the G2G on the 5th for its first time out
  24. OK not even funny someone needs to be sending him the dog poo in a flaming bag deal for his front porch
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