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Everything posted by Chevcup47

  1. Like Dave said get the truck really clean and keep it simple. dont do alot of extra stuff to take away from why your really there the truck. and most of all have alot of fun.
  2. The new dash parts i bought showed up today. i cant wait to get them on i think its gunna look good. heres some pics of what came. got the stuff on so heres some pics.....
  3. ive always wanted 2FAST4U but never really tried to get it
  4. Hey when did you sneek over and take pics of my truck? thats why i hate Indiana weather also.
  5. Looks really good. id like to drop mine but dont think it would be wise to when i use it to pull a trailer.
  6. no problem. i just got an email saying its being shipped. so as soon as i get it ill get some pics of it before install and also after. im hoping it looks good. i thought carbin fiber would be better than the other 3 anyway.
  7. i found this on ebay the other night and won the auction. figured id see how it fit and looked for something difrent. has any one on here tried one or know about them ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...306250&rd=1
  8. oh im not working on bikes its the 4 wheeled ricers.....
  9. Oh im still looking for anouther for sure. im hoping my old job will pick up and ill get called back but thats not really looking good. but for now this helps keep the bills in line and gas in the SSS.
  10. Ok i started working for a guy here in town on ricers and such on Monday. well to my supprise the last 3 days the wock.(or how ever ya spell it ) i bought to start the rice in is way too small. so i cant fit it in in one piece. to get it heated evenly. anyone have any ideas on what i could use?????? just joking its not much diffrent then working on other stuff really. but some stuff does take some real thinking to do it easly. oh and i was shocked when alot of the guys with the rice rockets were really looking the SSS over and liked it alot.
  11. Well i got an offer to work for a guy here in town. not really what i want to do but guess it cant hurt and see if i like it or not ????? damn you guys are gunna bash me to heck for this. ill be working on rice. its gunna be alot diffrent than when i worked on chevys at the dealer. but this guy seams really cool and knows his stuff. all he was really looking for was some one with mech skills and not scared to work on stuff. so i said id give it a shot and see how it goes from there buy i guess the SSS is really gunna look outta place in his shop parking lot .........lol
  12. DAMN thats one good looking SSS Great job
  13. HOT ROD march issue page 34 LS built to a 404 pushes out 772hp at 6,400 rpm on 91 octane and 13 psi boost at 3,500 rpm it made 780 ft-lb said it would have made more power but they ran outta blower. i gotta get anouther good job for sure now..................
  14. last person that tried something like that with me got to listen to my racecar get worked on all day never heard anouther word outta them again ..................lol
  15. I sure want to be there just have to see what happens with being layed off now or if i have to get a new job dont want to say forsure yes and then have to pull out because of something stupid
  16. Well as of about 4:15 pm yesterday the company i worked for has maby been forced to close its doors. we were informed that for the next couple of weeks we were on a layoff. and unless they get more orders it may be for good..... not sure what im going to do from here. i really liked the job and really dont want to go back to working on cars for a living. oh well im outta here for now hope everyone else has a better day than me anyway..................
  17. i got the pics in an email and it said at 3500 rpm it threw snow 50 feet. and the guy hasnt found any kind of snow that has stopped it yet. the radiator is mounted behind the motor facing the person steering. and the coolant is routed through the steering handles so your hands dont get cold. we havent had enough snow here for anything like it eather. but i bet it would be fun chasing the stray cats and stuff around with.
  18. this is neet sure would be cool to have just for fun .....................
  19. ill get better pics when he gets it home my battery was dead when we got it to the shop
  20. wow some really nice garages. id be happy with one big enough to put all my autos in.
  21. Got up this morning and went to my Dads to haul his 47 Dodge truck to ahve a new front glass put in it took a pic but was still dark so it didnt come out too well i also got to snap a shot of his 31 ford sedan. oh and yes just like me all of his toys are powered by nothing but Chevy............
  22. lol ok heres whats next to it discovered today the left front is flat i havet had it out for about 2 years now ............
  23. got a couple mor holes welded up and sprayed ..............
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