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Rant Mode On Gas Stations!!!!


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:banghead::banghead: I know this is really a stupid thing to complain about in the grand sceme of things but I am getting pissed at gas stations lately. I can't pay at the pump anymore unless I swipe my card twice. Most of the gas stations will cut you off somewhere between $45-$55 THAT DOESN'T FILL MY TRUCK UP!!!!!!!! I've tried using debt and credit both no difference so no I have to go inside and deal with those morons and the inevitable "Wow that thing sure takes alot of gas" Yeah no shit sherlock!! I really don't think it would be that difficult for them to raise the amounts that they pre-approve with gas prices being as high as they are now. My theory is that they keep it that way to force me inside hoping that I will buy a something else once they get me inside and inflate their pockets even further!!!!! :banghead::banghead:
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I have noticed this as well. It seems to be dependant on the station where you get gas. In my travels I occasionally run into pumps where I can fill the tank on the Express 2500 which is generally $60-$65. But yeah, most stations cut me off at $50. Very annoying indeed. :fume:



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I actually own 3 gas stations. If they are cutting it off at $45, that is lame. Credit cards require us to cut off pumps at $75, or else they will not take the liability for fraud. Even that limit should be raised now. Our industry organizations are fighting that battle as we speak. I dont know why it would be so low in FL. Im in NM. Also keep in mind, in my town, unleaded is 2.449 right now. Im only making 3 cents/gal right now. We cannot afford any drive offs or theft. It kills us. It is a stupid business to be in, but Im stuck for now. :banghead:

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i dont think I ever had a pump shut off on me before, i never knew they had a cut off, pretty interesting. One thing I cant stand is gas seems to go up and down every other day, and its not just a 3 cent difference, one day it will be like 13 cents cheaper then the next. Total crap. Since i drive basically everyday all around the state for work it amazes me that 50 miles away from me gas stations prices are like 30 cents cheaper in some spots. Their premium will be cheaper than my town regular. Something needs to be donw with this crap

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don't know about where you are, but here in CA. you pay an EXTRA .05 per gal when using a credit card for gas  :wtf:  :fume:  :mad:  :puke:  :banghead:  :icon_bs:  :rant:


WITH THAT SAID..............have a nice day :)



Damn that does suck... the prices are the same here in MD for cash or credit although I would imagine that they just are just charging the people paying cash the extra fees to keep it the same. There are a few cash only gas stations around here that are usually about .10 cents cheaper but you have to pay before you pump. I refuse to pay before I pump How should I know exactly how much gas I need??? And I don't want to have to give them too much money and then go back inside to get my change!!

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I have never had a pump shut off for me.. I guess in CA with the higher gas prices and the large amount of SUV's and Trucks on the road. And can you please send some of that $2.49/gallon gas my way? I just paid $2.69/gal for 87 octane at ARCO/BP (cheap gas)

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Just remember, it isnt the gas stations (necessarily) changing the gas prices every day. They just buy the fuel and resell it. They arent the ones refining it, etc.(most of them; however, there are many corporate owned stations) The fuel market is similar to the stock market. The price of a bbl of oil changes daily, which causes fuel to change daily. If the king of saudi arabia dies, and the U.S. closes the embassy in saudi, then oil shoots up $2/bbl, and gas increases 7 cents overnight. (this is what happened 2 days ago.)

The manufacturers or refineries send out a price sheet daily showing what increase/decrease is happening. It is the manufacturers setting prices, not the stations.

Yeah, the stations decide what to sell it for, but on average their profit margin only fluctuates between 0-20 cents/gal. Also, on the credit card deal, keep in mind that visa/mc, all the credit card companies charge the stations 3% for every credit card transaction. So at 2.50/gal, the station gives up 7.5 cents just to the credit card co. Thats why they charge you extra. I just wish I could get away with that, but it will never happen in my town.

Anyways, rants over. I just want to make sure you guys are informed before you start debating this emotional issue. I would hate it if some tuner guy came on this web site and started ranting on sss when they know nothing about it! :crazy:

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I run into that at most stations here in SoCal. They always say it is the credit card company that makes them do that, for fraud protection. I looked into it, talking to the credit card company and the oil company. Turns out it is a policy of the oil company, that individual stations may or may not adopt. And to add insult to injury, half the time they give you the "please see cashier" treatment when you try and use the "pay at the pump system". Then you got to go stand in line behind a bunch of losers buying lottery tickets and cigarettes ("no, not that one, the one with the menthol filter..."), just so they can see your card. :mad::banghead:


First of all, what kind of fraud protection is it when you can just run the card twice?

Why have a pay at the pump system if you are not going to let people use it?

If it is the credit card fraud that is the problem, then just take ATM (with PIN). That should be more fraud resistant.


Anyway, I just take my business elsewhere. Arco charges me 35 per transaction, but their gas is cheaper and I can fill up in one transaction, and still come out cheaper than the Shell station across the street.

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