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Rant Mode On Gas Stations!!!!


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I cant speak for stations in Cali. I dont know why their pay at the pump is the way it is. And it is possible to accept debit at the pump, but it is costly (the equip.)and most stations dont have it.

You are misinformed on the dollar limit. It is a policy of the credit card companies, not the stations. Yeah the station can choose whatever limit they want, but if it goes over $75 (the amount actually depends on the c.c/many fleet cards are higher than that), and it is a stolen card, the credit card company will not eat it. If they keep it under $75, the credit card company eats the fraud.

So you are partially correct. We have the choice to set limits or not. But at a risk. Now why anyone sets lower limits, I have no clue. Doesnt make sense to me. Hardly any car can fill up for less than $40.

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I actually own 3 gas stations. unleaded is 2.449 right now.  Im only making 3 cents/gal right now.  We cannot afford any drive offs or theft.  It kills us.  It is a stupid business to be in, but Im stuck for now. :banghead:


why is it that gas stations always make the price $2.449 or $2.119 or $1.889? would someone benefit from paying $2.447 a gallon? DON'T THINK SO! never once have i paid $51.429 for gas nor have i seen any tenths of a cent returned to me as change from my local dairy queen. do the gas stations think consumers are stupid or do they just have some strange fetish for plastic #9's? would it be so hard to just to make gas $2.45?


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I never knew about limits on pay at the pump. That does seem rather low to have it set at $30-40, though. I do remember back in the early 80s alot of stations gave a .04 per gallon discount for cash puchases. I guess it's like swchopper said, the 3% merchant charge. They all went away from that a few years later.

My wife worked at a gas station/convinience store in the early 90s, and she said they sold their gas at cost just to get people in the store for other stuff. They made their big profit on food/soda purchases than gas. Selling it that low they were the chearest place in town, so I guess that plan must have worked.


I know I may have to break down and buy a 4 banger beater. These prices are kicking my butt.

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I agree gas prices are totally ridiclious... Even if we had more oil were out of refineries in the US to make enough of it for it to drop in price. I started riding my bike...$6.50 a week to ride to work sure beats the $60 it took to fill up my truck for the same trip. I'm not too disturbed at the price of gas... It's a nessary evil but I can lessen my dependance on it until we can get some long term solutions to remedy the high costs.

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Yea the gas situations sucks, but bitching about aint gonna do any good :mad: . You will have better luck talking to a wall :D . Hay swchopper I agree with ya a 100% my dad owned to gas stations in Miami back in the 80's, that back when most gas stations still had repair shops in them, That is were he made money, it definitly was not in gas. That one reason why he sold and just built a new repair shop, the other was the EPA was a pain-in-the-ass too, Im sure you can relate

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Just remember, it isnt the gas stations (necessarily) changing the gas prices every day.  They just buy the fuel and resell it. They arent the ones refining it, etc.(most of them; however, there are many corporate owned stations)  The fuel market is similar to the stock market.  The price of a bbl of oil changes daily, which causes fuel to change daily.  If the king of saudi arabia dies, and the U.S. closes the embassy in saudi, then oil shoots up $2/bbl, and gas increases 7 cents overnight. (this is what happened 2 days ago.)

The manufacturers or refineries send out a price sheet daily showing what increase/decrease is happening.  It is the manufacturers setting prices, not the stations.

Yeah, the stations decide what to sell it for, but on average their profit margin only fluctuates between 0-20 cents/gal.  Also, on the credit card deal, keep in mind that visa/mc, all the credit card companies charge the stations 3% for every credit card transaction.  So at 2.50/gal, the station gives up 7.5 cents just to the credit card co.  Thats why they charge you extra.  I just wish I could get away with that, but it will never happen in my town.

Anyways, rants over.  I just want to make sure you guys are informed before you start debating this emotional issue.  I would hate it if some tuner guy came on this web site and started ranting on sss when they know nothing about it! :crazy:


Yeah my rant isn't on gas prices, gas is going to cost whatever they say it costs and I understand the gas station isn't making alot of money off the gas, my problem is that I can't fill my tank up using pay at the pump anymore. So I guess really it's the credit card companies that I should be bitching about.

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No greed and stupidity is causing the increases. Oil companies are making billions of dollars in profits right now. I believe this is after all expenses like research and exploration. As far as stupidity goes, Why do we have ourselves in a position where we as a country are so reliant on oil from other places. We can't even build new refineries because someone somewhere is worried about where the fuzzy breasted nut scratcher is going to live. :mad: Our technology has advanced so much and we are still allowing groups with political agendas to keep us critically tied to everyone else for everything we need. I think this is a big mistake.


I don't fault the gas stations and I do want a my children to have a better world but at what price?


I feel better now, Oh...It's time for my morning pill. :chillpill::D

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refineries are the cause for the high price. funny how they always shut down in the summer for maintenance. Goverment and PETA type people won't allow the USA to build any new refineries and the gas companies love it. we've got the oil, just can't get it refined into gas quick enough. Prices are up almost 50% over last year and for what reason? Bunch of BS :icon_bs: if you ask me :banghead: Oh well what can you do.

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It will get to the point that I will sell the SS for something better on gas.  :mad:

I really like my truck but I am not going to be able to keep this up forever. :nonod:

You may be hard pressed to find anyone to buy it, though. If I do anything I'll just buy an econo box for a beater, and save the SS for special occasions.
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It will get to the point that I will sell the SS for something better on gas.  :mad:

I really like my truck but I am not going to be able to keep this up forever. :nonod:

You may be hard pressed to find anyone to buy it, though. If I do anything I'll just buy an econo box for a beater, and save the SS for special occasions.

You do have a point. When I get around to getting rid of the SS gas will probably be $8 /gal...You know,next month. :D

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