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ill start off by :cry::cry::cry:


just traded in the SS on a freakin toyota avalon :cry: , but it was the wifes turn, and she loves it. i already made it known that we are buying another SS sooner than later.


anyways, its amazing how emotionaly attached one can become to a big hunk of metal, i think iam gonna have to cry myself to sleep. :cry::crackup:


any of you guys who sold your SSS's have a hard time unattaching yourself from this truck?



anyways, i will remain active on this forum, i love coming here, and besides, i need to keep up on all the perrormance info for SS #2 one of these days.



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What a shame, it looked promising that you could have both toys at the same time.  What made her get an avalon, I thought you guys were looking at a small suv.



oh, she wanted a grand cherokee until she laid her eyes upon the avalon, and she completely freaked out. she just had to have it.

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I'll probably have my SS till the cows come home! Sorry you had to let 'er go man, good luck with the Avalon. My older sister has one, ahem.... kinda boring, but compared to an SS, what do you expect?


Take it easy!



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