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Try to be nice to the vendors...


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i think the writen pricing isn't allowed from the manufacturer. Afraid a pricewar will brake out. So when you give the websiteadress, it can be reported to the manfacturer. autoguy i would have said: i won't write it but give me a call; maybe you get the website. :D just my toughts.

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i think the writen pricing isn't allowed from the manufacturer. Afraid a pricewar will brake out. So when you give the websiteadress, it can be reported to the manfacturer.  autoguy i would have said: i won't write it but give me a call; maybe you get the website.  :D just my toughts.



I was not asking to have it posted on a web site. I was a personal e-mail request.

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Like chiel said, I think that at times manufacturers do not like special offer prices in print? Tom probably needs to respect this. I like to do biz by email too, but emails can easily be circulated. But if that's the issue it needs to be communicated to the customer.


Guys, I'm not a moderator, but would encourage everyone to try to meet halfway here. :chillpill:


Tom is a site sponsor, and as such I think he does deserve some respect. He also does a nice job of keeping us posted on new products and special deals. If you choose not to do business with him for whatever reason, I wouldn't make a s..t-tossing joke out of it.


On the other hand I hope Tom keeps in mind that customer service is important. When I have done business with him, he has seemed too busy to return emails promptly, and to discuss his products in any detail. When I go to him I pretty much have to know what I want ahead of time, and buy it there because of price or the fact that he's a sponsor, not due to his advice or service.


I also think it was uncool to publicly cite AUTOGUY as having been in conflict.


Maybe both vendor and customers can be a bit more understanding. Just my $.02 worth. Thanks for listening. :chevy:

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First of all let me post this!




Now that I got that out of the way I'll ad my $.02.


If the original post said that a call needed to be placed for pricing then I don't see what the problem is. That is usually how Tbyrne is, it's mostly all about calling which I don't really like and one of the reasons why I have yet to do business with them. I also don't see why a price can't be sent via e-mail, maybe it's too much trouble? :dunno:


Now, as for putting Autoguy on blast over this, I think it's a sorry way to handle things especially for someone who is a preffered vendor on this site as well as many others. It also seems like Tom tried to blow up Autoguy before he had the chance to since he said he was on many forums and was going to post about Tbyrne's customer service. I guess Tybrne tried to beat him to the punch? :dunno:


It looks like Autoguy got a pretty damn good deal on the brakes since Tom wanted to see it in writing.


Late- Alex

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I'm a small buisness owner myself, and to me it seems absurd to make any kind of an issue over something so small. Jump through hoops for customers? I don't think so. If it's against the rules to list prices that are on sale, the freaking call the guy. In my oppinion, all I see is someone who was to lazy to pick up the phone and call for a price. If thats what the seller wanted then that was what he wanted. Making a big fuss and taking all of this time could have been resolved simply by calling him.

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First of all let me post this!


:pop:  :pop:  :pop:  :pop:  :pop:


Now that I got that out of the way I'll ad my $.02.


If the original post said that a call needed to be placed for pricing then I don't see what the problem is. That is usually how Tbyrne is, it's mostly all about calling which I don't really like and one of the reasons why I have yet to do business with them. I also don't see why a price can't be sent via e-mail, maybe it's too much trouble?  :dunno: 


Now, as for putting Autoguy on blast over this, I think it's a sorry way to handle things especially for someone who is a preffered vendor on this site as well as many others. It also seems like Tom tried to blow up Autoguy before he had the chance to since he said he was on many forums and was going to post about Tbyrne's customer service. I guess Tybrne tried to beat him to the punch?  :dunno:


It looks like Autoguy got a pretty damn good deal on the brakes since Tom wanted to see it in writing.


Late-  Alex


Agreed, the smart way to handle this would of been pms and it would of probably gotten worked out without anyone knowing any different!

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I can understand Autoguy not wanting to call. Business nowdays don,t seem to know anything about customer service. Getting a quote by e-mail I think is smart because the seller puts it in writting. If he's not willing to put it in writting then be aware you may get burned. Its your money If they want to sell something to you make them play by your rules within reason. Go back and see who started this.

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I emailed them a price request about the Wilwoods they started to sell. I got an email reply with prices on it?? :dunno:


I think with maybe the high number of emails they get asking questions about prices and products, answering the same question 500x gets old through email.

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