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F-stop the POLICE here is why.

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Thanks everyone for the support. And Cerbomark Thank you for the info.


The results for my talk with the chef,


I conducted myself in a very buisness like manner. I explained myself he heard me out. Then called the officer in. Who was actually waiting outside. The officer came in with a smerk. The Cheif said he heard me out and now he would hear out the officer. Who explained that I posed a possible threat by approaching him and he was unable to see what I was possibly concealing under my baggy clothes... Baggy? Jeesh I am working on loosing weight but I know I haven't dropped any yet.. I stood there absolutely apauled at what I was hearing. The cheif made like a bobblehead doll and said okay well. It's a clear expression of the officer defending himself. You posed a threat to him. I said you have to be joking. I said an un armed man with hands raised approaching an officer's car with no mode or thought of defense or attack. I said clearly at the top of my voice 3 times and you can hear it on your survelance tape I am sure.. me saying I am just bringing you the insurance card.


The cheif said. You were given a direct order by an officer of the law and you did not comply. He could have arrested you for that alone. You are lucky he did not. I said you know what this is a joke. I will see you guys in court.


So off to find a lawyer I go. The town is far more crooked than I thought.


I should have let the bastard shoot me. He would have had to off my family too so he could cover his tracks.


Nothing makes me more disapointed in government than this.

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:wtf::wtf: This whole situation smells like Sh*t! The chief calls this assclown in to refute your complaint. Have you any way to find out how he's related to the chief?


Legitimate, professional departments would not bring an officer in to give his version of the story while you are there, protocol, procedures, conflict of interest, etc.. I don't see anything being handled by anyone at that department, other than protecting their own. Sounds like a really bad Mayberry PD.


I think you're right about a corrupt department. The only way I can think you'll get anything done is if you can get an investigation started by an outside agency, the attorney general's office or the state police :dunno:


Maybe Cerbomark, Stitches040, Rays B4U or other LEOs can educate all of us

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As someone else stated, the officer should never have been brought in with you. That s just the Chiefs way of telling you the story the officer and him will stand by if it is taken any further. That is not a legitimate internal investigation!!!! Every State has different guidelines for internal investigations. Ok, so you lost the battle on that, next see which tickets if any you can beat in court. My opinion would be to forget about taking the internal any further (such as the prosecutors officer).Your wasting your time if that is the stand the Chief is going to take. I m sure there are others here with experience.Take all the info you can get and decided how involved you want to get. I would hate to second guess anyone in law enforcment but it sounds like you got a bad deal so far.

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I had to go back and re read what summons you were issued. I don t know about Ill. but in NJ they are all minor fines with no points(providing the vehicle was insured). Just my $.02 but plead guilty to the no id sticker, and not gulity to the insurance and you have the dr s note for the tints and hope the judge is not the cops brother in law.

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From what I hear it definately seems like a definate over reaction on the officers part. He did not conduct himself in a proper manner. The chief also did not handle the issue properly as well. From the events that unfolded I definately side with you on the issue but then again I was not there. I believe if you were treated like that you should definately use every means to give the officer and precinct as much trouble as you recieve, but remember to keep it all legal. Try and get your story on a local new channel or something. Try and make a big deal of it to draw attention and maybe you will find more people with the same problem as you. Try and build up a huge case and definately fight the charges in court. From what I hear you have nothing to loose. Good luck to you. I hope this gets straightened out, nobody likes officers like that.


I wish the officers would take finding my stolen vehicles that seriously.

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I am defintely open to any suggestions and opinions.


I am going to pursue this to the full extent my wallet allows.


My advice would be this: Choose you battles wisely


I know that this was a embaressing, humiliating, and maddening experience for you. But is it really worth squaring off aganist an entire police dept over?


As hard as it would be to do. I'd just let it go.

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I am going to defeat both charges in court. Allready made the appropriate calls today to the secritary of state regaruding the tint. And the insurance was allready covered.. it was the fact that when my truck got broken into last week the investigator forgot to give me back my card. No big deal cause yesterday the new one had come in the mail I just had not been in the house to get the mail yet hence why my younger sister tried to help me out there.

The window tint there is a simple loop hole. I have hypersensitive eyes. I wear prescp Dark glasses. Extremely. I also weld quite a bit and over time even with a #14 shade I have some damage.. so that justifies the tint and the secritary of state okay'd it and they are sending me written confirmation and it will arrive before the court date. The vehichle sticker got reduced to a 50 dollar compliance because I went and argued with the town regester today because they screwed up and billed me for a sticker in july and never sent it.

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I can't believe he pulled a gun on you! He is pointing a deadly weapon at you for a traffic stop?!?!? Tell me if I'm remembering incorrectly, but on COPS don't they bark orders at people a long time before resorting to drawing their weapon???

This guy shouldn't be a cop

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Sue him for harassment and emotional damage because you dont feel safe in your own town no more because the cops treat you like that. Sue them, win, buy a bigger house in a nicer town. :) **** that pig he had no right to do that.

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