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How many hours do you work?


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Just curious how many hours everyone works per week. I've worked 56-65 hours per week for that last 10-11 years. Things are very slow at work right now so I'm suddenly on 35 hour weeks. It was nice for the first couple of weeks but now I'm getting cabin fever. Not to mention the drop in income. :banghead: I can live without the overtime but 15-20 hrs of time and a half sure comes in handy. Hopefully it will pick up soon.


So how many hours do you work?

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about 47-50 on the clock every week. salary sure does suck for that. i usually end up using about one sick day a year at the most and some years none. :banghead::banghead::banghead:


on the other hand i'll be up to 3 weeks vacation as of may 15...

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40 hours a week on salary. I use to work 37.5 hours a week when I worked for state goverment, but the pay sucked. My wife made more at a factory than I made with my college degree :banghead: . Of course I only had a 30 min drive to work and now it's an hour :banghead: . A good follow up question would be: How many hours of actual work do you do? :devil: (and typing post doesn't count :eek: )

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Used to vary from 35-80hrs a week depending on whether I was local or traveling to one or more of the 5 other states I covered.



now.....its 0.


been on disability since a surgery in August (3rd spinal surgery in 4 years)... and its beginning to look like I may be put to pasture 20 years early. :happysad:

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Used to vary from 35-80hrs a week depending on whether I was local or traveling to one or more of the 5 other states I covered.



now.....its 0.


been on disability since a surgery in August (3rd spinal surgery in 4 years)... and its beginning to look like I may be put to pasture 20 years early.  :happysad:



damn bitter sweet.....how are you feeling everything considering? and after your recovery will you still be able to be mobile?

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