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Really bad week


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128157040.jpgGuess it's my turn to whine about life. :cry:


My dog seemed sick on Monday. He had not eaten since Friday and was listless and vomiting. So my wife and daughter took him to the vet. He took x-rays (at our insistence) and said to give him some tagamet and suggested an ultra-sound. Had that done Tuesday. That vet found nothing but suggested exploritory surgery. Called all over Tuesday night and ended up taking him to the Mich. Humane Society Wednesday. They x-rayed him again and immediately found that he had a blockage in his stomach and small intestines and said he needed immediate surgery. We agreed and the surgery was done right then. Turned out to be very extensive. They had to remove 1 foot of his intestines. He got through the surgery o.k. but needed to be taken to a clinic about 45 minutes away so hw could be monitered 24/7. Did o.k. Thursday. Friday a.m. I get a call at work from the clinic saying the repair on his intestines didn't hold and he was full of bacteria (poison). At this point we are over $4000.00 into his care and the prognosis was slim so I decided to have him put down.


Third time in my life I've had to have a dog put to sleep. If you haven't done it, I can't describe how hard it is. I really loved this dog. He was my buddy. Truly my best friend. 100lbs. of muscle and love and not a mean bone in his body. Well, except maybe for the occasional stray cat. :D He really didn't want to hurt them either. He just wanted to play with them. You know, like the way a cat plays with a mouse. :D Throw it and pounce. Then do it again.


He was the best dog I could have asked for and will be sorely missed. Sorry for the long post but I just had to express myself.

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yea man i feel you...i had a german shepard for like 10 years it was the best dog and the smartest and he got ran over by our neighbors....just so happend like 2 weeks before he got hit he got in a fight with the neighbors dog and killed it....and then got hit by them 2 weeks later....

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128157040.jpgGuess it's my turn to whine about life. :cry:


My dog seemed sick on Monday. He had not eaten since Friday and was listless and vomiting. So my wife and daughter took him to the vet. He took x-rays (at our insistence) and said to give him some tagamet and suggested an ultra-sound. Had that done Tuesday. That vet found nothing but suggested exploritory surgery. Called all over Tuesday night and ended up taking him to the Mich. Humane Society Wednesday. They x-rayed him again and immediately found that he had a blockage in his stomach and small intestines and said he needed immediate surgery. We agreed and the surgery was done right then. Turned out to be very extensive. They had to remove 1 foot of his intestines. He got through the surgery o.k. but needed to be taken to a clinic about 45 minutes away so hw could be monitered 24/7. Did o.k. Thursday. Friday a.m. I get a call at work from the clinic saying the repair on his intestines didn't hold and he was full of bacteria (poison). At this point we are over $4000.00 into his care and the prognosis was slim so I decided to have him put down.


Third time in my life I've had to have a dog put to sleep. If you haven't done it, I can't describe how hard it is. I really loved this dog. He was my buddy. Truly my best friend. 100lbs. of muscle and love and not a mean bone in his body. Well, except maybe for the occasional stray cat. :D  He really didn't want to hurt them either. He just wanted to play with them. You know, like the way a cat plays with a mouse. :D  Throw it and pounce. Then do it again.


He was the best dog I could have asked for and will be sorely missed. Sorry for the long post but I just had to express myself.


Sorry man. I've been there a couple of times. It's loosing a family member ya know... Keep your head up! There's only been a few times in my life I've ever seen my dad cry: losing his mom, and when our chocolate lab had to be put down are a few of the times.

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sorry to hear about this. I know how you feel i had a yellow lab without a single mean bone in his body ( he was afriad of our cockateil or however you spell it.) he weight about 125 and he died of stomch cancer. Loved that dog. sorry for your loss keep your head up, it happens

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Thanks for the kind words everybody. :cheers: It really does help to know that others care. Duke will be my last dog though. I will not put myself and my family through this again. We still have a cat and a snake. When they die I think I'll stick to goldfish. Just flush em' when they die. :D

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