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Long time reader, first time poster...


So basically I was at a shopping center and came up to a four way stop. I waited for the 2 cars to the right of me to go. Then took my right of way, and a guy to the right of the opposite flow of traffic stops and then right as i pass his truck, he basically t-bones me right behind my passanger side front wheel.... :banghead: He hit me hard enough to dent the metal behind the plastic fascia, and now I can barely open my passenger side door maybe 6inches right now.


We park and im more than furious...telling the guy off....asking the guy who had a 1982 toyota pickup how the hell he didnt see me. he just said he didnt. Unfortunately no witnesses around, nor did i call the cops since the damage was so small. He admitted fault, but im going to record him at work tomorrow so atleast I have something incase he tries saying otherwise. Took his insurance info and called his insurance company to file a claim. But I just bought the truck used with only 26K on it less than 2 weeks ago and this was definately not the way I wanted to break it in...


To add to the fact that Allstate (my insur.) states they have no interest in the accident and Mercury(his) should take care of everything and Allstate doesnt need an account of anything :dunno:


Sorry for the long post guys for a newbie :shakehead:

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Oh man sorry to hear about all this - stay on top of things because it is not sounding all that good. You've GOT to get Allstate on your side (to make the other guy's insurance pay for it all), they've got muscle , they can yell loud enough to make the other side pay.


Mr. P.

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Yea the last accident I was in was August of last year with my 02 Silverado. it was lifted and some chick made a left turn infront of me on a residential street into a driveway...Completely went over here little Civic's hood and demolished her car....Come to find out she didnt have insurance and so Allstate royally f-ed her for the 5K to fix the front fender and suspension...




I have some photos of the above, will try to get them up for you guys to see...


I just thought in this case it was so small it was a waste of time, but I know better now to just call. Heck thats what I pay taxes for I guess. The guy was like 55 and his first accident ever....made me wonder how do you get into an accident when you have been driving for ~20+ years :confused: ...oh well...needless to say today wasnt a good one...

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:seeya: first off welcome!!! And wow that totally sux. :banghead: Make sure you get on the insurace....it takes time, I know....the ex wrecked my car about 15minutes after I let him "borrow" it and I had to deal with my insurace and the ladies who hit him. Sucked so bad! I wasn't even in the car....try to explain that to them. Anyways $5000.00 dollars of damage later...the ladies insurance paid for all the repair!!! ..... Ok well....sorry sometimes I get lost in a story.... :smash: back to you.....good luck on everything! I hope it all works out for you! :cheers:
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jusr be glad it wasn't in a parking lot i have been hit twice in those things and the second time the people admitted guilt to their insurance company everything was paid for all $8000 dollars worth. this girl hit me so hard from behind that it crushed my bumper tailgait and crinkled both quater panels. but the other accident i got t boned while sitting still in an isle by as someone backed out and they convinced their insurance that it was my fault because i was speeding.

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i'll try to take some picks of the damage tonight when I get to the gf's house. Upload them tomorrow if im not to busy studying for finals so you guys can assess the damages...


Allstate was really good in the accident that I have pictures of in my first post. But for some reason they dont want anything to do with this one, not even take down a report for the accident. Which seems weird. Im going to call them again. I would think they would want to know of an accident regardless of fault, but the chick keeps telling me I need to file a claim with Mercury (guy who hit me). Told her I did, and shes like well then theres nothing else, wait for them to contact you (i think she was a newbie cust. serv. rep). Ill call my actual agent when they open on monday...


Thanks Guys

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i'll try to take some picks of the damage tonight when I get to the gf's house.  Upload them tomorrow if im not to busy studying for finals so you guys can assess the damages...


Allstate was really good in the accident that I have pictures of in my first post.  But for some reason they dont want anything to do with this one, not even take down a report for the accident.  Which seems weird.  Im going to call them again.  I would think they would want to know of an accident regardless of fault, but the chick keeps telling me I need to file a claim with Mercury (guy who hit me).  Told her I did, and shes like well then theres nothing else, wait for them to contact you (i think she was a newbie cust. serv. rep).  Ill call my actual agent when they open on monday...


Thanks Guys



PM sent. :thumbs:

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Got some pics of the damage...and this guys adjuster has yet to call me...


Pretty pissed....how long does a claim normally take when you are filing it through another drivers insur. company due to whose fault it was?


PICS: Wheel rubs on inside of wheel well, and the passanger side door wont open...




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why would Allstate need to be involved anyway? thats not how insurance works. since the other person completely admitted fault and is not going to file a claim with allstate, then they should not be involved. since you filed a claim with mercury than thats all you need to do. although, since you didn't get a police report, i would have made the person sign somthing saying they were at fault. i personally would never even have called allstate. they will make a note on your account that you called about a accident and that note will go on your "permanent record" for insurance. it will drop off in i think 3 years though.

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