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High School Reunion

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This year was the 10 year annv. of my high school graduation. I went to it. I seen a bunch of nice vehicles in the parking lot. Alot of people I went to school with became Doctors and Lawyers. I went and everyone asked me what I was doing these days and it kind of made me feel like shit because I never finished college because of a family death. They said they new that the chevy truck truck in the parking lot was mine because I was always a die hard Chevy fan. But I know look back and remember memories from high school and it kind of makes me sad that i never talk to anyone from my class anymore. So it was an open bar there and a I drank to much and got sick. Someone gave me a ride home, dont worry I dont drink and drive. But I was wondering if anyone here went to a high school reunion and it kinda made you feel like shit, I though it was supose to be a happy time to get together with all the people I went to school with. Really though it was kinda depressing. As normal all the jocks talked, all the cheerleaders, preps ect... had their own group. That and everyone just seemed different for some reason, I look and see some of my good friends from high school married and I am thinking is my life just a ****ing waste. Sorry about the bitching and moaning just kinda depressed right now

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wow ..... my 10 year HS reunion is coming up this summer .... crazy .... I have heard alot of people with similar experiences to yours ... I guess I will have some stories later in the summer ...

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I went to my 5 year and my 10 year. DO NOT THINK THAT YOU ARE A SHIT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT FINISH COLLEGE! The only thing you will have to do is work a little harder to prove yourself better than a college grad. Granted there are some things that require a degree but not all.


I enjoyed going and seeing how everyone turned out. I married my high school sweetheart so we always have fun. Everyone defines success in a different way. If you are happy, your successful. I stopped comparing myself to others 5 years ago.


The only thing that made me feel a little pissed about is that I was not voted "most likely to succeed",...well however you define it, I think I am.

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havent had the 10yr yet but i went to my 5 year one 2yrs ago and everyone was basically in the same boat, done college, working some shitty ass job, etc. I really doubt much will really change by the ten year except maybe more people will have better jobs. Just cause your not a doctor and didnt complete college doesnt make you any less off then the people who have went. I got my 4yr degree and almost think i never should of went and did something else. keep your head up, well untill you have to puke again but youll be fine.

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I went to my 5 year and my 10 year.  DO NOT THINK THAT YOU ARE A SHIT BECAUSE YOU DID NOT FINISH COLLEGE!  The only thing you will have to do is work a little harder to prove yourself better than a college grad.  Granted there are some things that require a degree but not all.


I enjoyed going and seeing how everyone turned out.  I married my high school sweetheart so we always have fun.  Everyone defines success in a different way.  If you are happy, your successful.  I stopped comparing myself to others 5 years ago. 


The only thing that made me feel a little pissed about is that I was not voted "most likely to succeed",...well however you define it, I think I am.


:withstupid: If what you are doing makes you happy that is really all that matters.

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I just dont understand it. I mean sure i wasnt the most popular guy in school but i got along with just about everyone. That and a guy i use to go to high school with is a boxer now and he started shit with me and we use to be best friends. It was like as soon as I walked in the door he was on my ass. that and it was supose to be casual dress. I picked my one buddy up and we both wore a nice pair of pants with a button up shirt. Alot of people went all out and got tux's and shit. I was talking to one kid who was in my Trig class. He asked me what I was doing and asked if I finished college and I told him no and he goes well that sucks and just walked away. I do not think i am going to the 15 year annv. i walked away from that reunion with hurt feelings, new enemies, and it really pissed me off. Everone asked me why I never call them or anything. I said well because you moved away or dont talk to me and I dont have your number. Then a couple of them said they seen me around town and I was thinking well why didnt you say hi assholes, but i bit my lep and kept my mouth shut and by the time they where done with the slide shows and shit from high school I suposedly tried to get up and go to my car and couldnt walk so a some one drove me home. I am just pissed and hurt that everyone else keeps in touch and I feel like I am a reject or something no one ever calls me so from now on I am saying **** them all

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screw them man, it sucks you got plastered but theres alawys a next time am i right? you the motviation to get better, work harder, get fitter, etc etc. but always remember you are you, nothing wrong with that at all :thumbs:

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Hopefully, by the next reunion I can roll up in a new SS. That and if anyone gives me any shit next time I am not going to be so nice ill fu**in pop them one right in the mouth. Accually it was kinda like any other day, people give me shit, i drink a few beers go to bed and start the cycle all over again. I am sorry but I aint going to take shit from no one essp. thos snoby ****ing cheerleaders who always thought they where better than everyone else. From what I am told though i made one hell of a scene pissing on the carpet.

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went to my 10 yr 3 yrs ago...kindof felt weird cause i moved away and most of the people there i havent seen since gradustion...some wanted to know what happened to my wife(she passed away a few years back)we went to school together...we talked about old times and got the scoop on some of those who didnt make it there...i rolled up in my 86 astro with the v8...people changed alot...one even had some plastic surgery...a couple had real good jobs...and some didnt...owell thats life...atleast i knew i was doing better than some

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Yeah, I kind of went there with an attitude thinking everything was gonna be like old times. man was I wrong. I didnt know one kid i was good friends with died in a car accident about a week before the reunion. I am better of than some people. One of my old classs mates who though he was the shit always had nice cars mommy and daddy always paid for him is in jail for murder, he killed his wife.

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wow ..... my 10 year HS reunion is coming up this summer .... crazy .... I have heard alot of people with similar experiences to yours ... I guess I will have some stories later in the summer ...


I am with you there also. I was out of town for my 5 year and really don't know if I will attend my 10 year or not. Hate to say it but I really don't care if I go or not. I only talk regularly to one buddy from high school anyway. I went to a very small catholic high school and a lot of then thought they were better...can only imagine how it would be now. But a part of me wants to go just to see if the "better" ones actually did something with their lives or are still living off mommy and daddy.


Don't let it get to you. Happiness in life is all that matters :cheers:

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I went to my 20 year last summer. Had a blast. Mostly drank beer and talked about our kids. But it gave me a chance to reconnect with some old friends, which was cool. By that time most people are so far removed from the whole HS mentality that it's a pretty good time.

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I went to my 10-year and was pretty disappointed. Most everyone hung out in the same cliques they did in high school - the cheerleaders hung out with the cheerleaders, the jocks hung out with the jocks, etc. It was pretty pathetic actually, seems like most of the people never grew at all after they graduated...not enough to know that you should be kind to everyone.


Most of the night I hung out with an old wrestling buddy who ended up going to divinity school and becoming a preacher. He was married and had 5 kids. I sat at a table with him and his wife and they were both way cool - the coolest people at the whole thing, and the only ones worth talking to. If it weren't for them, the whole thing would have been a complete bust.

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:withstupid: If what you are doing makes you happy that is really all that matters.

:withstupid: A secret for you - I never spent a day in computer science, in fact I went to college to be a mechanical engineer, dropped-out after 6-mos and never looked back - and I think I do just fine. In fact I'll add that I'm prejudiced against college educated persons in my career (Information Technology) because every person I've met with a Bachelors or Masters in computer science I've ever met has turned out a joke, and I'm not kidding or understating my thought here - ones that I had to work with I actually had to work around (they were what I call educated idiots), and the ones that I've hired I literally had to train just as if they never wrote code in their lives - and these were referred to me by the dean at the college as their top talent. In fact now I do not even size up a person by their education any more.


Chris Rock made a point - among your classmates, there are a few that were always the A students no matter how hard they had it, and there were a few that were always the F students no matter how much help they got; the rest of the class hovers somewhere around a C-minus! That's America - a few A's, a few F's, most are around C-minus. Those degreed classmates of yours might have their diploma but I can assure you that the most of them sqeaked by to get it. You either have "it", or you don't and the best thing to do is figure out what you've got "it" in and make that your career focus. One of my heros - Smokey Yunick. Never spent a day in secondary education. Truly genious, gifted man. Not only a master with making horsepower, but invented power steering along with a slew of other automotive patents. He happened to figure out what his god-given talent was and made a life of it. POINT IS - never sell yourself short because you have not had a secondary education; it's more important to know yourself and live a life around your true talents and skills.


I think the simple truth here is that you are a man who is admittedly at an unhappy point in his life (I am too, you and I have a lot more in common than you might know). BUT don't be down on yourself about this (it's only temporary - with a little thinking you'll get your life going in the direction you want), always remember that just because your life is not going the way you desire that fact does not mean you are better or worse than anyone else; you are just a good man with big troubles and mistakes to pay for, yes some of them self-inflicted (I'm in the same boat). That does not make anyone more or less superior to you - you are not shit. Anyone that chooses to drive a 454SS has class in my book. :chevy:


Mr. P. :)

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:withstupid: If what you are doing makes you happy that is really all that matters.

:withstupid: A secret for you - I never spent a day in computer science, in fact I went to college to be a mechanical engineer, dropped-out after 6-mos and never looked back - and I think I do just fine. In fact I'll add that I'm prejudiced against college educated persons in my career (Information Technology) because every person I've met with a Bachelors or Masters in computer science I've ever met has turned out a joke, and I'm not kidding or understating my thought here - ones that I had to work with I actually had to work around (they were what I call educated idiots), and the ones that I've hired I literally had to train just as if they never wrote code in their lives - and these were referred to me by the dean at the college as their top talent. In fact now I do not even size up a person by their education any more.


Chris Rock made a point - among your classmates, there are a few that were always the A students no matter how hard they had it, and there were a few that were always the F students no matter how much help they got; the rest of the class hovers somewhere around a C-minus! That's America - a few A's, a few F's, most are around C-minus. Those degreed classmates of yours might have their diploma but I can assure you that the most of them sqeaked by to get it. You either have "it", or you don't and the best thing to do is figure out what you've got "it" in and make that your career focus. One of my heros - Smokey Yunick. Never spent a day in secondary education. Truly genious, gifted man. Not only a master with making horsepower, but invented power steering along with a slew of other automotive patents. He happened to figure out what his god-given talent was and made a life of it. POINT IS - never sell yourself short because you have not had a secondary education; it's more important to know yourself and live a life around your true talents and skills.


I think the simple truth here is that you are a man who is admittedly at an unhappy point in his life (I am too, you and I have a lot more in common than you might know). BUT don't be down on yourself about this (it's only temporary - with a little thinking you'll get your life going in the direction you want), always remember that just because your life is not going the way you desire that fact does not mean you are better or worse than anyone else; you are just a good man with big troubles and mistakes to pay for, yes some of them self-inflicted (I'm in the same boat). That does not make anyone more or less superior to you - you are not shit. Anyone that chooses to drive a 454SS has class in my book. :chevy:


Mr. P. :)



as always very well said Mr. P

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