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My ZO6 came in

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ok thats it, what do you do for a living and can you hook me up.  You have all the sickest rides :eek:  help a fellow SS'er up :D


Very sweet ride man, congrats :thumbs:


Thanks, Oil is where the money is :D


id definetly try and convince them to at least let you drive the yellow one until yours comes in, oooor take some cash off of the red one.  Either way you should get something for this mistake.  Id take the red over the yellow as well.  Congrats on the new ride :cheers:


I talked to them today, the owner is going to meet me possibly tomorrow or monday to see if that is possible.


SWEET!!! Is it fast? :jester:


Very fast :D My wife wants to learn standard now :uhoh:


I would just tell them no and walk away from the deal. If you push them hard enough they can get you a red one.


I'm pushing hard, if it comes down to it I'll threaten taken all my GM vehicle buisiness away from them.


Im sorry, but im finding it hard to feel bad for you! :crackup: Congrats on the new purchase or when they get you the one you ordered  :D .What the heck though have them cut you a better deal you have plenty of very nice rides to hold you over till the right one shows up it looks like.


Well I do have other things to drive but DAMMIT I want my C6 ZO6 :lol: I did recently sell the 04 Cobra though. That whining mustang was just not for me.


The total cost including taxes will come to 111,549 Canadian.


Damn, what a deal!!!!


Isn't that like $14,500 USD...???




[/canadian jokes]




I like the yellow with dark wheels, I vote keep it...and ask for $5k canadian back for the screwup.


- Brian


I liked the look but... I think red vettes are damn sexy.


I would tell them to let you drive the Yellow one.They should give you the right to find a buyer for it and whatever you get over sticker you get to apply to the Red one at Sticker and not a penny over!!!


That wouldn't be a bad plan, I know a couple of guys looking for a C6 ZO6. If it comes down to it, I might sell this and make some profit :)

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I like red better also...but the yellow aint no slouch either!!!


tell them to let you roll that one till they get yours or the deals off!!  :banghead:


I would but I'd have to find another ZO6 somehow. All those ones you posted are nice. I may end up picking one up out of the states. Because in Canada I think they are all sold out :banghead: I just hate to pay the import GST bringing a car from the States.


I'd just be happy to be able to buy one, what ever color it is, when your flying down the road its a blurr anyways :D

When I bought my SS I told the guy what ever color is on the lot, luckily they only had a blue one which is what I wanted, but yea its nice to get what you want cause you wont be as happy with the other one  :thumbs:


Your the opposite of my wife :lol: Color first, type of car later. I was pretty torn between black and red when picking the ZO6 though.


Like everyone else is saying, I'd be pissed first and foremost.  If I wanted something and requested something I'd tell them get me what I want or give me my 15k back.  I'd also tell them I'll be driving the yellow one until they get the one I asked for and if they have a problem with that... give me the 15k back.  If you do say something to that effect, say it with a smile cause they'll know you're not dicking around. :)


I am pretty pissed with it. We also talked about getting me a discount for trading my escalade for an 07 one.


They can find a dealership with a Red one.  Even if it's in the U.S.  There is a dealership with one somewhere.  Just tell them to trade it for the one you want or no deal.  :thumbs:


They spent a good time on the computer and phone searching for one, I suggested importing one from the States but they don't seem too keen on it.


i would just ask for my 15k back and hold out for the car you want.  There is no reason for them to be making any money on your money especially without the goods.  As for the dealership there is no way in hell they would let you take the yellow one until the red comes, cause now they have to sell it used and make less money, i mean i hope you get what you want but i dont see that happening.  Sucks to wait but it will make the day you get it a whole lot better, then again it will be snowing and you wont be able to drive/or want to drive it until next year :)


Yeah, I know them letting me drive the yellow one until the red one shows up, is pretty unrealistic. I've been waiting for this call since December, another 4 months! With the dumbass sales people there I'll get the call and walk out to see a chevy aveo :lol:


man that sucks, if they are going to order you another one they better get on it.  You already can't order the orange C6 as an 06 anymore.  I forget the last date for the 06's to be ordered but it's getting close.  As for trading with another dealer...highly unlikely, with the prices those things are going for no one is letting go of them right now.  We sold the one we had to a wholesaler for $15K over.  They need to make it right for you but it's gonna be rough to do.


They said they were goign to have a hard time ordering it. They only got a few allocation spots. They said they might have the one I want in 4 months as this dealer is from a chain of Candian GM dealers, so I might get one, but by then it won't be summer crusin...



You would think that, but there is such a limited production on these cars. Here we a list of customers wanting the cars, so they're pretty much sold before they're even unloaded. If the person at the top of the list backs out, doesn't want it, or whatever, call the next one. There may be some in other parts of the country, just not here. They should at least try to find you one as quickly as possible.


Yeah, my dealer said there were about 20 people coming in to reserve one for next year. :crazy:


even if they did find one , the dealer doesent have to give it up! i highly doubt any dealer would dealer trade one since they have such high demand!


every dealer they called were sold out.


.....thats insulting..... 111,549 Canadian is in no way shape or form $14,500 its $21.99  :jester:  you wacky Canooks and your exchange rates :smash:


Actually it is around $99.300 US, our dollar is about 10cents off now. Buying stuff in Canada is expensive :banghead:


If I ordered a red one and they had that yellow one sitting there, I'm not gonna lie... I'd probably take that yellow one cause I think it looks sick with those non-polished wheels.


I can't say I'm not tempted.

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They can find a dealership with a Red one.  Even if it's in the U.S.  There is a dealership with one somewhere.  Just tell them to trade it for the one you want or no deal.   :thumbs:

You would think that, but there is such a limited production on these cars. Here we a list of customers wanting the cars, so they're pretty much sold before they're even unloaded. If the person at the top of the list backs out, doesn't want it, or whatever, call the next one. There may be some in other parts of the country, just not here. They should at least try to find you one as quickly as possible.



Thats why theres no way in hell any of these demands from all the post on here would work, simply put if he chuses not to buy theres a list of people that would step right in and take it off the dealers hands!



True in many places I guess. :dunno: But, my body works at a Chevy dealership and they got one (a black one) of the two '06 Z06's in that they were supposed to get for the year. It sat there for about two weeks and no one bought it so they sold it to a dealership about 40 miles away. My was dad was orginally really interested in getting a blue one so my friend said if he bought it (the black one) it would be no problem to do an exchange and swap ZO6's with another dealership.

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i cant believe the dealer screwed that order up, they can only order a few and this should have never happened. if red is what you want then that is what you should get even though you are going to have to wait.

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They can find a dealership with a Red one.  Even if it's in the U.S.  There is a dealership with one somewhere.  Just tell them to trade it for the one you want or no deal.  :thumbs:


What ever you do dont just walk away saying do it or no deal. You maybe a good customer but there are enough people waiting for these thatr they wont care if you walk away. In fact if you do walk away it benifits them in that they can now sell it for much more to someone else who is not willing to wait for a special order. I checked and there are 2 dealers in my "area" Vistory Red Z06 (2LZ)'s in their inventory.








The one in Tipton has Ebony Leather and the one In Canal has Cobalt Red Leather.


If the dealer incures additional costs for trading then they should cover the cost since it was there F*up in the first place. As far as what they should do to make it up to you... covering the additional costs of a trade should be good. Allowing you to drive the Yellow one in the mean time would be a bonus. Everyone knows that even if you drove it for 4 months they could still get their money out of it. :chevy:

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dont BLOW YOUR LID ha joke cuz the top is going to fall off, get it


Yeah, I'm not too worried about that.


i cant believe the dealer screwed that order up, they can only order a few and this should have never happened.  if red is what you want then that is what you should get even though you are going to have to wait.


I was also pretty shocked they didn't get my order right, unfortunately it looks like waiting is going to be the plan.


I'm a huge Z06 fan, i think you should help a fellow calgarian out and sell me your 03 when you get your new one for a smoking deal.  I also wanna do some summer cruising in a vette. :cheers:


Well if I get my the new one soon, I'd put mine up for sale and we can go for a calgary cruise :cheers:


Looks good to me in Clarkson Yellow but if its not what you want hold out for the Red one.


I would be most upset with the rims. Chrome all the way


Yeah!!! Clarkson yellow! It actually matches Norwick with the yellow and black, since it doesn't have the polished wheels.


What ever you do dont just walk away saying do it or no deal. You maybe a good customer but there are enough people waiting for these thatr they wont care if you walk away. In fact if you do walk away it benifits them in that they can now sell it for much more to someone else who is not willing to wait for a special order. I checked and there are 2 dealers in my "area" Vistory Red Z06 (2LZ)'s in their inventory.








The one in Tipton has Ebony Leather and the one In Canal has Cobalt Red Leather.


If the dealer incures additional costs for trading then they should cover the cost since it was there F*up in the first place. As far as what they should do to make it up to you... covering the additional costs of a trade should be good. Allowing you to drive the Yellow one in the mean time would be a bonus. Everyone knows that even if you drove it for 4 months they could still get their money out of it. :chevy:


I know there are some in the states, but I don't think my dealer wants to go that route.


Deal or No Deal?


Well I'm going to see the owner tomorrow to work something out. I know most likely he will just apologize, offer some small concession and ask me to wait patiently. I doubt he would let me drive around that yellow ZO6, but there is always some hope. I know they would have no trouble selling this yellow one, right away, our whole province is basically sold out.

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