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May 1st ,and people who arent going to work!


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Miami was nuts today. i dont know how many of you have heard, been, know of, or lived in miami. but Miami is pre-dominetly minorities. not just hispanic (even though mostly it is) but blacks, asians, indians, etc etc. point is anglos are a minority here. anyways for i did not believe that we would be affected in such a way were people would go nuts. i was dead wrong. there were huge droves of people waving flags. mostly mexican flags (im like wtf? we had mexicans here i thought it was only south american here/carribean) hundreds upon hundreds of mexican flags mixed with nicaragua and some bolivian flags, columbian and venezuelen. i saw maybe two cuban and i think like three panama or other.

my sister was with me, mother of two, attorney and ive never seen her so upset. she rolled down her window and screamed in spanish and english to go back or get legalized. im glad and forever that we/i live in a country that does not presecure us or imprison us. im forever thankful that i can walk outside without having to worry that the goverment will take me away in political prison. my parents came to this country and they slaved and toiled and learned and studied and reached a high position in the community. the majority of people that i know thatcome here, know that this place isnt paved in gold. they want to be part of the ameican dream they want to vote they want to live and breath and be AMERICAN. however they also want to keep a peice of thier background, thats fine with me, everyone is entilted. theres has been instances when some people curse this country saying they cant wait to get to thier country but they cant because theres some dictator and how this country sucks and blah blah blah. :mad: holy crap theres a difference when i talk crap about the US of A because maybe i dont agree with some of the political things such as enviormental issues, economic events the rise of china etc. ugh....whatever i cant even think blah. screw them.... :flag:

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I believe the current system, we have is wrong. Rewarding people who break the law (crossing the border illegally) with jobs is just unethical. On the other hand, my in-laws in Mexico cannot vist me legally, because they are poor and don't have large fixed assets to assure their return (to the satisfaction of the US Government, anyway). It also creates an under-class of people who are abused in terms of wages and benefits. I have nothing against folks who want to come to the US, work hard and make a better life for themselves, which is what most illegal immigrants want. But too many industries are addicted to the low wages that they can pay illegals and they lobby for the status quo.


My solution-

First we would have to clean the slate, and offer some sort of amnesty or "work to become a citizen" option for existing illegals. It is only fair to folks who have worked hard at crummy jobs for many years.


Enact large penalties to companies that employ illegal immigrants (from any country). You can get rid of the supply by getting rid of the demand.


To keep the industries that want the low-wage labor happy, a kind of guest worker program that would allow people to earn citizenship by demonstrating they are hear to work hard for a new life and willing to learn English, have no criminal record, etc.


Now it becomes easier to police the border and catch the true criminals sneaking back and forth with drugs and such.



I am sure this is not a perfect solution either, but it is a lot better than what we have. I suppose the best solution would be to get the Mexican government to stop ripping off it's own people so much. The corruption there perpetrates poverty that makes risking your life to immigrate to the US look good.


As for the walk out today, I think it is bad. It will probably scare a lot of average Joe's and assure a backlash.

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I believe the current system, we have is wrong.  Rewarding people who break the law (crossing the border illegally) with jobs is just unethical.  On the other hand, my in-laws in Mexico cannot vist me legally, because they are poor and don't have large fixed assets to assure their return (to the satisfaction of the US Government, anyway).  It also creates an under-class of people who are abused in terms of wages and benefits.  I have nothing against folks who want to come to the US, work hard and make a better life for themselves, which is what most illegal immigrants want.  But too many industries are addicted to the low wages that they can pay illegals and they lobby for the status quo.


My solution-

First we would have to clean the slate, and offer some sort of amnesty or "work to become a citizen" option for existing illegals.  It is only fair to folks who have worked hard at crummy jobs for many years.


Enact large penalties to companies that employ illegal immigrants (from any country).  You can get rid of the supply by getting rid of the demand.


To keep the industries that want the low-wage labor happy, a kind of guest worker program that would allow people to earn citizenship by demonstrating they are hear to work hard for a new life and willing to learn English, have no criminal record, etc.


Now it becomes easier to police the border and catch the true criminals sneaking back and forth with drugs and such.



I am sure this is not a perfect solution either, but it is a lot better than what we have.  I suppose the best solution would be to get the Mexican government to stop ripping off it's own people so much.  The corruption there perpetrates poverty that makes risking your life to immigrate to the US look good.


As for the walk out today, I think it is bad.  It will probably scare a lot of average Joe's and assure a backlash.



very well said

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It's truley amazing how people are so clueless when they talk on TV. I just watched some guy say that protesting is his right. If you are here illegally, HOW THE HELL IS THAT YOUR RIGHT? If you want some rights, why don't you go about being a citizen of this country the right way?


I totally disagree with what is going on today. I have a few family members that have come to this country, but have taken the steps legally to be a citizen. I'm all for someone coming here to make a better life for themselves, but do it the right way plain and simple. These people are here illegally and are BREAKING THE LAW! Why should they get any kind of special treatment, just because they have been here for 17, 20, 30+ years, because they take the jobs that Americans don't? If you have been here for that long, WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU TAKEN STEPS TO BE HERE LEGALLY? What are they waiting for? :dunno:


If it makes any difference, I am Latino. :thumbs:


Nothing but total BULL :mad:!


BTW: I'm taking today off only because I've been working for 8 straight days and I'm burned out! If I wasn't, I WOULD BE AT WORK! Also, I'm going to go out of my way to buy something as well to show my non-support of this event! Any suggestions on what I should buy? :D



Late- Alex

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I'm with the rest of you.  I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce.  I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay.  I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job.  The workers can be replaced.


One thing to note, we DO need them in the work force to keep our current cost of living. Without illegal farm labor, the vast majority of California produce would have to go up in price as you won't find a citizen that'll work for the same labor. And if you know just how agricultural the state is, you'll understand that a rise in costs in CA will affect everyone.


What we don't need is for them to enter the country illegally to do this work, what we do need is some form of a guest worker program.


That said, a single day boycott won't do much at all to the economy. An entire harvest season boycott would be devastating, but it will never happen, as the illegals who come here seasonally to earn money to take back to mexico for their families won't miss out on the opportunity to work.


In Iowa where I'm from it wouldn't be as devastating as it seems. We're actually one of the biggest food producing states. It would hurt on some of the foods that we import that can't be grown here but if it really came down to that in CA we wouldn't be without food for sure.


Besides, my point when I said they can be replaced was that they can be replaced with others. Not every single illegal laborer is boycotting and not all of them want to take the risk of being without a job by doing something like that.

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I'm with the rest of you.  I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce.  I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay.  I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job.  The workers can be replaced.


One thing to note, we DO need them in the work force to keep our current cost of living. Without illegal farm labor, the vast majority of California produce would have to go up in price as you won't find a citizen that'll work for the same labor. And if you know just how agricultural the state is, you'll understand that a rise in costs in CA will affect everyone.


What we don't need is for them to enter the country illegally to do this work, what we do need is some form of a guest worker program.


That said, a single day boycott won't do much at all to the economy. An entire harvest season boycott would be devastating, but it will never happen, as the illegals who come here seasonally to earn money to take back to mexico for their families won't miss out on the opportunity to work.


In Iowa where I'm from it wouldn't be as devastating as it seems. We're actually one of the biggest food producing states. It would hurt on some of the foods that we import that can't be grown here but if it really came down to that in CA we wouldn't be without food for sure.


Besides, my point when I said they can be replaced was that they can be replaced with others. Not every single illegal laborer is boycotting and not all of them want to take the risk of being without a job by doing something like that.


Gotcha on the replacement point. :thumbs: There's always one there to fill in the shoes of the one not willing to work. That is, unless they organize well like back in the Cesar Chavez days and start to vandalize farms. :mad:

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i cant beleive these peopl ethey are interviewing on TV. IMO if they wanted to get some illeagles out of the coutry all they need to do is go to one of these gatherings and they wouuld have 99% of them!

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They have the balls to sing the National Anthem in spanish and change the words. They can kiss my ass. They pay no taxes, Send there money back to Mexico, get free health care in the U.S. Take spots at U.S. colleges so U.S. citizans kids can't get accepted. Companys that hire illeagls should be fined out the ass. College kids can't find summer word because of the illeagls. :banghead:



Illeagals cannot apply to Universities, if you are not a legal resident you will not be admited, so that statement is false. Spanish is a legal dialect of the western U.S. The U.S. recognizes Spanish as a second language, so therefore most illeagals do speak the native language, as per the Treaty of Guadalupe Idalgo signed back in I-cant-remember -when. Know Just because Spanish is a leagal dialect, it does not mean that we should not learn English. In fact, I strongly believe that everyone should learn English. and by everyone I mean immigrants. As for boycotting school, students are doing it just to ditch school, because that is exactly one of the reason why the parents are boycoting today, and it is hipocritical as well as counterintuitive that they are fighting for the right to attend public schools, yet the students are ditching, and the parents supporting it.


I dont agree with the boycotte, nor do i agree that illegals should just be handed their resident status because they have been living here for a while. If they want to be citizens, they should not wave the _____ flag, but should wave the American flag. if htey want to be citizens, they should act like it.

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I believe the current system, we have is wrong.  Rewarding people who break the law (crossing the border illegally) with jobs is just unethical.  On the other hand, my in-laws in Mexico cannot vist me legally, because they are poor and don't have large fixed assets to assure their return (to the satisfaction of the US Government, anyway).  It also creates an under-class of people who are abused in terms of wages and benefits.  I have nothing against folks who want to come to the US, work hard and make a better life for themselves, which is what most illegal immigrants want.  But too many industries are addicted to the low wages that they can pay illegals and they lobby for the status quo.


My solution-

First we would have to clean the slate, and offer some sort of amnesty  or "work to become a citizen" option for existing illegals.  It is only fair to folks who have worked hard at crummy jobs for many years.


Enact large penalties to companies that employ illegal immigrants  (from any country).  You can get rid of the supply by getting rid of the demand.


To keep the industries that want the low-wage labor happy, a kind of guest worker program that would allow people to earn citizenship by demonstrating they are hear to work hard for a new life and willing to learn English, have no criminal record, etc.


Now it becomes easier to police the border and catch the true criminals sneaking back and forth with drugs and such.



I am sure this is not a perfect solution either, but it is a lot better than what we have.  I suppose the best solution would be to get the Mexican government to stop ripping off it's own people so much.  The corruption there perpetrates poverty that makes risking your life to immigrate to the US look good.


As for the walk out today, I think it is bad.  It will probably scare a lot of average Joe's and assure a backlash.


Seems like back in 1986 we passed:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act gives amnesty to approximately three million undocumented residents and provides punishments for employers who hire undocumented workers.



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I wonder if they will be taking the day off from collecting government benefits, using our facilities, and the US education of their children. I also agree with the fact that the Constitution only protects US Citizens. We are definately too soft, on a lot of issues. This is the tip of the iceberg.




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On a side note, I was just thinking about the protester's here in Seattle today. Some guy drove straight into the crowd of marchers and kept driving plowing people over. People were bouncing off the front of his car and over his hood. The protester's were chasing after guy, throwing stuff, banging on his car and rocking it all around. It was pretty funny watching it on the news. :crackup: Needless to say, the man was arrested.

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