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Stupid ass kids!!!


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I'll go ahead and warn ya, this is probaly going to be a long post..

This evening me and my fiance were driving down the interstate in the TBSS. I noticed a red LS1 GTO in my rearview, so that got me kinda excited. He wouldn't get beside me for about 5 miles, then about a 1/4 mile before my exit he comes up beside me. I look over and it's two teenagers driving, so we both put it to the floor. We only went from about 60-80 and I did get about 1/2 car jump on him, but we stayed pretty much dead even until I had to slam on the brakes to avoid rearending the car in front of me. Well I really didn't think much of it, I thought we were both just playing around. Well I end up and run into the guy hanging out with a bunch of his buddies in the walmart parking lot. So being the nice guy that I am, I drove over to shoot the shit with him. The first thing he said was you want to go from a dig this time? So I said yeah this thing hooks up pretty good. Then I went on to say you'll probaly beat me but I'll run you anyway. Then he started having a attitude. He says your damn right I'll beat you, I'm putting more power to the wheels than your putting to the flywheel. I was like WTF??? I thought that sounds exactly like something I would here out of a fast and the furious movie. So I said congratulations your car is faster than my SUV. And I gave him a high five. Then he keeps running his mouth about how fast his car is. So I tell him to just get in the car. Then he says I'll give you a five car lenth head start and we'll put 100 bucks on it. By this time I knew the only thing he wanted to do was run his mouth and not run the car. So I asked him why I haven't seen him at the dragstrip any?? He said I go to Dallas every sunday and I run a 12.80. Just for your information that particular dragstrip is a 1/8 mile and it closed down in January of this year. I ended up and just told him he was a dumbass and went on my merry way.

What the hell is wrong with the kids today?? Can't you just race for fun anymore?? I don't talk shit and I don't understand the point in it. I'm 22 years old but I don't think nothing like what that group of kids did. Looking back I should of showed him a 100 and then seen what he would of said. But I didn't and that kid is a big fat :yellow_loser::yellow_loser:

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the only thing shitty about that is you are with your girl, you dont want those dumb asses doing anything stupid especially if there are a bunch of them.


yeah if it were different and felt ok id say throw the hundred down and spank the shit out of the dumbass. Funny i never run into any punk kids on the street or just walking around...

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I havent had the greatest of run-ins with GTO owners either...maybe theyre still hurt about the Car and Driver article giving the mustang GT the win just based on looks...Almost bought a GTO too, but cant see myself in one

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I agree; other people's kids.  :banghead:  Hey, I didn't realize you lived in north Texas...


I don't... Dallas is a small city in central Georgia. I live in Canton which is north west GA. I wish I lived in texas, I know there's a lot more hemi rams out there, and seems to be a lot more of every kind of performance venicle. At the tracks around here the only things that show up are drag cars, I'm lucky if there's even three of four street cars there running.

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Let me find that little punk!!

As long as it don't rain tomorrow, I'll be hunting him down in my truck...

The kids kinda chubby and maybe 18-20 years old. He drives a red LS1 GTO 6 speed, so it has no scoops on the hood. He was hanging out over at the walmart parking lot off of Barrett Pkwy. There was quite a few cars parked over there... you can't miss it.

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why didnt you say"shut ur mouth or ill beat ur ass" :dunno:



I was too busy laughing at him, I've got in way too much trouble over the years getting in fights. My luck his daddy was probaly a lawyer or something and I wouldn've got the death penalty :( I can hold my own pretty damn good, but I don't know if 20 on 1 would've been a very good idea.

Seriously though, the kid was a complete dumbass, everything that came out of his mouth was rehersed. I'll have my camera with me tomorrow incase I see him.

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...i never run into any punk kids on the street or just walking around...




why didnt you say"shut ur mouth or ill beat ur ass" :dunno:

thats shit's funny right there! :thumbs:



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I live in kingsville... Texas... seems like all there is here is neons... funny you mention wal-mart because i ran into a dumbass at wal mart. I did some shopping in the car section of wally mart and when i went to pay this is what i hear, "you have an ok truck, but my car would burn it" (in the fast and the furious kind of voice). I looked at my wife, my wife smiles, i smile, thinking this guy has a monster of a car at 16 years old.... what kind of car does he have?...


any ideas...





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