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Speedo Says 45mph, stopped at red light.


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I was on my way home form work yesterday and stopped at a red light, looked down and the speedo is sitting at 45mph!?!?! When i got home i turned the truck off, let it sit for a couple minutes and turned it back on, speedo went from 45 down to 35 mph and sat there. I repeated these steps and it went from 35 to 25. so i did it a couple more times till it was back at zero. I then went for a short drive and it seemed to be fine. The last couple days i've noticed on deceleration that its real jerky instead of the smooth turn its supposed to have.


Any ideas/ advice? the truck isan't under warrenty, go figure.






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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the exact same issue and hoped it would go away... but it just get's worse. You have to get the cluster replaced. Mine was still under extended warrenty and was covered. If you are out of warrenty you can find them "cheap" on line but the dealer has to install so they can switch over all the settings and memory.

When I was researching it a while ago I remember a lot of guys having the same issue. I couldn't find a recall though.

Hope that helps...

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  • 2 months later...

They just get worse most of the time. I had mine replaced under extended warr and mine said I was going 80 at 25. Just watch the miles get put on driving around town. There has been quite a few lately. Mine lasted less then a week before it went really nuts. Lost my tach ect. Good luck

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there are a couple of you with the same prob

it sounds like it might be wearing out

they can only go from 0-120

so many times :devil:


i had mine go bad about 2 weeks after i got mine. i just remebered the rpms for the speed till i got my new one

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