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Today in the news the CEO of Nascar said that if they ban the Rebel flag from flying at races they will increase viewers, what do you think?I for one think that nascar has a very rich deep south heritage, and pride about it. If nascar was to ban the flag it will hurt the roots of the sport.


Here is the article Flag debate

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Its albout the history for NASCAR Where is the MOON SHINE? I would fly the 13 star flag if I had one. Just a bit of flag useless knowledge that I have is if a 51st state was to join our great union the star would not fly till the 4th of Jul of that year or next while supplies lasted.

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I use to love watching nascar but truth be told it cant hold my attention for more then ten minutes before im completely bored with it now.When they changed the championship points standings it really made this sport bad to watch imo.I dont know why they feel the need to seperate themselves from the fans that supported them when they were nothing, and these constant moves to try and globalize this sport has made it nothing but a watered down product thats about as exciting to watch as a 0-0 mls soccer game!


Nascar needs to realize that it will not be loved anywhere but right here in this country, the sooner they realize this the better.Fact is Europe and the rest of the world like f-1, they are not going to change there minds period!They do not want to watch trillion pound cars go round and round in a circle, there happy with the sport they have with f-1 and im getting sick and tired of watching these idiots trying to force there product down the throats of people who could car less about it!

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let it fly. I'm not a racist or anything. It's about history and freedom of speech. The goverment will let you burn the american flag but Nascar doesn't think you should fly the rebel flag :banghead: BS if you ask me. History is important. :flag:

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I'm afraid Nextel is more interested in the marketing side than the racing and its heritage. It started when they took over. Afraid it mostly how the "politically correct world" is today.

A kid was banned from driving his car to a local school because he had a 'General Lee' paint job on it.


Thats BS too.


Let the flag stay!


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