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Dog died Sunday


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Well guys, we lost another dog this weekend :shakehead: Holly got lose from my dad at about 1pm sunday afternoon. When I got home that evening(11pm) they hadn't seen of heard her for hours. She normally stays around the house when she is loose.

I decided to go look for her, since dad hadn't even attempted. I drove around the neighborhood, and I few other places she had run off to before. We live right in front of I-64, probably at about mile marker 138-140. Well for some reason I decided to drive the interstate behind the house to she if she was there. I drove about 10 miles east of morehead, found a u-turn and drove back. I was about 1-2 miles from the exit home and didn't see anything so I was like good she's not here. And then I saw something on the side briefly but I couldn't tell what it was. As I got off I was thinking there was no way it's her she would never wander to the interstate. Well I planned on going back later when traffic died down, but mom wanted me to go check to be sure. So I woke up dad and made him go with me.(which I regret) Anyhow to shorten it up a little it was her. I'm having problems dealing with it, because it was bad, real bad. We weren't able to get her all. I figure a semi pulling a trailer hit her. I wish I had went alone, because my dad didn't need to see it. He kept telling me it wasn't her, but there was no doubt in my mind. Her upper half was intact enough to tell it was her. And I eventually found her collar on the other side of the road. I don't think he would have accepted that it was her if I hadn't found her collar.

And I don't understand why it had to be soooo bad. I've never seen anything that was hit that bad. And it was dark, I can't even imagine what it looked like in daylight.

Mom thinks that God punished her for not being very nice to her mother. She doesn't know how bad it was, and she never needs to know. I just don't understand why God would do that. Like I said, I'm having problems dealing with it. I just can't get it out of my head. I can't look at pictures of her, without seeing what I saw on the interstate. And anybody I talk to doesn't know what to say.

My main questions .......Why? Is Holly(Sally, Molly, Sydney) in heaven? We are taking what we have of Holly to Lexington to be cremated. You know when people bury horses they bury heart, head, and hooves(I think). Does that count for dogs too? I know this is a long post, but I appreciate anyone who read it through and anyone who has any thoughts.

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That is a tough situation. There may have been something to dog got to chasing, and just went. Maybe something physical, I know my dog use to have seizures and eventually they got stronger and more frequent, last year got so bad we had to put him down. Now the second dog we have she doesnt listen anymore, as if there is nothing to live for. Sorry for your loss, it really is hard to deal with even more so that your dog was run down. That is a crime even if the dog was loose whomever hit your puppy should have reported it.

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im sorry to hear this, first thing is you shouldnt think that god does anything to punish you or other people. if you have faith, keep it. there should be no blame passed on. it was a accident that shouldnt have happened. ive heard that the best way to deal with a dog's death is to find another dog that needs help. my dog is my best friend and i dont kno what i would do but iknow i wouldnt be the same. im very tired and kinda iffy on reasoning. but we are here for you, just dont take this as punishment. we are here for you, im sorry your pup had to go that way, my best regards to you and your family. i hope you get through this ok and jjust take some time away from everything but also have your friends and family close. as well as you keeping close to your friends and family

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I'm really sorry. That's a terrible way to lose a pet. You need to get through the grief period and then start looking for a new dog. It takes time. My dog is suffering from heart disease and has been getting worse, despite the five pills she has to take twice a day. I know that after she's gone, I will get another dog but not for at least a year. It's going to take me a long time to recover when she's gone.

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i know where ur comming from a few years ago my German Shepard got ran over on our PRIVATE drive way. no one should have even been on it and my dog of 8 years gets hit and killed. his name was Hagen i loved that dog more than anything. and as if i couldnt have any worse luck our 2 little yorkies get killed by coyotes. can it get any worse? im sorry for your loss. i just bought a boxer puppy named bailey and shes perfect. i love dogs as much as i do humans. it will only get better with time i promise. keep your head up.

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terribly sorry for your loss. honestly if i lost my boston terrier kona i think i would be sick for months. she gets treated better than my wife (so my wife says - she's right too). i just really feel for you. stay strong. :tear::tear:

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WTF, is this about? :wtf:



I don't believe God Punishes. I used to, but now I see him as a giver of stregth. Someone that will carry you through the tough times, and see you through to the other side. Let Him help you through this. It will help your hurt heal. Just remember that we're all here for you, too.

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WTF, is this about? :wtf:



I don't believe God Punishes. I used to, but now I see him as a giver of stregth. Someone that will carry you through the tough times, and see you through to the other side. Let Him help you through this. It will help your hurt heal. Just remember that we're all here for you, too.


I was wondering myself. This is not the kid of post to put that in... :nono:

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My pup Eleanor got hit and killed while I was at my folks house three weeks ago, not quite a year old and my first dog. Broke my heart and my girls as well. We have another dog too and he kinda moped around the house. There is no reason for it, God or no God, it's an accident. We debated about getting another dog, ended up with one and she'll never replace Eleanor, but she's a good pup and needs us and it helped us get through.

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I had to put my dog of 15 years down this past summer and it was so depressing, I felt like shit for a while and still do. She had cancer, found out around x-mas (even worse) of this past year and told myself I wouldn't put her to sleep until she started suffering. So, right after the 4th I had to put her to sleep, cancer started in her Kidneys and spread to her lungs just before we put her to sleep.


The worst part about it was we got her (Tahoe-black lab) when I was still young. I still live at home but am away at college most of the time, so a few years ago my little sister got a Scottish Terrier (Malibu), the two dogs hated each other at first, but I think that little one Mailbu has taken it the worst without Tahoe around. We are debating getting another dog, but I will be away at school and moving out in a few years and my sister will be going away to college, so we are not sure. I really want a Bull Terrier (like the Target dog). I don't even want to try to replace Tahoe because there is just no way that I could, awesome dog. My mother swears up and down that she will not allow another dog in the house, she was the most upset. Dad kinda wants another dog, but we'll see.


I am sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine what you went/are going through having to see your dog like that. :shakehead:

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Hey Kim,


Sorry to hear about Holly. :( That is an awful way to lose a pet, but like I always say, death is a part of life. It comes when you least expect it in ways you never would have dreamed of. Hang in there... We're here for ya...




p.s. All dogs go to heaven. It was just Holly's time.

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Thank you everyone for the kind, caring thoughts. They have helped alot(some of them made me cry, but I needed it) And I am sorry to hear about some of your recent losses. Chevygal, sorry to hear about your dogs illness. Today was a much better day. I don't think we will be getting any more dogs for a while. We have still got Kally. She is still a little gimpy from her knee surgery. And sad, especially today, because I think she realized Holly is not coming back. The cats don't seem effected, but thats a cat for you. Thank you all again and God Bless.

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