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First of all, don't knock yourself for your age - you're a lot closer to right than most people I've known, or what you give yourself credit for. :thumbs:


It's good to hear your father came through surgery, sounds like the biggest hurdle has been passed.  I like threads like this - it is great to see families that truly relate to each other.


What you have expressed has been a lot on my mind this week, a lot.  That being you can't take *anyone* for granted.  It's great to hear you and your father have a good relationship, because reality is that any one of us could be gone tomorrow; life is just not predictable, and you'll only make yourself literally insane attempting to control things like that.


But we can control ourselves, and in my own life I believe in preparedness.  I know that at any moment I may never see my kids again, or I can end up having my own ticket prematurely punched, all it takes is just one mistake or coincidence.  So as morbid as this may seem I try to be prepared for 'the end' at any moment by making sure that I have no "unfinished business" in any area of my life.  But especially with my sister and kids, which at the moment are the only loved ones I have.  "No Regrets".


Forgive the rambling - I'm trying to improve that!

Mr. P. :)


:withstupid: for the most part, since i dont have any kid, but this is my general way of thinking when it comes to the end.


Cody, hang inthere everything will get better

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Don't worry, I'm sure your dad will be fine. My father had to go into open heart surgery on my senior year of high school. It sucked. I know your dad has one more to go, but, medicine and doctors are well trained and really know what they are doing. It has been ten years since my dad's surgery and he is doing better than ever. Your dad will be up on his feet and doing business as usual in no time and you will put the hard times behind you. I now cherish every chance i have to spend with my father because i don't want to feel the way i felt when he went into his surgery. Our prayers are with you and your family.

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Glad to hear your dad came through his first surgery. And you and your family are in my prayers. I hope all goes well in the second surgery.

Never hesitate to "vent" when you feel you need to. Letting it all build up inside makes it 10 times worse. And everyone on this forum is here for you, and we know that you are here for all of us. And even though alot of members are young, they sure are wise and give some darn good advice. Including yourself. Keep us updated on how things are going.

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I've been in a similar case recently. It's always hard to watch a loved one go into surgery. I know I was filled with worry, angst and plenty of what if feelings. It's probably one of the worst feelings in the world. I did nearly the same thing as you spending all possible time with them before they went into surgery. It never helps when the doctors explain the complications and risks that can accompany any surgery. The good thing, is that now there is so much technological advancements and a better understanding of human physiology and anatomy that the risk has gone down substantially. I'm glad to hear your father has come through probably the most risky surgery well. My prayers are with your family that he will pull through it perfectly. I know the feeling really opens your eyes, but it will make you a stronger person in the end.

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hey, thanks to everyone!!


I've got my witts about me a little better now that i've had a couple days to calm down and everything. My dad is doing very well, he is very sore and he lost alot of blood during his surgury, but he is up and moving around, although he looks a bit like frankinstein because he has limited mobilty in his neck. They had to repair 6 vertebre in his neck and he has an incision about 9" long running from the middle of his neck to between his shoulder blades. he's doing well enough that he has been approved to go home today! :D


Again, a HUGE "thank you" to everyone who has replied. It helps to talk and I hope that I will do better with his next surgury this winter.



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Sounds like the major hurdle has been passed. Open heart surgery has become so routine in the past 20 years, and technology keeps getting better. I could not tell by your posts that you're 19, not that that matters, because it sounds like your dad is a good man that has raised a good son. Let him know that you love him, and are there for him, and that will keep his spirits up. He'll be fine, but you and your family will be in our prayers.

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