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mistery miles?


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I would definetly have the Police charge him with "Use Without Authority" ...  Due to the fact that he did not intend to Completely Deprive you of your vehicle, ie: Larceny ...  it is still a felony ....
God I would love to be a spectator in court that day.


Judge: "Now let me get this right, you were sleeping with his gf and joyriding his truck? :shakes head: Bailiff, slap his pee-pee..."

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I would definetly have the Police charge him with "Use Without Authority" ...  Due to the fact that he did not intend to Completely Deprive you of your vehicle, ie: Larceny ...  it is still a felony ....
God I would love to be a spectator in court that day.


Judge: "Now let me get this right, you were sleeping with his gf and joyriding his truck? :shakes head: Bailiff, slap his pee-pee..."


Yeah Mr. P ... I should clerify that up a little ....


Even thought both fit ... It is Use Without Authority for the Truck, Not the Girlfriend ... :D

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Holy crap man, I'd of killed them both. Called the truck in stolen, had his car towed then played stupid, for when she cam around again. The balls of some people is truly amazing. I'm burned up just thinking about some other dude I dont know driving my truck.. Chick can be replaced feelings for the pride we take in our trucks can't.

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Yeah Mr. P ... I should clerify that up a little ....


Even thought both fit ... It is Use Without Authority for the Truck, Not the Girlfriend ...  :D

:whew: Thank God for that, I don't need to be in trouble with the law for that too. :lol: (Sorry elitesurfer, couldn't resist the joke)
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well i filed a report and basically left it blank for my buddy(hes a cop in town) to write in w.e fits the situation.. hahaha.. he also told me the **** filed a report on me for towing his car and wants me to pay for his towing... but somehow that paper work was lost at the police station idk how?? he will get it good.. as for the truck ive been thinkin how to but i cant figure out how to scrub scumb bag and whore outa my seats any help hear hahah.. his car wasnt a beater but it wasnt an ss either... she called me up today looking for more stuff that i didnt throw at her so i told her she had to go to the city dump for it haha.. i threw it all out..

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