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Steering shaft again!!!


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Back in December the dealer replaced the steering shaft because it was shaking. I believe this happened for a few guys. On left hand turns the steering wheel shakes a bit. It is doing it again.


The dealer says the fix now is to lube it. :confused: If this is true can someone give me some info on how this process is to be performed. I am not going to leave my truck at the dealer for a day just so they can grease it up.


Any help is appreciated. Pictures would be cool too.



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Mine is clunking right now too. I need to do something with it...I was thinking I remember somebody talked of drilling a hole in the outer shaft and putting a grease zerk in it so you can easily grease it whenever it clunks. I swear they should warranty something like that whenever it's a chronic problem. Stupid engineers and I've heard that the borgeson replacement isn't any better. If I decide to be a guniea pig I'll let you guys know.



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Thanks fellas, that helps. Took my 05 Colorado xtreme in last week (work truck) and the steering makes a chronic whining noise. Dealer said, Chevy knows about it, but at this point NO FIX for it. Thats Awesome. :dunno:

Thanks again


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i've had mine done twice. my truck is now at 22k miles and it's starting to clunk again. last time i had it in (about a month ago) the service advisor told me they were authorized to warranty the shafts & lube kits on these trucks up to 60k miles as long as it was shown as a pre-existing condition while you're still under warranty. hopefully, third times a charm as they're supposed to replace the shaft this time. fingers crossed. :dunno:

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chevy now tells new truck owners that it needs to be greased as part of maintainence every 10k miles. :icon_bs: I took mine out and put a grease fitting in it. It definately voided any and all warranty's on the part but it works and is better than taking it back to the dealership and letting those clowns screw with it. I'll post pics when i get to my camera at my house.

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Where would I put this zert?


I have disassembled it once and tighten the lock (bolt with L shaped bracket) on the other side so it rests against the shaft. It was good for about 2 month but the clunking came back.


Feels like the steering is about to come out. :dunno:

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I have the aftermarket shaft and it worked well for a while and was very tight but it still clunks just like before. I have thought about just installing a non slip shaft I mean why not older cars had a solid shaft. It would still have the corrigated piece down at the box for impact.

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Here is a fix that another member suggested:

Intermediate Shaft Tip



This other thread said to use a special high temp grease. Have any members tried this as a fix? The thread indicated that it had worked for other dealer repair shops. All I know is that somehow this needs to be fixed. Mine was lubed at 16k and now at 23k it has the problem again. It is most noticable with colder weather.



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How difficult is it to take appart to grease? Do you need the grease kit  from the dealer or any special tools or can you grease by hand?



I talk tp my dealer and he said chevy just released the cure for it but they arnt positive it will fivx the problem they just got the knew shaft and the service department says is isnt any better and to just keep relubing it! every 10,000 to relube thats 100 or more for labor and the 8.f0 for a packet of lube! How hard could it be to fix this problem they build thousands of trucks and thety cant fix somthing as simple as this! :mad: Its so annoying when I drive now!

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