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Truck Got Shot


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Woke up this morning to find that some low life scum bag shot the side of my truck with a paintball gun. They only shot it once, but it did damage the paint, the impact spot now has missing paint, can really see that in the last two pic's below.







The cops said that I was the only one to report this today, so it is obvious that I was being targeted. I was okay about it while talking to the cops, but got pissed as hell after I got the paint off and seen the paint damage. It fu*%ing pisses me off that I spend so much time and energy to keep my things nice till some bast#$d comes around pissed off about someone having something nicer then them, and decide to fu*k it up for that person by vandalizing their private property.

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i know what it feels like.....ive had about 10 ft long key mark down the side of my truck.....and just recently got my shit jacked. theres def. pros and cons on having something nice....blows.....

Edited by Oo p0op oO (see edit history)
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:chevy: Sorry to see the damage to your truck, no matter how small. When a man works his ass off to have something nice and some little shithead has to mess it up . THEY SUCK!!! :mad:

i know what it feels like.....ive had about 10 ft long key mark down the side of my truck.....and just recently got my shit jacked.  theres def. pros and cons on having something nice....blows.....

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I had the same thing happen last month. Luckily the wife caught it shortly after it happened and I was able to wash it off. It did leave a paint cratch where the PB hit the truck though.

Like yours, mine was the only one hit inthe neighborhood. I thought I was being targeted until I took a better look around. Many houses and street signs were hit as well...just random trouble making punks.

I was pissed but it could have been worse.

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I feel ya man...on different occasions, I've walked outside to find a fist-sized dent in the quarter panel of my Trans-Am, a cracked tailight with egg all over it, and chipped paint on the door from where someone opened their door into mine.


It sucks that we strive to keep our vehicles perfect only to have damage brought upon it by jealous f'ing people, but unfortunately, there's not a whole lot you can do aside from just fix it and keep it looking as good as you can. Those people will get theirs in the end.

Edited by csxfbird (see edit history)
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Its kills me to read things like this. I take great pride in the things that I have and to read about the things people do to your stuff really makes me mad :banghead:


I know that they will in the end get the samething happen to there stuff. I don't want to see bad things happen but sometimes they just happen.




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I just dont understand people anymore. In my area the trouble is from teens that have nothing else to do. I too looked around at houses and stop signs, and trees, but didn't see anything else that was hit and the cops said I was the only one to call in about it. The chiped up paint is all on the plastic, so I dont have to worry about rust or touching up the paint. What gets my blood boiling is the fact that people out there just dont have a care in the world about others private property. Now evertime I look at that mark I have to rember what some ass did, just like the one in my drivers door from some ass parking next to me in a parking lot and hit the side of me with there door, and I was in the very last spot no where near anyone else. I of course know they did that on purpose because they were jealous of my ride, they had a rusted out car that had different color panels all around. $##%@$^@@!$^#$%@$%!!#&$&*$!@#$

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Sorry man, I'd be pissed too. On the bright side you can take advantage of the cladding, remove the piece and have a local body shop re-shoot it, I'm sure it would be cheap; since they have the paint out you could have them also mix the black with clear and shoot a couple coats over your tail lights and 3rd brake light and then you'd have smoked tails... (just trying to be constructive)


Mr. P.

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