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Drivers's side CV joint bad?

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It seems that my drivers's side outer CV joint is bad. I am experiencing a noise that you could call a loud clicking almost a popping when I turn right. Also I swear I hear it tick every so often when I'm driving. On the way home tonight my ABS light came on a couple of times then went out. I guess I need to tear into in but my driveway is a solid sheet of ice and it's about 15 degrees outside. I guess I'll order a CV shaft so I'll have it if I need it, although I guess it could also be a hub assembly. Thanks





Edited by Bowtie70SS (see edit history)
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I had the exact same sounds last week.


Replaced the wheel bearing hub for the driver side and the problem was resolved!!

($480 later by the dealership)



Good luck. (dont get stuck by waiting for it to blow)

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Did you ever get an unexplained ABS light? That is the reason I am leaning towards the hub. Also while driving today there was an intermitant noise and I turned the wheel left and right and the noise changed to a scraping almost like a squeeler on the brake pads. Damn those hubs are expensive like $175 or so.



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Yes. ABS came on twice before the swap. (eventually cleared itself each time)

Since the wheel hub also contains the ABS sensor, it made sense.


I also heard random metal to metal sounds even when going 1-2mph.


Since I needed the truck the next day, I just had the dealership complete the work.

($321 for part# 15233113) +$170 labor.

Dealership said the hub was TOAST!!

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Well...Drivers' hub bearing was shot. I bought a take-off GM one from a local recycler for $90 out the door. It looked absolutely brand new. I didn't get home till 6:30pm and it was dark and about 30 degrees. I need to drivemy truck to work tomorrow so I put the new bearing in, took about 45 min all together. Man, I gotta get the engine back in my Monte Carlo so I can have a back up car again.



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