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I suspect something


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well man.. i had a similar incident happen to me a couple of months ago.... =-/


The sex started to drop off (didn't think anything of it), she started hanging out with her friends more, etc... Well.. come to find out.. she wasn't cheating (thankfully).. it was something that still wasn't good though. After a year and 4 months, she pulled the "Justin, i love you, but i'm not in love with you" card. :(


I do agree with everyone in saying that your gut feeling is ususally correct. (although if your in a relationship, it tends to over-react). I say you two need to definitely sit down and have a heart to heart. I don't suspect she's cheating...just possibly feeling different. Either way...if she is cheating on you... leave her and never look back. (even if you do love her). B/c once a cheater, always a cheater.


I wish you the best man! And like i said, have a talk with her. B/c it's better to get out in the open how you feel..than to have it eat away at you on the inside.

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well man.. i had a similar incident happen to me a couple of months ago.... =-/


The sex started to drop off (didn't think anything of it), she started hanging out with her friends more, etc... Well.. come to find out.. she wasn't cheating (thankfully).. it was something that still wasn't good though. After a year and 4 months, she pulled the "Justin, i love you, but i'm not in love with you" card. :(


I do agree with everyone in saying that your gut feeling is ususally correct. (although if your in a relationship, it tends to over-react). I say you two need to definitely sit down and have a heart to heart. I don't suspect she's cheating...just possibly feeling different. Either way...if she is cheating on you... leave her and never look back. (even if you do love her). B/c once a cheater, always a cheater.


I wish you the best man! And like i said, have a talk with her. B/c it's better to get out in the open how you feel..than to have it eat away at you on the inside.


about that "leave her and never look back"

That's my policy, and she knows it, if she f*cks with me just once, there will be no second chances, no sorries, no "i'll never do it again," no argument nothing, i will just simply disappear from her life and she will be dead to me.

And i DO love her, very much but as a wise man once said, "You never stop loving a person you once loved... you just learn how to live without them"

as much as it may hurt, and as much strength is it may take, that's how i am and that's the way i have to be. I've always been that way and i have only once given someone what no one has ever given me, and that's a second chance, and they just turned around and screwed me again so i only more firmly don't believe in second chances after that. The way i am is, i fly as straight as an arrow and i walk a very straight line, i only expect the same courtesy from those around but unfortunately many people don't have the substance, strength and honor to be that way.

Anyway i don't want to be jumping to conclusions but basically if i do catch something, you'll all know the verdict by the time i tell you the story.

again my greatest thanks

ES :flag:

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do what i do when that happens....throw up to the curb and start stalking pamela anderson its way more fun than stalking your gf :jester: .....haha seriously trust your gut feeling on this and you dont have to stalk but people you know can

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Unfortunatly I have to agree, If you have a gut feeling that something is wrong it probably is. I have been through it twice and have been left jaded, untrusting, sceptical, and lonely. It sucks when people are deceptive and lie. I hope this is not the case for you. I aslo live in Ft. Lauderdale (commercial near I95) if you get bad news, catch her cheating, or anything like that and you need someone to hang with to cool off call me 9542615109. Hope everything works out, got my finger crossed for you.



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Just ask her if shes cheating on you... I'm always straight foward...If your looking for sex 3-4 times a day go find a 18 yr old...



Where can I find that 18 year old? :crackup:


Where do we sign up? Do you think we can get an AARP discount?

Hell Bob, she'd give us both heart attacks :jester:

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Just ask her if shes cheating on you... I'm always straight foward...If your looking for sex 3-4 times a day go find a 18 yr old...



Where can I find that 18 year old? :crackup:


Where do we sign up? Do you think we can get an AARP discount?

Hell Bob, she'd give us both heart attacks :jester:


1st heart attack wasn't THAT bad. I might be willing to try for another with or without the AARP discount. :lol: It's been really slow lately. :cry:

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I have experienced a similar situation twice. I would recommend you sit down and have a talk with her, but as others have said make sure you dont accuse her of anything, just voice your concern. In my experience I found if the girl usually gets very defensive she probably has something to hide. I did this with two different girls- one got very defensive and then i found out she was sneaking around, not cheating but just lying, and the second talked to me for hours about my concerns, and although she was a little hurt and I was in the dog house for a day or two, in the end it made the relationship better because we were able to talk more openly with each other

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Another thing, the way you guys just tell me how it is without the sugar coating really shows me how truthful all of you are. Instead just blaming her and all, you guys have also taken critical criticism on me to show me that i could in fact be the problem here and have showed me that there are certain things that i just don't need to look so hard at when it comes to what she's doing but rather to look at myself when i get these thoughts to see if my suspicions are really legitimate. You guys are great and no words serve justice to describe my appreciation for your honesty and bluntness, nothing could be better for me right now.

:chevy: Brothers with Bowties :chevy:

ES :flag:


From a girl's point of view here, if you are suspicious, you are probably acting a little suspicious to her and believe me, that will send her further away. No one likes to be questioned about where they were and what not. If you don't have a trusting relationship, then you two need to re-evaluate things. If you're telling us that you're seeing inconsistencies in her stories, then I'll bet your questioning her more about them and that's not going to help things. You didn't really mention the inconsistencies. Did she say she was at so and so's house but you found out she wasn't? Did she say she was going to one place and then went to another. We girls do those things all the time. It's called changing our minds; it happens a lot. I wouldn't base things on a lack of sex though. Women aren't wired the same as men. Sex isn't the main thing for us (well, most of us anyway). Women are more into the closeness thing rather than the actual act. Everything becomes ordinary after a while (not necessarily bad, just familiar if you know what I mean). Not sure if this came out the way I'm trying to say it.

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