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Adult ADD

SS Silv

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Working with high school students and adult training with this obstacle first thing I reccommend, stronlgy, is write everything down. When trying to complete tasks place them in order from high to low priority. Once a task is completed check it off or draw a line across the task when it is completed. When ever you feel or see yourself drifting refer to your list and try to refocus.


This method might seem a bit petty and even frustrating at first, but if you are consistant after three weeks you will ask yourself how you ever managed without it. (Use of a planner/schduler.)


Hope this helps, if not let me now, plenty of more strategies I have utilized with others.



Thanks for the tip. I have been trying to do this, and will be trying harder at it.


If you have any other tips that you think are real effective please let me know, I am up for anything.


Edit: I just saw that this was your first post, you are off to a good start, haha.


Welcome to the site :chevy:

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I have ADD, took ritalin in grade school and junior high, Kinda hated it though... It made me a different person, friends would ask "whats wrong?" ah, nothing just took my medicine :banghead: in high school i just suffered through it and grades were affected but I made it... as far as writing crap down, I couldn't do that in a million years. Lately I've tried straterra, a new kind of med like ritalin but it made me kinda tweek out, like slamming two go fasts or somethin. I know one thing that helps me... its illegal in 50 states and makes you forget stuff, but it makes about 14 of the 17 things your thinking about at any one time go away so then i can focus on one thing... but my wife doesn't like me to use it every day. oh well

When not dazed and confused I try and do something else while doing what I'm doing, I know that sounded retarded but I'll try and explain... When talking on the phone, I have to walk around to have a decent conversation and remember what was talked after hanging up... if sitting, i get destracted by anything. At my fulltime job at the carwashes, I have to sweep the lots and I get destracted, by chics vacuuming, traffic driving by whatever, If I listen to a walkman I can focus on working while stimulating the other side of my brain... In school try drawing stuff about the lesson or something, I don't know about you but I couldn't take notes for the life of me... I'd fall asleep sitting in front helped and sketching something kinda helped out. You just have to find something to occupy half the brain while the other focuses....


Hope this helps, sorry for the long post.



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I have ADD, took ritalin in grade school and junior high, Kinda hated it though... It made me a different person, friends would ask "whats wrong?" ah, nothing just took my medicine :banghead: in high school i just suffered through it and grades were affected but I made it... as far as writing crap down, I couldn't do that in a million years. Lately I've tried straterra, a new kind of med like ritalin but it made me kinda tweek out, like slamming two go fasts or somethin. I know one thing that helps me... its illegal in 50 states and makes you forget stuff, but it makes about 14 of the 17 things your thinking about at any one time go away so then i can focus on one thing... but my wife doesn't like me to use it every day. oh well

When not dazed and confused I try and do something else while doing what I'm doing, I know that sounded retarded but I'll try and explain... When talking on the phone, I have to walk around to have a decent conversation and remember what was talked after hanging up... if sitting, i get destracted by anything. At my fulltime job at the carwashes, I have to sweep the lots and I get destracted, by chics vacuuming, traffic driving by whatever, If I listen to a walkman I can focus on working while stimulating the other side of my brain... In school try drawing stuff about the lesson or something, I don't know about you but I couldn't take notes for the life of me... I'd fall asleep sitting in front helped and sketching something kinda helped out. You just have to find something to occupy half the brain while the other focuses....


Hope this helps, sorry for the long post.






I, myself, am hyperactive. So I can concentrate on one task I must be doing multiple tasks so I can actually focus. I do not have ADD just HD-hyperactivity. From working with others who do have severe ADHD, they do need something to distract their mind in order to just focus on one thing. With the students I work with (I love the I-Pod technology, it so awesome) because these students have difficulties focusing during exams one of the reccommendations was to use the I-Pods during testing so these students can focus. I know, I know, they can download the answers-come on give me some credit. I am familiar with the programing of these beauties, I havet the program in my computer at work too, so, before any tests these student are required to hand over their I-Pods with the understanding everything in them will be deleted and a list of fifteen songs. I simply clean out their pods and download the list of songs they have on their lists. It works very well. This also encourages them to attach what they have learn to whatever music they are listening to at night. This works as an advantage for twhen the student listens to the same song/music on their Pods during exams they can recall the information accuarately for htye have associated their studies with the song-COOOL.


that's my take hope it helps




On another note, am not very thrilled with the use of medications. It works for a few but I believe skills is what serves to be more useful then quick fixes with medications and having to change them, for once the body gets used to one a switch needs to be made in oder to get functionality, and then comes the task of having to find the right dose, combinations, etc.

Edited by gin_gin (see edit history)
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Working with high school students and adult training with this obstacle first thing I reccommend, stronlgy, is write everything down. When trying to complete tasks place them in order from high to low priority. Once a task is completed check it off or draw a line across the task when it is completed. When ever you feel or see yourself drifting refer to your list and try to refocus.


This method might seem a bit petty and even frustrating at first, but if you are consistant after three weeks you will ask yourself how you ever managed without it. (Use of a planner/schduler.)


Hope this helps, if not let me now, plenty of more strategies I have utilized with others.



Thanks for the tip. I have been trying to do this, and will be trying harder at it.


If you have any other tips that you think are real effective please let me know, I am up for anything.


Edit: I just saw that this was your first post, you are off to a good start, haha.


Welcome to the site :chevy:


thanks for the welcome

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  • 1 month later...

Another thing I realized today that helps me with this, also along the lines of doing something else, is just eating sunflower seeds.... it helped me with quiting smoking too but also helps keep part of my brain occupied so I can focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. even something that simple can help me out... worth a try maybe.

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Another thing I realized today that helps me with this, also along the lines of doing something else, is just eating sunflower seeds.... it helped me with quiting smoking too but also helps keep part of my brain occupied so I can focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. even something that simple can help me out... worth a try maybe.


yea what you were saying in your original post about having to occupy yourself with 1-2 side tasks....that really really works. i know i had/have add but i guess ive gotten used to it. i didnt realized it until you said it that i do all those little side things like walking around the room when i talk on the phone or sketching in class. i pretty much always have music on too. and to SS Silv...its not easy living with it but youre not alone. hope everything works out!


oh btw...dont take medicine. i was supposed to take this stuff called dexadrine when i was in hs. i took it a few times but hated it. they banned it a year later because the suicide rate for kids taking it was really high. good thing i never took it

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