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Virgina Tech


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There was a shooting today in VA Tech. 32 students and faculty are confirmed dead. This is the worst school shooting in American History. It's sad that people my age had to die because someone has problems. Just think of how many parents lost their children today. I just think this was horrible. Please keep the students and their families in mind. I just wanted to share my feelings and condolences.

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Man this is crazy. I pray for all of the families and the friends of the victims. That is a very scary incident. I am just glad that I don't have any friends there, cause I would be a nervous wreck...I know our campus security wouldn't be able to handle a situation like this...which scares me.

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i just contacted my boy that goes to vt... the first murder in the dorm happened 10ft from his door... my boy was still passed out from the night before thank God the gunman didnt feel like going dorm room by dorm room or my boy would be in a bad situation... my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved

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the thing that i cannot believe is that there was 2 HOURS between the shootings. there was a shooting around 7 and then one around 9. when the school found out about the first one, they didnt cancel classes or anything, just told students to be careful and that they were investigating, then i guess the shooter continuted like 1/2 a mile away killing 21 more people. and apparently there were bomb threats all last week. it just shows very very poor judgement on the school, IMO.


none the less my heart and prayers go out to all the victims, the families, the professors, and everyone else involved in this tragedy.

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i just contacted my boy that goes to vt... the first murder in the dorm happened 10ft from his door... my boy was still passed out from the night before thank God the gunman didnt feel like going dorm room by dorm room or my boy would be in a bad situation... my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved
I can't imagine what was going through your head till he got ahold of you.


Terrible tragedy. Our prayers go out to the families and friends.

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Virginia schools are very old fashioned and like to sweep things under the rug when possible. Thats probably why they had such a slow response rate. I have friends who to virginia colleges and they always told me rapes, murders, etc. would go away very quietly. Can't hide 33 bodies though...


I know many would disagree, but this why gun laws are rediculous. The kid probably bought it from a swap meet or some other shaddy means, or stole it from a relatives home etc. Now just imagine if there had been someone who was carrying on campus, they might have been able to stop him. I always carried my firearm in my book bag for this very reason. Chances of anything ever happening? 1 in a million? Yes? But its the one time you wish you had it and dont because you obeyed the law and now you or someone you care about are dead.


I'm sure there will be an extensive investigation and someone is going to get fired if not go to jail for negligence in the amount of time it took to respond and secure the school. Weren't police at Columbine in minutes? Not hours? Body count should onyl be 10 or less, not 30...

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it is scary as hell. my prayers go out to everyone involved. whats scarier is that school shootings are only going to get worse before they get better. since colombine, school shootings increased like crazy and each time it seems to get worse. people really are copying these past shootings and making their own. it's getting really bad out there.

Edited by BlackSS04 (see edit history)
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