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i got a dui


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Plead not guilty, bring up everything you brought up here. You might have a chance of winning. Tell them you had adverse affects with the medicine you where taking and it made you black out and when you came too you where driving!

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keep your head up it could be alot worse....you could have woken up in jail and have a cop tell you that you hit a mini van head on and killed a family....just sayin it could be alot worse nobody was hurt.


fight it in court ive got a DUI dropped to careless driving....and careless driving dont even go on your driving record. :uhoh:

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Don't plead guilty - you need to get an attorney and have him get statements from your doctor explaining the situation with your incorrect dosage, and that it has been adjusted and that you are currently under the continuing supervision of your doctor. The matter will not even go before a judge, the DA will have you sign an informal "probation" basically a one-page contract saying the DA will indefinitely postpone all charges/allegations as long as you are out of trouble for the next 6-months plus continue regular visits/treatment/care with your doctor. The reason I know all this is because I lived through the same exact situation with my bipolar ex-wife, and the charges were aggravated assault/attempted manslaughter (her paxil dosage was way too high). Do this and you'll have to pay an attorney but at least you won't have a DUI on your record to haunt you in future job interviews or increased insurance.


Mr. P.


just reading this post you sound believeable and if you take some letter from you doctor saying that you are on persription drugs...and you might get it knocked down. But DOnt give up the fight, b/c it is not really the cort costs but your insurance rate...

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just reading this post you sound believeable and if you take some letter from you doctor saying that you are on persription drugs...and you might get it knocked down. But DOnt give up the fight, b/c it is not really the cort costs but your insurance rate...



Insurance for me with a DUI on my SS was going to be like 5700 every 6 months.... :wtf:

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Sorry 2 hear about that "desertss", and I as well am glad ur still with us! I agree with everyone here, u have to fight this one. Go see ur doctor and explain the situation, talk 2 ur attorney!!


However, all this talk about getting out of tickets and pleading "NOT GUILTY" is what I am a little bit concerned about. I mean for example if someone was caught going 80MPH in a 55MPH zone, caught street racing, or speeding 30MPH through a 15MPG school zone. Please plead GUILTY, and face what you have done!! Don't look for loop holes in the law!!! :( I'm sure just about everyone here knows what I'm trying to say here.


And sorry I didn't mean 2 "jack ur thread" desertss, just wanted to STONGLY get a point across....

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I'm not condoning avoiding paying for your own mistakes; on the contrary, I pay for my mistakes and expect others to do likewise. And what I read from his original post is that there was a legitimate medication issue that first needed to be addressed/corrected with his doctor, and that incorrect dosage may have been the major contributing factor in what happened and if so the doctor needs to make good on this deal.


Mr. P.

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I agree with everything that was said except one thing....it said his BAC was over the legal limit....those types of meds wont cause a high BAC will it?....Im all for fighting it due t your situation, but make sure about the BAC level and all that first...i would think.....good luck..glad you werent hurt

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I agree with everything that was said except one thing....it said his BAC was over the legal limit....those types of meds wont cause a high BAC will it?....

No steroids will not raise your BAC, you have to be drinking to do that - I think what he was trying to say is that the steroids put him into a state of "day walking" for 7-hr and during that time he has no recollection however it is obvious that in that timeframe he excessively consumed alcohol, a behavior that is totally out of his character and something he has no memory of doing.


Something else I would consider is getting together a class-action if this is truly what is going on with this drug.


Mr. P.

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i wish you the best of luck and hope the outcome is favorable for you


i had an incident over ten years ago now where i was falsely accused of a very serious crime....i spent 23 days in jail as i couldnt afford my bail....it was over $1M or the equivelant of a $100k bond....i subsequently pleaded not guilty and won my case but the da decided to bring more charges on me anyways....so i accepted a plea bargain at that time that included parole for 3 years and 35 days of community service. The alternative would have been to go back to court for a few more weeks and if i lost be spending 4 - 6 years in state prison. So why would I do this even though I was innocent? i just couldnt afford to miss any more days of work, pay my rent, school, etc. Had I gone back to court again and won I would have basically been homeless, jobless and my semester at school would have been history. After 3 years i had my record cleared and I have no adverse affects of that situation lingering over me today. It was worth me to plead guilty even in a situation where i was innocent.


Whatever you decide, think it through with the help of an attorney and family. Here's hoping it turns out okay for you.

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However, all this talk about getting out of tickets and pleading "NOT GUILTY" is what I am a little bit concerned about. I mean for example if someone was caught going 80MPH in a 55MPH zone, caught street racing, or speeding 30MPH through a 15MPG school zone.


Damn 15MPG in a school zone? I need to drive in those more often, the gas prices are starting to rack up !




Just plead not guilty.. insurance companies love it when they see a guilty plea for tickets/charges.. if you say not guilty and ask for a jury trial, you are more likely to get more favorable pleas to sign for. Hire and lawyer and fight it with medical reasons, and I can guarantee you that you get lesser convictions on your record that will save you time and money in the long run.


You spent this much already on this, why not just get a lawyer at this point?


At least you werent taking Anabolic Steroids.. then you would be fuct.

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Mr. P, I meant that in "desertss'" case, it would be a legitimate "NOT GUILTY" issue. However, the ideal of pleading NOT GUILTY and getting out of legal "loop holes" has come up as recent topics on this site the last couple weeks. As a result, I do not think it would be fair for others to scapegoat out of traffic tickets he/she might get- Knowing fully they were in the wrong. Does that make any better sense?


Again. Sorry I'm not trying to "jack a thread" here...

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Mr. P, I meant that in "desertss'" case, it would be a legitimate "NOT GUILTY" issue. However, the ideal of pleading NOT GUILTY and getting out of legal "loop holes" has come up as recent topics on this site the last couple weeks. As a result, I do not think it would be fair for others to scapegoat out of traffic tickets he/she might get- Knowing fully they were in the wrong. Does that make any better sense?


Again. Sorry I'm not trying to "jack a thread" here...

I'll totally agree with you again - pay for your mistakes, I have a real problem with people who try to push off their mistakes onto others.

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sorry to hear what happen to you, my wife a few/ five years ago had to take steroids for something

(can't remember right off) it was her first time taking them, one morning she took off for work (she leaves about 10/15 mins before me) so i'm going out when I see her sitting in her car in the driveway just looking at the dash, i walk up to her and say whats up, she turns to me and says I don't know how to start the car, called the dr. office and took her off the steroids and a few days later she was back to norm. SHE WILL NOT TAKE STEROIDS AGAIN

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