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Burning smell


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Need help, my 03 sss has a buring smell of some kind after I drive it for about 20min. I have not leaks, I know it is not oil burnig cause i know what that smell like. so i got no clue what it could be all my gages are reading ok. so if anyone has had this same kind of thing please let me know.

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Did you have beans and tabassco last night?

:crackup: BWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sorry, I couldnt resist.



Dame now that I think of it I did have beans and tabassco last night, tell your girl thanks for the dinner and the other thing!!


sorry but I could not resist! LOL!!!

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Not a problem dude, I'll let her know you said thanks........................ HEY NOW! HA! Yeah, I deserved it. And as far as "The Other Thing" if you can talk her into it then more power to ya, I ahve a hell of a time talking her into it. HA!


Dam, she would kick my A55 if she knew I said that.

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